Power Conserver
I use family cloth for the kids and I also, DH is so not on board. lol. We use a little trash can that has a lid, but we have to make sure to let our overnight guests (friends visit often and sometimes bring new friends) that the can with the lid is NOT a garbage can. haha.
I probably never would have used family cloth, but since we cloth diapered both of the kids, we had a ton of cloth wipes left over. Also wiping a kiddos dirty bottom with paper TP is downright NASTY. When they do it themselves, they use enough to clog the toilet since they have not learned how to wipe efficiently yet. So cloth wipes were the better option by far! We even travel and camp with them. Just put the dirtys into a wet bag (a waterproof zippered cloth bag) and wash when you get home.
I have had an IUD in for the last 5 years, but I had it taken out the month before last, so for the first time in 8 years I experienced my regular flow again. It was drastically reduced and lasted 9-14 days with the IUD instead of the 5 days I just experienced. Yay!! I wonder if it has to do with me not using tampons or sposie pads in so long. hmmm!
I also use cloth mama pads and I just throw them in with the family cloth for wash day. No soaking or anything. But I did just purchase a Diva cup (26.00 from and I really hope it works well for me because a cloth pad would look REALLY funny with a bathing suit in the summer.
I'm new here, but I really love it so far!!
I probably never would have used family cloth, but since we cloth diapered both of the kids, we had a ton of cloth wipes left over. Also wiping a kiddos dirty bottom with paper TP is downright NASTY. When they do it themselves, they use enough to clog the toilet since they have not learned how to wipe efficiently yet. So cloth wipes were the better option by far! We even travel and camp with them. Just put the dirtys into a wet bag (a waterproof zippered cloth bag) and wash when you get home.
I have had an IUD in for the last 5 years, but I had it taken out the month before last, so for the first time in 8 years I experienced my regular flow again. It was drastically reduced and lasted 9-14 days with the IUD instead of the 5 days I just experienced. Yay!! I wonder if it has to do with me not using tampons or sposie pads in so long. hmmm!
I also use cloth mama pads and I just throw them in with the family cloth for wash day. No soaking or anything. But I did just purchase a Diva cup (26.00 from and I really hope it works well for me because a cloth pad would look REALLY funny with a bathing suit in the summer.

I'm new here, but I really love it so far!!