Almost Self-Reliant
Bubblingbrooks, I'm with ya on the whole thing with mainstream "gal care" stuff implying or flat out stating that anything period-related is icky and dirty, and it drives me bananas.
I don't make the cloth pads because I can't stand the bulk, but I love that homemade design, it's cute!
Why can't pads be cute, after all?
I got my Diva cup around a year ago, when I started thinking about what exactly goes into making tampons. I mean, the bleaching process alone has to leave lots of nasty resides in the material. And we're stuffing it next to an extremely porous membrane for a week every month!
I think the cloth TP is a leetle too far for us, though.
I don't make the cloth pads because I can't stand the bulk, but I love that homemade design, it's cute!
Why can't pads be cute, after all?

I got my Diva cup around a year ago, when I started thinking about what exactly goes into making tampons. I mean, the bleaching process alone has to leave lots of nasty resides in the material. And we're stuffing it next to an extremely porous membrane for a week every month!

I think the cloth TP is a leetle too far for us, though.