old fashioned
Almost Self-Reliant
Since there are so many other threads about 'what did you freeze, can or dehydrate today?' I thought I'd start one about our harvests.
Last years garden harvest was minimal to say the least since we didn't really get any summer to speak of and this year has been slow in coming, but I think it's finally warming up here in the PNW...should be near 90 by this weekend.
So far this year I've managed to harvest enough for eating but not enough yet to freeze or can...
1 head of cauliflower (only 4 starts were planted, the other 3 got bug attacked)
1 head of cabbage (with several more coming)
a few heads of broccoli before it all bolted to seed (gonna have tons of seed)
a few pickings of shellling & sugar snap peas that some critter didn't get a hold of...not sure if I'm gonna get any for seed
lots of onions & still have a few in ground
3 or 4 hills of potatoes....mostly small boiler sized with a few bakers.....still have lots in ground to harvest as needed
1 small green pepper...so far with more to come
several zuchinni of various sizes :/
got my first picking of green beans last night and the plants are overloaded with more coming in a few days and flowers
and best of all.....2 golfball sized tomatoes.....Early girl variety that I probably won't grow again, but atleast I finally got a home grown mater :bun (last year I didn't get ANY eating tomatoes )
So how is everyone's harvests coming along?
Last years garden harvest was minimal to say the least since we didn't really get any summer to speak of and this year has been slow in coming, but I think it's finally warming up here in the PNW...should be near 90 by this weekend.
So far this year I've managed to harvest enough for eating but not enough yet to freeze or can...
1 head of cauliflower (only 4 starts were planted, the other 3 got bug attacked)
1 head of cabbage (with several more coming)
a few heads of broccoli before it all bolted to seed (gonna have tons of seed)
a few pickings of shellling & sugar snap peas that some critter didn't get a hold of...not sure if I'm gonna get any for seed
lots of onions & still have a few in ground
3 or 4 hills of potatoes....mostly small boiler sized with a few bakers.....still have lots in ground to harvest as needed
1 small green pepper...so far with more to come
several zuchinni of various sizes :/
got my first picking of green beans last night and the plants are overloaded with more coming in a few days and flowers
and best of all.....2 golfball sized tomatoes.....Early girl variety that I probably won't grow again, but atleast I finally got a home grown mater :bun (last year I didn't get ANY eating tomatoes )
So how is everyone's harvests coming along?