How many of you make a budget and actually stick to it.


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
SW Ontario, CANADA
Maybe I wasn't clear.

First of all, hubby didn't ask me permission.. We discuss all purchases-big or small. Some are taken for granted-- as in--he drives an hour one way for work. Gas needs to be bought, and so on. And second of all, I don't begrudge him having things that make him happy. As far as hobbies are concerned, we are just wired differently.

If he wants a plane, as far as I;m concerned, he can have one. All I'm saying is I won't go into debt for one. And he agrees. Hence the reason for wanting advice on budgeting.

He's a great guy, i just wish his hobbies didn't cost so much money.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
I dont have a budget as much as I keep track of outgo. I go to every month and print out that months calendar. I write down every bill on the date its due. I spend about the same every week on gas, groceries, household items, etc. Also Ive started taking an amount of cash for "spending money" each week for things like coffee or movie rentals and thats all I have for the week. That way the little things dont add up unexpectedly because a debit card is so easy to use these days. At the end of the week I save whats left if I can. I try to pay off the larger bills at the beginning of the month in case there are surprises later on like a minor car repair or something on sale I can stock up on. For me I mostly live week to week so this is what works for me. If you can, what my boyfriend does is to have an amount automatically direct deposited from his paycheck to savings so he never see's it.

I had a thought, I remember hearing something about people who go in together on the plane thus it being like a kind of time share and no one person is out all the money. We have a small local air port, if you have something small near by maybe he would inquire about it.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Oh the bliss of a life where my biggest decision would be if my husband and I could afford a PLANE!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not making fun, girls, but it just struck me as funny!!! Buying a plane, to me, would be like someone saying they were going to buy an island, or a yacht, or a castle! I'm so far at the other end of the spectrum that I couldn't even conceive of having the money to purchase a plane! :lol: I'm struggling with having enough money to put my muffler back fell off a couple of months ago! :p :D

I am sooooo glad I don't have tough decisions like you all...makes my life seem so much easier! :cool:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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miss_thenorth said:
Maybe I wasn't clear.
Maybe not. I mainly meant that as an example of my situation, though, and how we work out discretionary purchases. Not any reflection on you. You did mention that he might resent you if this item isn't worked into the budget. (or, I thought so... without being able to scroll all the way back to the original post.)

I only know just a hand full of people who make purchases on that scale. And in every single case (not yours, mind you, just the people I know) when they are "discussing" it, it's because the item doesn't fit neatly into the budget... it's going to cause a strain on finances. My dad want's a welding truck, my uncle wants a new boat (after having whined at my aunt until he got to purchase the Porshe that he'd been mooning over for ten years,) my BIL wants a truck, my bff's husband wants an ATV.

What happens in all of these cases is that they nag and nag and nag, sometimes for years, until we just give up and say FINE GO GET IT! Cause we can't stand listening to it any more and then, two months later when we don't have money to buy groceries (or whatever) they actually have the nerve to blame us because we "said it was OK." They want this item--completely intend to get it by hook or by crook, but they don't want the responsibility of the negative consequences they know are coming to be solely on them.

These are just the people I know, of course. I don't know your husband at all.

Now, on the other hand, the other couple I know who buys big ticket items like that, they have plenty of money and they don't negotiate who gets what. If papa wants a new tractor, he just goes to get one. His wife would think he'd gone off his rocker if he came to her to talk about it. And if mama wants to spend several thousand dollars on a trip with her sister and granddaughter, she just does it. (both of these things happened just recently, btw) They aren't rolling in money by any means, but they can afford to indulge themselves like that.

I model myself after people whose accomplishments I admire, so I do like that couple does, except on a 1/4 scale, because I figure they make about 4 times as much money as me & DH do. :D So, when we want something, either it is in the budget and we can get it without all the gnashing and nail biting, or it's not in the budget and why are we talking about it?



Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Upper Peninsula, MI
miss_thenorth said:
I know... I am just wallowing in my misery/misfortune. this might be a blessing in disguise. We need to set a budget. I have wanted to do it before, but hubby wasn't on board. maybe with something motivating him, we will finally be able to set one, and maybe even stick to it.

he will always have his toys/hobbies,and I can't tell him what to do. But I cand tell him what we can afford. Maybe if his desires are to budget, (for a plane), then we will budget and hopefully be better for it. Just need to make a realistic one, and then get him to stick with it.

And ifwe start budgeting effectively, maybe he can see what else we can do, with a budget.
I agree!!!!! And if you start immediately instead of uhhem "wallowing" lol, then it will be started and dealt with that much sooner. (please dont take offense, I dont mean to offend, I was only using your own words, lol)


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 16, 2008
Reaction score
This is a hard situation for you but it may be a "project" you can both figure out together. The goal is to make $35,000 as fast as possible.

Figure out what skills you have either together or alone. If there are odd jobs you guys can do in your spare time together or alone you have won half the battle.

I can think of many ways to make quick bucks if I need them. A second job for both of you while you save for the plane would be a good start. You have to both be on board and it will be interesting to see how fast you can come up with the money.

If he isn't interested in doing this project then do what patandchickens said. Have him figure out a way to budget it in. He may be enlightened by what he finds in the household expenses.

Another thing, you said his friend owns the plane. Will his friend be willing to take payments from you guys?

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