How's your harvest coming?

old fashioned

Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 10, 2009
Reaction score
Tacoma, Wa
Since there are so many other threads about 'what did you freeze, can or dehydrate today?' I thought I'd start one about our harvests.
Last years garden harvest was minimal to say the least since we didn't really get any summer to speak of and this year has been slow in coming, but I think it's finally warming up here in the PNW...should be near 90 by this weekend.

So far this year I've managed to harvest enough for eating but not enough yet to freeze or can...

1 head of cauliflower (only 4 starts were planted, the other 3 got bug attacked)
1 head of cabbage (with several more coming)
a few heads of broccoli before it all bolted to seed (gonna have tons of seed)
a few pickings of shellling & sugar snap peas that some critter didn't get a hold of...not sure if I'm gonna get any for seed :he
lots of onions & still have a few in ground
3 or 4 hills of potatoes....mostly small boiler sized with a few bakers.....still have lots in ground to harvest as needed
1 small green far with more to come
several zuchinni of various sizes :/
got my first picking of green beans last night and the plants are overloaded with more coming in a few days and flowers :ep
and best of all.....2 golfball sized tomatoes.....Early girl variety that I probably won't grow again, but atleast I finally got a home grown mater :bun (last year I didn't get ANY eating tomatoes :hit )

So how is everyone's harvests coming along?


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
I got a gorgeous eggplant, a few cherry tomatoes, a pepper, a couple zucchini and a few squash blossoms. More seems to be coming but it's all taking it's sweet time.

I did get 10 bulbs of garlic. That makes me happy.

Note: that's from my summer planting. I also had a spring planting and got plenty of chard and kale and radishes and lettuces.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I have extremely downsized this year due to my health, so no 1/2 acre harvest for me. :/

I still have gotten some things out of my mostly container and front yard garden however. :)

Sweet banana peppers have been plentiful with other varieties like poblano and habanero coming on but only slowly. I have gotten three cuttings off of my broccoli so far, harvested quite a few beets for beet pickles and beet greens, as well as a good double fistful of onions that were interplanted with my roses! :lol:

I tried a new cherry tomato this year called a Juliet, that resembles a small roma paste type tomato. They have been excellent! My heritage tomatoes are just putting along, but at least enough for some slicers from them. I planted a container with pak choy that turned out great, and also harvested several containers of radishes, spinach and lettuce. Herbs are growing nicely. I actually grew an artichoke, but waited too long to cut it. :( Chard turned out well.

Fava beans were a flop and so was the kohlrabi, fennel got burned up in the heat and potatoes had troubles with my dog.

Now I have some green beans, bush pintos and okra planted in addition to the spring stuff. The okra has just started producing well.

Like every year there are some successes and some failures, but over all a decent year.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I started with direct seeding in March. I have had a great harvest so far. Most of my plantings are 4 ft square. Some like my bells get a whole 4 x 8 ft box. I am really trying to plant in succession this year.

3 plantings of carrots come and gone. 4th almost ready.
bush beans come and gone.
pickle cuc's come and gone. Produced well enough for 24 pints dill chips, 2 quarts whole for ds and a bucket for the chickens.
Slicing cuc's planted 3 times with no luck. I finally picked up a couple English Cuc plants form the store. They grew like gangbusters and are producing 18 inch long cucs.
Pole beans still chugging along strong. 2 planting about to produce, 3rd just sprouting.
Beets come and gone fall crop in.
Onions 4 ft square, ok harvest.
Italian and regular eggplant.
Riesentraube tomatoes everywhere. Larger ones not so good.
The star of the garden this year is my butternut. Still growing with probably 12 tanning up nicely.
lettuces and spinach were great in the early spring. Not so now. Maybe fall will be nice.
corn on the stalk, not sure how it's going.
There are a couple watermelon out there but I think a gopher got the vine.
potatoes. 1 plant 5 taters.
bell peppers, including chocolate, Ca Wonder a couple yellow and red from the store are all doing well and producing. I actually think I may have accidentally crossed my chocolate bell with my Ca Wonders last year. I have some big round peppers turning chocolate color.

I think that's it.


old fashioned

Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 10, 2009
Reaction score
Tacoma, Wa
wow, that's awesome! Sounds like gardens are doing well over all. Yeah I forgot about lettuce, spinach & radishes. We've had several pickings of these. Then I let the romaine lettuce and radishes bolt to seed. I really need to get an area cleaned out/weeded so I can plant for fall, I just haven't got to it yet.



Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 28, 2009
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central wa
Gee Tank, Iam so jealous,

Sound CA is the pleace for gardening this year!:celebrate

things here have not been to good:

got a few zukes

a few yellow summer squash

couple pickings of green beans

spinach and lettuce

corn on stalk still

pumpkins still green as is all winter squash

tomatoes just starting to colorer up

carrots coming along as are the parsnips

getting a few pappers of differnt varieties

don't think we will get enough of anything for canning, so it will be off to the fruit stands for toms at least, got to have our spagetti sauce and salsa

Hope everyones else is having better luck. Next year we will be starting in a green house and making more bed,so we can process our own veggies..


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2011
Reaction score
I hate snails. MUST KILL SNAILS. :rant Tomatoes were mostly ok. onions were a little weird. First did nothing, then got crazy. Corn stopped growing at 3ft and developed ears, God knows why. Red and white cabbage are doing good but I must eliminate the SNAILS. Roosters are getting big and fat so thats a bit of an accomplishment at least.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 29, 2009
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Southern Ohio
our harvest stunk BIG time this year...

the spinach lettuce broccoli and cabbage the wild rabbits ate... we did get a decent batch of onions though

we replanted the onions and lettuce with some carrots and this time the rabbits dug it all up the whole raised bed... so nothing with the 2nd planting... and I refuse to replant again...

the tomatoes have had bugs... birds... rabbits and wild turkey munching on them this year... we never had this problem last year because the bed are only a few feet from the house... never dreamed wild turkeys would come this close but they have... so we have only gotten a few small bowls of tomatoes (should have had a huge harvest...)

we have gotten a few bell peppers but they are really small... (like almost the size of cherry peppers... LOL) so not sure what happened there...

I tried to grow a batch of wheat and the birds ate it ALL...

so I finally broke down and went to a produce auction and bought our summer veggies and enough to can and freeze... :hit


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I do have a big variety but this is my yard. So not huge quantities. I have been getting my boxes of tomatoes at the local farm stand. Adding in what I produce in the garden.

I think after hearing about the frosts and weather issues you all have I am feeling guilty not to produce all year. One thing about our weather, it's cool this year. Knock on wood. So I have not been forced out of the garden yet. Usually late Aug, early Sept we hit 110. This year we have consistent high 70's.

Weird weather.



Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Well, because of my foot surgery, we didn't get the garden in until late. The green beans, ( KY wonders) are just coming on, I have picked 4 pints so far. Tomatoes are HUGH, not red yet....cucumbers are going crazy, I have given away lots and lots!! Onions did well...Brussels sprouts are trying....beets were minimal...maybe 10 pints total, Lima beans are still trying...blooming now....and the sweet potatoes are going NUTTSO, on the top, not sure yet what is going on under there. Hoping for a good harvest. Green, yellow, and orange peppers...just starting to get big. I have picked 4 green peppers off of 3 plants. I had to buy corn...didn't have time to get it in this year....So, we wont starve...but we will have to be lean on the menu. No big dinners hosted here. We didn't get pigs...and right now, not looking good to get meat chickens. Lean pickins this year.

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