How to meet single like-minded individuals?


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
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Hmmm, I have 2 single brothers. One recently divorced after 25 years.
The other has been engaged several times but seemingly enjoys the George Clooney style of relationshipping.
Divorced bro is thinking other bro is onto something. :/


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 2, 2009
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Wolf-Kim said:
I've been looking around some hobby clubs.

I think the poultry clubs are a good place. Because many people that have chickens, also venture into gardening and other hobbies. I tell mom to join some groups, but I always get the 'I don't have that kind of time.' Still working on getting her to join some groups.
This would be my worry more than a good man, I think. If she isn't interested in doing new things or meeting new people, that's an even bigger problem! Unless she already does a lot/has a lot on her plate. Otherwise, I think I'd look at this first.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Most folks seem to find their good mates purely by accident, happenstance and fate.....or could that all be the same thing? Not sure.... :p

I'm with the other single chicks.....I just can't imagine giving up my routines, or lack thereof, and my peace of mind, which has been dearly won over many years, to deal with a man.

He would have to be 24 kt. gold in every aspect before I would even give a second I've grown into my mature self, I have come to realize that I am a formidable woman and no mere mortal can be my equal.... :D :cool:

Plus I have run out of patience...... :lol:


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 17, 2009
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Fayetteville, NC
Thanks guys, I definately won't "push" anything, because of course it would come back to bite me in the behind. :p

There were a couple of gentlemen at work that mom liked, but they were already called for either by a girlfriend or a wife. Not that the one with a girlfriend is completely claimed, mom won't make a move until they're single.

Then there was a guy that was married and asked mom out... She declined, hence the search for 'singles'

I'll leave her to it.


Enjoys Recycling
Dec 13, 2009
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Southern California
delia_peterson said:
hikerchick said:
I kind of agree with Bee and Delia - I think I want someone in my life but whenever I do start to date someone, I resent having to make time for him. And, I am not about to change for anyone. Last guy I dated wanted me to get rid of my livestock, and to stop letting my dog sleep on the couch- which he had been doing for 9 years.

The goats and the dog prevailed.

For a long time I had my eye on this guy at work. I had been divorced for about two years and I was extremely shy. This guy was tall, dark and handsome. Ummmm..Then one day he notices me. :th Im figuring that maybe he ran out of other options. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I was breathless. :love I agreed to have a dinner date with him and so off I went. As any woman can tell you, and for those of you guys reading this, pay attention! :smack

As any woman can tell youI had to listen to him tell me how wonderful he was, how accomplished he was, and how successful he was.blah..blah..blah. I swear, I almost fell asleep .....into my margarita. :frow

However, I persevered and kept my eyes wide and know the flap, flap of the delicate eyelash thing. :/ Then as it got latehe finally asked about meta da!:weee

I by this time after my divorce, I had gotten over the that phase of anger, the resentment, the hate and the planned execution of ones ex-husband, and in dulcet tones I mentioned in passing my two dogs. :celebrate

Well..he went off on a tangent about having any animals in general. :ep I didnt think he would ever shut up. I, having never before having to stand up to the male- dominance thing, I let sleeping dogs lay or is it lie? :rolleyes:

For some reason the dinner date was cut short and I heaved a sigh of relief or did I just heave :sick I cant remember.

Anyway, for the next few days this guy is bugging me at work for another date. Needless to say, I came down with some terrible disease and he was never heard from again. :woot


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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How tragic Ladyhawke.
I see you have recovered though! ;)

I don't know about the set of test questions..
At least not like 2Dream's friend. Immediate no if they are between jobs?! Everyone can have job trouble!


Jul 12, 2008
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Nebraska Sandhills
Beekissed said:
Most folks seem to find their good mates purely by accident, happenstance and fate.....or could that all be the same thing? Not sure.... :p
I met my hubby almost 14 years ago, I was bored on a Friday night and went with a friend of mine to her indoor soccer game. My future DH was the goalie on her team.... :D
(my friend still can't believe we got married and had kids and are still going strong, she thinks its hillarious)


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 15, 2008
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Like some of the other single ladies here, I'm kinda torn. I love having the house to myself & doing what I want to.
Then again, working from home is wonderful, but some days the only (vocal) conversation I have is with the cats......"Don't eat that" "Stop fighting you two." "Get off the counter."
and the chickens ......"Don't eat that" "Stop fighting you guys." "Get off the waterer." It'd be nice to have some company.

It's also a bit harder to meet people when you move. Up north in the city I was considered a little quirky. Down here in rural south, I'm considered crazy & not very bright. My neighbors down here found out I'm vegetarian & they've been waiting for me to die of starvation ever since. Add to that rescuing poultry, keeping the garden going in December (everything gets covered with sheets at night), doing my own construction, not having kids and talking way too fast.

Just for fun: Every year my neighbor (farmer all his life) comes to inspect my garden.
Typical conversation:
Him: "What's that?"
Me: (Name some kind of vegetable never he's never seen before)
Him: "What do you do with it?"
Me: (Some method of cooking/using plant)
He grabs one & tastes it.
Me:"Don't eat that!"

So far he's bitten raw parsnips, rutabaga, sugar beets, shallots, garbanzos & broom corn. :p

bibliophile birds

Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 18, 2009
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Great Smoky Mtns, Tennessee
Quail_Antwerp said:
My mom took out a personal ad....she was very picky, said he must be willing to be a hands on dad, be a Christian, and some other stuff....
sheesh, i think i'd settle for a guy that would pay for a movie and then not bore me to tears talking about his drunken frat reunions...

like many of the other single ladies, i'm mostly very content to be single. i like that i can live the way i want without needing to accommodate another person. but sometimes i really really really want an interesting man to take me to the movies. apparently, though, there are no guys between the ages of 25 and 35 in my area that can fill that position without being completely self-absorbed or completely annoying, usually both.

since i was about 16 i knew i wanted to have kids but i was never sure about wanting a husband... seems like too much trouble to find one that won't make me crazy. for now, i'm borrowing my 3 month old niece whenever my biological clock ticks particularly loud. it doesn't seem to be helping all that much, though...

the last blind date i went on was going really well until he asked me what bands i liked (i'm not really "into" music). the only ones i could think of were "oldies" which, being 28 and Cuban, he had never heard of. i politely asked what his favorite bands were and then had to suffer through about an hour long dissertation on the merits of Metallica. that was more than enough to end my interest in blind dates for the next probably 15 years.


Survival Chef
Jul 21, 2009
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In the old Mars and Venus books, the author explained that men consider the first few dates to be something along the lines of a job interview, so they talk about themselves ad nauseum. Now, that's nice to know and it explains a lot, but once again it ends up being the woman who makes the effort to understand the behavior and make allowances for it. I wish that the men would realize that we would prefer that they show a somewhat equal interest in who we are and what we like and don't like.

Before I decided that I prefer unmedicated oral surgery to dating, I sat through seven long years of learning everything there is to know about GI Joe, and because I was understanding and made allowances...I ended up getting action figures for every birthday, Christmas, and even Valentine's Day (complete with clearance sticker). And it's not like I didn't stand up for myself, it's just that I waited too long and he wasn't listening. I mean, there was too much to say about Action man v Joe, and Adventure Team v Fuzz heads.

Blech. Now I am nauseated.