How many writers do we have here?


Power Conserver
Sep 12, 2008
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Joel_BC said:
TheMartianChick said:
It is fairly easy to self publish with Amazon and if you decide that you don't want to release the book officially or publicize it, you can just leave it in a PROOF stage and order a few copies for friends and relatives. At that point, it is still a physical book with a cover and everything.
It's an appealing option, TMC. A friend of mine just recently did one with Amazon - a book of photographs.

When considering this option, my feeling is that what's maybe lacking in the Amazon DIY book is what publishers conventionally offer: an independent editing input, really professional cover design, advertising/promotion, and widespread distribution (i.e., to bookstores).

One thing I've wondered is whether the book you make this way, via Amazon, can be used as a neat-and-tidy offering to a publisher - a nice-to-look-at "first-draft" format, from the publisher's point of view. (Even if you've re-drafted the text five times before you commit it to the Amazonn process.)
If you don't have editing skills, there is an entire community of folks in their forum section that might be able to help or someone you know can perform that function. I live in a college town so there are plenty of English majors around. In my case, the book was finished. I designed the cover myself in Microsoft Picture It, though I could have used Publisher or some other software. I'm not a graphic artist, but I knew what I wanted. My biggest problem with the cover design was that I couldn't seem to size the pdf file correctly. After ignoring the problem and then struggling with it for a bit, I finally asked for help on the forum. One guy told me exactly what I needed to do, but it didn't seem to work for me, so I paid him $20 via Paypal to do it for me and forwarded all of the loose cover components and a wrong-sized pdf to show him what I was looking for. He sent it back in a very short period of time and Amazon accepted the file.

From what I've learned, major publisher's don't necessarily put a lot of advertising emphasis behind the books that they publish. Instead, they sort of select a certain number of winners that they expect to do well and promote those heavily. Amazon does offer an option that requires a $40 investment by the author. This option makes your book available to libraries, schools, bookstores, etc... There are a few things that you can do to promote a book because the publishing industry is changing. It is no longer the stuffy world that it once was.

Several years ago, I did a piece of fanfiction on the CBS website based on the tv show Jericho. It was quite popular and people used to send me pm's asking me to post another chapter. That was really my first attempt at writing fiction and successive chapters. If I had written a book back then, it would have been the perfect opportunity to market it to others that already enjoyed my writing style. Unfortunately for me, I only just released my first novel and have no access to those prior fans! (The business consultant and marketer in me cringes at the fact that I missed a great opportunity!)


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 21, 2011
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Western Canada
Just thought I'd bump this, since I believe we have some emerging published writers among us these days.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Thanks, Joel :)
BarredBuff said:
I'd like to one day. I'd like to write a book on SS stuff :D
I posted this in the early the thread. Half of this has come true. Back earlier in the Fall, I sent a manuscript into Backwoods Home Magazine, called "Using Broody Biddies" I did this because I have always wanted to be published since I started getting the magazine a few years ago. I did it thinking it would be turned down, not good enough, etc. I was wrong. A few weeks later I got a letter from the Magazine saying that they had accepted it and following the return of my contract, would send me a check for 130$. I was ecstatic. :D Since then I have completed a manuscript and sent it to Back Home Magazine in North Carolina, I am awaiting a reply of some sorts from them. Hopefully they will accept it. I am also finishing a manuscript to send into Backwoods Home sometime this week. Last week I got an email from Backwoods Home saying that they would like me to be interviewed on their radio show, and then they needed a Bio and the whole I am 16 thing came up and they thought it was great :D So I am really excited about this......


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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The January/February Issue (#139) was sent to me today if ya'll subscribe it is "Broody biddies make sense on the homestead"

:woot :woot


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Western Canada
BarredBuff said:
The January/February Issue (#139) was sent to me today if ya'll subscribe it is "Broody biddies make sense on the homestead"

:woot :woot
Congratulations, buddy!!

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