hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I've got so much to do I can't see straight. Everything's perfectly normal :p

I feel ya' sistah!

My garden is done, done, done wasn't productive at all (except for some volunteer cukes) between the goats, the excess rain and then no rain at all for the last month or so (even though it's thundering and threatening right now). We can use the rain and I thought I'd NEVER say that again!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
LOL, we've been in the same issue this year, its either too much or not enough at all!

Whew. I've been so busy I can't tell if I'm going or coming lately. But what else is new?!
My campaign launched, and is doing pretty good. I'm pleased with the results for the most part, even though the $$ isn't quite where I want it yet. I still have several weeks to go, so I'm ok. Trying to come up with creative ways to help draw people in still.

Other than that, its been bloody hot. Had to hose the poor horse off 3 times on Saturday. Finally gave him a half clip on Sunday, and I think that helped. Yesterday evening we did get a very short lived storm, which wasn't enough to register in the rain gauge. So it goes.

We quit pickling cukes at 48 pints. The BF is the one that has to eat them all, anyway! So that's his deal! LOL At least I found out that SR over on the farm can use them, so we're doing a trade for cukes, which is handy to be able to get food that I don't have!

Other than that, not much is going on. Went to a holistic fair on Sunday and found a cute green stone ring, a new pendulum and a set of oracle cards which made me happy.

Really, that's about it. Its hot. Garden isn't doing as well this year (other than the cukes!!! ARGH!) as it has in the past. I probably need to lyme it, though, that's the one thing I didn't do this year.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hasn't it been a crazy weather year? Sounds like it's not just Texas but pretty much every where! Gardening just wasn't in the cards this year except for very few things. Looks like I'll get a good citrus crop...just can't hardly kill the lemon trees even though they're protesting the lack of rain. Hope they're over that because we got a bit over 4 inches Saturday night and it's still threatening every day!

Good to hear that you're still working as hard as usual, lol!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Hey gang! I finally managed to get a few minutes to spare to hop on here. Geez I didn't realize it had been THAT long! Sorry!!
The weather continues to be so strange. Super dry fall, and then finally we're getting rain again. We got almost 2" last week, and had another 1/4" overnight, and there is more tomorrow. I can't complain, at least it puts the gray days to good use!
So things have been rolling along. I still didn't get any boarders back in, but finally I'm getting 2 from my friends next week. They are the ones that are ALWAYS out of town, and so I finally talked her into bringing the horses to my place for at least the winter so that I don't have to worry about visiting twice a day in all weather hoping the roads are clear. I'll feel so much better with the horses out my window so I know they're safe all the time. I've had a lot of farm sitting jobs in between, so that's keeping my afloat right now, just barely. I'm going to feel so much better when the horses are here and I can actually start working on paying off debt again!
I spent half of October traveling, between a office work conference, a wedding in CT, and then a trip to CA for my animal communication studies. It was all good, but it really threw me off time wise because half of the month of Oct was just gone. In the midst of the first two trips, I lost my dog, Bear, finally to old age. It was rough at the end as his body just gave out, but I'm so glad that he's not struggling anymore. He was a happy dog, but life wasn't easy as he aged.
Oh, and in fun news, WE GOT CHICKENS!!!! :weee In one of those fluke manifestation things, we bought a shed a while ago to convert into a coop. Well, we didn't have the funds to do the repairs on it, so it's been sitting (don't think my landlord is thrilled about that, but oh well), and so out of the blue one day I got a text from the landlord's son JB telling me that I could use his super fortified coop that he has down by his house, which is totally set up to go. :clap I say thanks, and start thinking about it. Then I realize that it's getting cold and if I'm going to get chickens I'd better get it figured out. So I send a message to a gal that knows a lot about chickens and sometimes sells them and ask her some questions. That afternoon a different friend of mine came over to eat lunch with me, and she casually says, so I'm going to go pick up some chickens from a lady. :th So we checked and she had enough extra so I got 8. They've been lovely, though we've spent a fair amount on them getting them set up to go the way we want to, LOL. One was getting beat up, so she currently has to live in a wire dog crate in the coop for her safety, but she's growing her feathers back in so I'm hoping :fl:fl:fl that she can go back in with the rest really soon (cause that's a pain in the butt!) and that they'll be nice to her now. We've been selling the eggs and have enough money to buy the next bag of feed, so that's awesome. Their beaks are clipped, which I'm not fond of, but at least they're pretty healthy and all laying.
So now the grand idea is to get the shed fixed up and ready to be a coop up close to the house, and then take this coop that's super fortified, and raise broilers in it in the spring so that we can have fresh chicken again. I'm thinking I'm going to go in with the landlord's family to raise and butcher them so that we have enough chickens to make it worth doing. The coop is super fortified so that will be nice to work with.
Still about the same with Storm, we haven't made a whole lot of progress, but what else is new. Hoping to change that, too.
So that's about all that's happening here... same ol same ol!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Yippee! I love chickens (at least most of the time, lol) I know it'll be nice to get your friends horses there - it is such a PIA to drive all over the place to take care of them.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 26, 2016
Reaction score
I love chickens too. DH told me about someone that was selling their this year's 4H birds at 25 for $80, Cinnamon Queens. I'm all excited thinking we are finnnaaaalllllyyyyy get some good layers and he said, "I would but that's just too much now." Why do I let him draw me in. Last week he was going to get me a pressure canner and then canceled the order 5 minutes after making it! :th


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
ARGH! 25 birds for $80 dollars is just a hair over 3$ apiece! For laying birds?! Oh my goodness - that would have been the deal of the century. You coulda sold enough eggs to pay for those birds in just a month or so...:th Maybe he'll give in next time!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
What kind of relationship do you have? Can't you just get the stuff yourself, or will he have a fit?

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