hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
HQ - will you move in with me? LOL - I need someone with your energy!

I feel for the friend whose freezer thawed out - same thing happened at my house and the door was open for several days before we noticed it. PeeeeeYou! Hope you get all the $$ owed to you and that it helps out! You work too hard to not get what's owed you!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
LOL, Well, I'm finally almost back to normal. I am very much looking forward to not working hard for the next couple days when we leave!
And I would seriously consider moving in if you cook!! HAHAHA

She'll pay, I'm not worried about it, I think she just got mixed up with all the chaos of trying to get herself ready plus the crisis. Thankfully she found it and I didn't have to find it myself... that would have been way worse! So she got a handle on most of it, and then we cleaned up the rest of it. Though I wish she would have called me, I could have come over and helped get it under control while she dealt with other things. She did give me a bunch of frozen lobster claws in the mean time, so I guess there is that, LOL


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Wahoo! Got me a cookin partner! That's so tempting, FEM.... you have no idea! LOL
We had a great trip to FL. Drove ML's truck and trailer to her, so that is DONE and I don't have to worry about dealing with her any more. I'm going to miss the truck for sure, it was great to have a back up vehicle that I didn't have to pay for! And it had 4 doors... none of our vehicles have 4 doors right now, and it gets to be such a pain after a while.
After we dropped the truck and trailer off we headed south down the turnpike which is a pain in the butt. It also poured a la FL style on us, which was NOT fun to drive in. 3 hours later we finally made it to KN's house. Its GORGEOUS. She has such an awesome situation going on, and I am thrilled for her. Monday we got up and had a light breakfast, then I checked in with KN to find out her schedule and we decided to go to the beach for a little while. We walked up and down for a bit, it wasn't exactly ideal beach weather, but it was still really nice. I love feeling the sand on my feet. I found a handful of pretty shells that I collected, and then we went and explored a nature center. Then we headed north again and found some lunch before heading back to the farm. I got ready to ride, and then headed out to get the horse ready. I was able to ride Belle, one of the horses that was boarded with me way back in the beginning when I started my business. It was awesome to see her, and Tali, again. I know they recognized me, but horses aren't ones for affection. It was a pleasure to ride her since I knew her already and she has improved so much since she's been down there for 2 1/2 years. She is a draft, so she has many of the same struggles that Storm has, so the information was really helpful in how I need to handle him.
My legs were jello way quicker than I wanted them to be (its like the whole duck in water thing, it looks like nothing, but it is a HUGE amount of work!), and so I quit and then hung out with KN while she rode another horse for a little while.
I finally went back in the house to get some water and get cooled off, and found the BF napping in front of the TV. I don't blame him, the drive was long (about 19 hours total). We decided to swim for a bit, but discovered that my 15 year old bathing suit didn't have any more elastic in it. I was so bummed, so we decided to run to target. Luckily I found a top and bottom that matched that were both on sale for $5.38 each! That is a steal! The top is technically a large, but it will do fine. I just can't swim forward too fast, LOL. Not that I ever do. I just like to wallow around in the water. It felt great, and we swam for about an hour or so, before I noticed the really dark clouds that kept getting darker and closer. We got out and walked under the porch roof JUST as the bottom fell out. I got chilly quickly and ran in to hop in the hot shower. We threw a load into the washer and cleaned things up a bit before KN finally wrapped up for the day and got started with dinner. We had salmon for dinner which was really yummy. It was great to hang out with her and catch up about a lot of things and also talk business. She's been so supportive of me and helped give me guidance on decisions, I am very grateful. She also happened to mention that the couple that owns the farm where she lives/works owns another farm in the NC mountains, and they can't get a good barn manager there. I was like I REALLY want to move down there... So I put the bug in her ear, so who knows what will happen. If KN thinks that the BF and I are suited for the job, I am sure she will say something. Now I just have to get super serious about my animal communication business, and maybe the BF and I won't really have to do any other work if we're living on a farm like that. It could open a LOT of doors for us, so who knows. Pipe dream, and a long way off, but this is often how my life happens. A door cracks open, and I just keep kicking it until I can go through!
I have 3 bites on boarding, surprisingly, which is good. I've got a tour on Friday to give, and then I'm writing long emails with a gal that is doing research now. Hopefully one or both of those will pan out so that I can breathe a little easier. That will give me the stability to be able to really focus on the other aspects of my business.
I had another call with my coach yesterday, and have my next set of todo's organized. I've got to get some things checked off and keep moving forward. I'm really looking forward to it, and its feeling more manageable now. I just need to get things done. I've got to get super serious about finding a routine to take care of myself. If I don't take care of myself, I can't offer anyone any energy work to support them. I need to make meditation a dedicated part of my day, and start incorporating yoga into my at home routine. I also need to earnestly begin practicing my EFT. If I don't get serious about it, I'll never be able to bring in the kind of money I intend to bring in! I'm done with waffling around and not getting anywhere...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Girl, you just never slow down, lol! Did ya'll get caught up in that tropical storm that went to Florida?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
LOL, naa, not really. I'm going to figure out how to have a slower life as soon as I get more money coming in! For real!!

No, thankfully we didn't get caught in the storm! I was so grateful! Everything pretty much went north of us. There was a downpour that lasted about 45 minutes on Monday afternoon late, which was the front edge of the front rolling through, then it lightly rained for a while, but other than that, it really wasn't bad. I didn't hear it rain at all overnight, and Tuesday our flight out was nice and easy. I was really grateful!! Looks like they're about to get hammered again with another one, I think they're up to E but I don't remember the name.

Yesterday afternoon we had a little storm roll through that came up quick, and had a lot of wind with it. I left my car windows cracked and had my windows open in the house, but thankfully nothing was really bothered.

Yesterday was a long day in the office, and today will probably be the same. Mostly because I don't have a huge amount to do right now, so I'm trying to look busy. Which is always tricky! LOL

I do need to do more work on my indiegogo campaign today to get that checked off the list. Hopefully I can get that mostly finalized today. I NEED to get that checked off.

Other than that, I'm just wishing I was outside today! It was 46 when I got up this morning! :epThe high is 79 today, and I don't think we have the chance of rain like we did yesterday. So of course I'm stuck inside today :p

This weekend I don't have a whole lot going on. I need to go get a few more plants, including a pepperachinni (totally botched that spelling) plant, and maybe a few other things. I need to replant a cucumber that got broken, and I need to get the frame made for the cukes and get the tomato supports made (I don't want to do cages anymore, I'm so tired of cages!). I should probably also get the okra into the ground as well. Definitely not planting as much as I did the first year!! I need to see about getting potatoes planted, too. I need to get some starts though. I love planting them, but I never can figure out how to handle them since I don't have a very good way to store them. I guess this year I need to really get the dehydrator running to save things effectively!

And I'm almost out of chicken stock, so I need to do a couple more batches of that!

So much to do and so little time!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
There ya go again - perpetual motion, lol.

I need to plant some okra too. Even though some years it just volunteers...probably not this year though because every place it usually comes up has been underwater for months now...sigh.

When my freezer died I lost some homemade stock, along with tons of other stuff. :( But, I've got some young cockerels that will meet their demise sometime within the next month or so. It'll give me a chance to make some more.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
LOL. You don't get to see me sleep :p I passed out last night at 9:00 and didn't get up this morning until 7:00 when the sun wouldn't get out of my eyes!
I know you're still sick about loosing all that food! :( That is so tough!
Doing the happy dance because I sold 2 mini-animal communication sessions today. Its the first time I've done it and it is a huge step in the right direction for me. My business is slowly but surely becoming real.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
LOL, I don't blame you! But by that time my dogs would have woken me up, even from the other room! They wouldn't let me sleep that late, at least not in summer when I tend to get up earlier anyway.
The weather has been BEAUTIFUL since Sunday! Saturday was pretty hot, and Sunday morning was fairly humid. We actually closed the windows and turned on the a/c to deal with it. But by the time we got home Sunday after hanging out at the BF's parent's house, it was really nice, and the windows have been open since. It did rain today, and is supposed to rain tomorrow and Friday, too, so we'll see what happens. Every day its off it keeps my electric bill down!
Monday was INSANE in the office. Someone had scheduled off, and then someone else called out, so I ended up helping BO cover the front desk. The schedule was packed, and our only saving grace was that the schedule the next 2 days was light so we didn't have much to prepare, so we mostly could focus on dealing with the patients we had. Poor BO is maxed out because her mom is in the hospital, and has been for the past month, and they have no idea why the fluid keeps building up on her lungs and heart. If she relapses again they're going to go to a different hospital, and I think they should.
So Monday was a wash, I didn't really get anything done that I wanted to. I had an eye appointment after work on Monday, and that went well. My prescription is still the same, but the eye doc recommended that I try a daily wear contact instead of the monthly ones that I use. He noted that my eyes were really irritated, and the fact that I don't wear my glasses almost ever, plus the dust exposure AND allergy issues makes me a good candidate for the daily wear. At the end of the day, they go in the trash, along with all the dirt and ick from the day, so I don't have to worry about cleaning them effectively. He said they are more expensive, but you don't have saline costs, either. They didn't have enough samples of both of my prescriptions for me to try them out in the office, so I go back in a week to get a sample batch. It would be nice for my eyes to not be so puffy, red, and itchy almost all the time. It is mildly embarassing to deal with, especially since I don't wear makeup to cover it up. I don't like the fact that my face doesn't look healthy.
Yesterday, I got a good amount done. I had yoga in the morning, which was great, I really needed it. Then I left and ran over to HR's house to check out her setup with the ponies and give her a quote on farm sitting. She booked me for the next 2 trips that they have, so that will be more money coming in. It will be on top of my friend's being out of town for a month and a half, but thankfully since her house is behind our house through the woods, I should be able to get there easily. Too bad I don't have a pony that is suitable to ride over! LOL Maybe I should try to learn to ride my bike well enough to get there. That makes me pretty nervous, though! I'd love to take the gator, but I'm not sure the landlord would approve...
Came home from that, ate a bit of lunch and then got ready for my call with my first client. It went really well, and she was able to get some comfort from knowing that her older dog is really at peace right now with where she is in her aging process.
I finished up with the call and then headed outside to get some more planting done. The peppers, zuke, oregano and basil went into the ground. I pruned the tomatoes a bit since they were getting a little too bushy for being so small, and watered everything since we've been so dry. I added a few more cuke seeds back into the ground since I lost 2 of the 4 that I planted. Hopefully these will still come up.
The BF got home much earlier than I expected and so we finished up the garden together. Then I had a meeting with a high school kid that found us online and wants to do some sort of volunteer hours for a project for school. Apparently they have to complete 50 hours of service working in an area that interests them. I'm torn because I want to be able to help someone have access to what they are interested in, but at the same time we're so small that I don't know that I have enough for him to really do that is worth while. I offered to my friend for her to have him, but she's already got someone helping her, so I guess I'm sort of stuck with him. I might mention it to DB and see what she says.
We relaxed a bit, then got the tomato cages out of the shed for the few tomatoes that will need them and also the peppers since that worked so well last year, so as of right now that's all finished. I need to get Okra in the ground, and then get the beans in the ground behind it, but I'm not sure when I'll get to that. I would like to find some potatoes to go in, too, but don't have any of those either.
Finished up with the barn chores and came in to shower before we headed to meet friends the friends that are always out of town for dinner. We had a great time, and I'm so bummed that they're going to be out of town for so long again so we can't hang out. We got home and pretty much crashed.
Back in the office today, and catching up on some things, and then I have a lot to do tomorrow. It dawned on me that my next workshop teaching about essential oils is this weekend... and JS is coming back to work on people and horses and will be teaching in the workshop. OOPS!! I didn't have any of my food choices picked out or made, so I got that organized today (Sparkling Cranberry Lime Spritzer, Peppermint Chocolate Black Bean Brownies, and Jalapeno Goat Cheese White Bean dip), and got all my papers printed (yay work printer....), and tomorrow I'm going to pick up the rest of the supplies for the class. I have to come back to work for a meeting around lunch, so I'll run to the store either before or after that since it will be convenient to swing by the store at the same time. I still need to go to Walmart or Target or somewhere like that to get spray bottles and containers. We're making fly spray and a poultice for the class.
Sooo things are gonna be crazy busy again. But what else is new?!