hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's supposed to warm up over the weekend, but then they're calling for rain on Monday. And I had hoped to be able to ride my bike then. :(


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yeah, Deb, it's kinda strange weather!
FEM, thanks. I didn't end up making the bread because I'm not completely sure if the bread maker is working still. I guess the only way to know is to try it.
Yesterday was a strange day. I headed to work to install the Antivirus like I was supposed to, got there and got started and couldn't figure out which version to load so I checked in with the IT guy only to find out that when it is installed on the server it will then be installed on all the machines on the network. So I came into the office for nothing. I managed to eek 2 hours of work out of it, which was helpful, but I wasted 2 gallons of gas in the process.
The good news is that it allowed me to get other things done with a lot less pressure. I stopped and got the amazon gift card and a card for my riding instructor, plus a couple other cards. I headed home and got shucked into reading an article for way too long then ate lunch, then cleaned a bit. I ran to get the framed picture, it looks fabulous, and then stopped by the creamery on the way home. Got home and took a shower and cleaned the tub whole I was in it. When the bf got home we put out a hay bale and then went and grabbed dinner since he didn't feel like cooking after wrestling with that. I guess it was productive, it was just a strange day.
I have quite a few things to get done today before I have to leave to get my instructor. It's going to be cold today which stinks for sending outside for 5 hours watching lessons. It will be a cold start to the morning tomorrow for my lesson at 7:30 too! Argh!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hope you were able to get out of the wind at times.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Well, the afternoon lessons were in an arena, so that helped a lot. It was still COLD... we were FREEZING by the time we were done at 8. We had been out there since 2:30! It wasn't windy that evening, so that was good. Saturday morning it was 13 when I got up for my lesson! I layered up again, and we braved the cold and I had a good lesson. We tried several different bits, so I now have something to work with again, which made me happy.
We had lunch and gave her the picture, which she loved. She was so surprised. That made me happy.
After we finished lunch, the BF and I headed over to his house so he could borrow his dad's tools to get the plate that we had for the bobcat set up to use the bale spikes. That took way longer than I wanted it to standing outside in the cold again. I realized in the past 24 hours I had been cold more than I had been warm. That didn't make me very happy!
We finally finished up and headed home. I ate leftover chili and we watched a recorded episode of Somebody's Gotta Do It that the BF's mom made for us, and the BF fell asleep.
We crashed and the then I got up in the morning and did the chores around the barn while the BF ran over and took care of the other horses since my friends are out of town. I wanted to be at the farm because we were going to turn out the new horse that arrived late Saturday evening. I didn't want to risk putting him in with the herd in the dark, so he hung out in the paddock overnight, and was quite calm. We got everyone fed, and turned him out, and there was some chasing, but that was about it. It was fairly uneventful as far as those things go.
I finished the chores and walked the dogs, and about that time the BF got back home. He decided to wash his hard top for his jeep and get that put on, and I got the little fig tree planted. I hope it lives where we put it because we hit a layer of stone dust and gravel for some reason. I have no idea why there would be stone dust and gravel there, but oh well. I was feeling rather stressed, and we ended up spending some time talking and then got in the shower before we had to be at his aunt's house for early thanksgiving dinner for his dad's side of the family. His brother MK came up to ride with us because his parents were taking way too long. They arrived over an hour after we did and we were technically an hour and a half late. Oh well, it was fine. I enjoyed hanging out with his aunt and then his mom and another family member. I got to spend some good time with some of his cousins and we found that we are both moving towards a more natural way of eating, and so we are hoping to do dinner some time soon. We left way later than we wanted and had to swing by to take care of my friend's horses before we headed back home. Thankfully the dogs were good considering they didn't get their dinner time outdoor break. We crashed right after that. I didn't sleep super good because it was so warm and the wind was blowing like crazy and raining a lot.
The horses were snotty this morning because the new horse was there, and they haven't settled in yet. Well, mostly Grace was snotty, of course. Storm was pretty much fine.
I'm in the office today, and I have to figure out when/how I'm going to swing by the other two locations to get some software loaded. Tuesday I have set up a call with the gal I am partnered with to do a practice animal communication call again. Wednesday afternoon we'll have our class call. In between then I need to majorly clean the house. I'd like to decorate this weekend, and so its going to take a bit of cleaning to get things neat enough to be able to decorate. The house is dusty from the pellets, and I need to mop the floor again (ugh!). The clutter has GOT to get put away. There is junk everywhere and it is driving me nuts! I suppose I should also figure out meals for the week and go to the store. I have ground beef thawed to be able to make tacos tonight, but after that I'm not sure! Too much to do, too little time...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I wanna decorate on next Monday, but have a ton of stuff I need to do first as well.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
At least ya'll are planning on decorating! These days I don't do much unless the grandkids are coming. It's just something else I have to put away... Hmmm... makes me sound like a scrooge...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I know a lot of people like that. And I can understand the reasoning behind it. Of course, that doesn't make you any less of a scrooge. :plbb (J/K there are times when I don't feel like doing it either)


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
The bf doesn't really like it. I enjoy it, though the stress over the cost of Christmas is also hard, so I end up being a bit depressed through the season.
They are now saying 8-12" tomorrow! :ep WTH?!
So now I'm going to try to get all the running done today so I can stay in tomorrow and clean. It's warmer today still so it won't be terribly unconfirmed out there trying to get ready. I have to go to the other two locations for a while, then I need to stop at target and the grocery store. Around here I need to get the rain barrels put away into some kind of cover, and make sure everything is secured and neat. I'll get out my snow brush for the truck and the shovel for the porch. The bf will probably be excited to use the snow blower that we got in trade for some manure. Best trade I've ever made!
So I'd better get moving so I can get chores done before I head out to the offices and errands. I should probably finish my shipping list too...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
OMG - 8 - 12 inches is just UGH!

I know what you mean about all the spending. I'll be generous with the grandkids, but with my grown kids it'll be different. I don't want them spending money on me and I really don't plan to spend much on them. There I go again....

Scrooge - signing off!


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
Reaction score
last Christmas was my first one in my new little house and though being here by myself didn't feel real falala i forced myself to decorate and was glad i did. we or i should say part of my sisters decided we wouldn't buy each other gifts and that made it more of a bummer. this year I'm going to decorate again and i have already told my sister scrooges that i was going to do what i please about gift giving and everyone can do the same. doesn't mean I'm going to spend tons of $ but they can if they want to but don't have to if they don't. free choice is a wonderful thing.

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