How many use and appreciate.......


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
Prattville, Alabama
Warthog, the Diva cup is basically exactly what the slightly ominous name says :p
It's a small silicone cup that you wear internally. I adore mine. Changing it is not for the squeamish, but none of us are squeamish.

Miss_thenorth, I'm not sure about the younger girls being able to use it. Without being too gross, I think it would depend a lot on one's individual anatomy, and, comfortable she would be with herself. You've gotta spend some time poking around to get it right at first :lol:
Until I got the hang of using it, I frequently would position it wrong. Now that I'm more familiar with it, it takes five seconds to get it in place.
There are many different types and sizes.
This lj community is the coolest resource for cup stuff:


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
I'm interested in these, but do have a couple questions. Does it still allow for normal movement and activity? I'm a really active person, and not a fan of being slowed down. :p

Also, what about the fit issue? I know women can be very unique in terms of cervix placement... how do you know what will fit? I don't want to drop 30 some bucks if I can't use what I buy. :/ What did you do?

buckeye lady

Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Northeast Ohio
Now ya'll have got me interested in thsoe Sposies. I checked etsy and like 800+ people are selling them. Do any of you gals make them and sell them?
Family cloth-Hmmmmm.....I'm gonna think awhile on this one. Makes sense for urine. What kind of cloth works best?

I can just imagine the diva cup at my house, It would go something like this-"Honey have you seen my lady cup it was in that floral pouch in the bathroom cupboard" "do you mean that pink thing I used to make a new float for my carbeurator?"

urban dreamer

I wanna farm
Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
Sherwood, Arkansas
Wildsky said:
urban dreamer said:
OOoooohhhh. OK. I get it now. Its actually very cleaver. I just might make some. I only have the "monthly issue" every three months. And when I do, it last for three weeks! I need a new sewing machine, but Im pretty good at hand sewing too. Something to think about. :)
Is that odd cycle because of Birth control?

I'd be worried about that.
Nope. Its normal for the type of birth control Im on. I've only been on it for 8 months or so. It stops your cycle while the drug is in your system. But by the time you need to get the shot again, the level had dropped to the point that you may or may not menstrate. It last about three weeks for me and even during that time I am 99.9% protected. Its hard for me to use disposable pads because the flow I do get is so light, it never gets on the pad. I don't want to go around without any protection but I hate wasting the thin pads for three weeks. The reusable ones really interest me. And I have to be on birth control while I live with my significant other's mother (her rules). Im sure they won't notice if a couple of old washcloths go missing... ;)

Thanks for the concern though! :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
Prattville, Alabama
TLTL, I have not found any problems with it and being active. I've done some very strenuous hiking with it in, and had no problems. Once it's placed, I can't feel it.
I don't swim with it in, because I have an irrational fear of sharks, even in freshwater, but that's unrelated to fit :lol:
As far as the fit, it doesn't actually work like you'd think at first glance. I wondered that same thing when I was buying mine. It doesn't sit right directly on top of the cervix. It actually sits lower, closer to the outside, and forms a suctiony seal about midway up. Your muscles in their resting state kind of hold everything where it should go. Then when you take it out, you just give it a squeeze and pop the seal.

Also, I'm sure there are some men lurking in here, I'm sure you're staring at your computers in horror, and you guys totally just got what you deserved :plbb


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
I've used cloth when we've ran out of tp. Nothing different than washing a kid's accident undies. Rinse & toss in the wash as normal. Whats even better, a wet cloth cleans off more than a dry one. Try wetting TP :lol:

Now on the female cloths, I have to say I'm a huge fan. It took a little while to accept the idea, so I started with soft bathcloths. Now I use flannel, like many others. I don't sew much or well, so I cut large squares & fold them to fit my undies.

Used to be, I would spend a full day in bed, with a heating pad, on a pain killer, alternatively sweating, freezing & throwing up. Almost flu-like symptoms. But nothing at all was wrong with me, according to the physician. Since cleaning up my diet & switching from the chemical filled hygine products, I'm normal :woot I get a little moody, a little cramping, but I can still function. And its shorter, too.