hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Wrapping gifts is my least favorite thing to do at Christmas time.... :( Feel for you - but you're almost done!!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It's better to have them wrapped now than to stay up until 2:30 (or later) on Christmas morning getting them all done!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Lol, I'm never that late! I like seeing them under the tree too much!
Aww, FEM, I enjoy it usually, but this just took way too long.
Annndddd I found two other presents I totally forgot about, lol, so I had to wrap those too! I stuck one in a bag so I didn't have to take too much more time lol
didn't manage to cook dinner so it was pizza. Oh well.
Getting ready tosoak in the tub now and then the bf and I are going to trade massages because we ate both achy tonight!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I could use a good massage. DD gave us a certificate for one. Problem is finding the time to get it.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Deb, I'd definitely make time for a massage....so if you just can't...go ahead and send that certificate south! LOL!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Problem is, it's for a couples massage. So, it's a matter of hubby and I both having the time.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Ohhhh I could so use a massage too!
I'm still alive... mostly!
I've been covering in the office this week for a gal who is out. I used to do her job, so that's no problem. The issue is that the gal that works the front desk is out. So now I'm doing two jobs, one of which I mostly know how to do, the other of which I'm fine doing... Its been NUTS and I'm exhausted. I will be here tomorrow and Monday again, and possibly even Tuesday, depending on how things go. The gal that is out sick won't be back any time soon, and the gal I'm covering for is going to have a lot to handle when she gets back, so I may come in so that she doesn't have to pull double duty trying to catch up plus cover for the sickling.
The bad news is that I'm not making much progress on my christmas presents that I'm making! Its kinda hard to knit for the bf when I'm not home all day and he's home when I get home!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Tell him not to look at what you're doing.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
LOL, well I just gave up and wrapped it up as it was on Christmas eve when I got home. He likes it, and now I can finish it in front of him anyway!
So I survived the crazy week+ in the office. I'll have 65.5 hours on my paycheck coming to me, which will be NICE and will cover all of the credit card debt that I've raked up from the holidays plus general stuff, and will leave me some left over to put into my savings account. We may also reach our goal to get a bonus for this month, too, which would be AWESOME to tack on a little more!
Christmas was busier than I wanted considering I was pretty well exhausted with all the stuff I had to do for work and farm sitting, but we went, and had a decent time. We didn't make it to midnight mass on Christmas Eve, we were both falling asleep at 7:30, and just went to bed exhausted.
The BF gave me lots of nice things for Christmas (he spent more than he should have I'm sure...), he actually got me a new breadmaker which was wonderful. Now I have to drag it out and try it out! I can't wait, but I've been doing so many other things that I haven't gotten to it yet. He gave me a book on the making of the Princess Bride, and got me some long reins for working with the horse and a new set of waterproof gloves. He got me new lenses for my sunglasses, they're polarized, which I haven't ever had before. Its fancy! Each gift was a delight and exciting, and I loved all of them. My mom gave me a cross stitch piece that I picked out YEARS ago, but never completed, it has some beautiful dream catchers on it and has a saying about dreams. She finished it and framed it for me, and its really lovely. I also got several gift cards.
The milk I had in the fridge had soured, so we ended up making eggnog chocolate chip muffins for breakfast, which turned out really yummy, alcohol and all!
We finally got ourselves together to go to his parents house and they gave us way too much. His mom gave me a gift card to Kohl's for way more money than she should have, plus a bottle of wine and some wine charms. They also gave us a card with over $100.00 in cash in it. I was floored. We went to dinner at his uncle's house, which was nice, and his grandmother gave him more money. We were so blessed, and have tucked all the cash away so that we can use it later. I ended up with gift cards to Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Kohl's, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon. I have no idea what I'm going to get with all of them, but I'll see. I need a new stock pot, and I am also considering getting some stool/bench/ottoman style pieces to put in the bedroom that have storage in them so that I can declutter the floor a little bit.
Friday I had to go back in the office, much to my annoyance, so that I could install the new computers to replace the VERY old machines at three of the desks. I'm SO glad we got that done, but it took longer than needed. I raced out of there and headed home to meet a friend that was coming over to talk to me about boarding her horse to train for a while plus go visit a friend of mine to talk about the possibility of the two of them working out some kind of agreement to put up an indoor so that she can use it. It went well, but I'm not sure if it is ideal or not, we'll have to see how things work out.
Somewhere in there over the weekend before Christmas we FINALLY got the stone dust spread in the barn yard. I'm SO glad to have the gate not be muddy anymore! We had just enough to be able to put a path to the gate and the driveway so that the bobcat won't tear things up as bad when we haul hay into the pasture. That has been a huge help!
Ended up dealing with a minor issue this weekend with the boarders when the gal that feeds for me on the weekend mornings forgot to feed. The other boarder got really upset about it, and ended up telling me that she was getting annoyed with a lot of little things that the other girls were doing, so her horse not getting fed was a bit of the last straw. I managed to get her balanced out again and then checked in with the other girl to sort that out. Thats the side of managing a barn that SUCKS. I try to be really lenient because they are all self care, but we all have to share the space, so I had to nudge the other gal to get her to be more mindful of that. They just don't have the same standards for clean that I do, or apparently CP does.
Starting Tuesday evening I will have to manage two farms for feeding (in addition to mine), plus the veggie farm with ALLLLLL the chickens through Friday morning. I am NOT coming into the office after tomorrow afternoon! I won't be back into the office until next Monday and I'm totally ok with that! I need a break!! My one set of friends is out of town for almost 3 weeks, so its gonna be rough. Thankfully, they are easy horses to care for, and the BF can actually stop on his way to and from work, which will give me a little bit of a break, too.
I think that's just about it for an update... whew....

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