hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Wow - busy as usual - or maybe busier than usual? Glad ya'll got the online ordering set up. Sounds like it streamlines things a big - which is good.

Hope you get your garden planted and that it thrives!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Still no garden planted... low of 34 tomorrow night!! WTF!!! SR has planted quite a few things already, I'm just a little reluctant because I don't have the covers to put over things, and I'm afraid I would forget anyway, or run out of time. So I'll keep waiting. It isn't anything that can't be planted later, anyway.
The ordering system is a HUGE relief!! They have 91 orders this weekend, and don't need my help on Friday! THAT is impressive! Now they are able to send the list to the meat vendors and THEY pack it up and put the person's name on it. And they give us a list with all the weights filled out so that all we have to do is enter it in the system! It's FABULOUS! SR did ask me to work on Saturday, and he's giving me a delivery run, which is kind of nice since that means I might make some tips. We'll see anyway. I'm not going to know what to do with myself if I don't have to go over there on Friday, too. I might be able to clean the house... who would have thought?!
Still chugging away at things. Money is still crazy tight, or at least it is if we want to hang onto it and don't want to go into debt. Still working on coming up with more ways to make the dollar stretch and still do some things that are enjoyable.
I did splurge and order some hair dye today. So backstory - I used deva curl products for over a year, and it RUINED my hair. Like for real, there's a class action law suit being filed against them right now. My hair was very dry, and not curly at all, and I was getting headaches if I pulled my hair up in a pony tail, and my hair is HALF as thick as it was before I started using it. SO, now I'm trying to figure out how to recover it, and it needs to be chopped off. AND I'm not in the office... so the boss really can't say anything about whatever I do with my hair (not that he would in the first place... but still...)... SO TM at the barn has cut my hair in the past, and dyed it before (henna... in '13! I can't believe it's been that long!), and since I already see her now, I felt comfortable enough to ask her if she'd do it. We'll wear masks and all that fun stuff to do it, and I'm thinking maybe do what we can outside if the weather is nice (and I'm not sneezing my fool head off). I want it long enough to pull up into a pony tail, but not a whole lot longer. SO we'll see how that goes...
I also called the deva curl number for a return, and they're sending me a return kit. It'll take 2-4 weeks to get here... but it has everything in it that I need to return what I have, I just have to find a box for it all. Once they get it back (another week of shipping??) then it'll take 8-12 weeks to issue me a check. The good news is they are basing it off of the price on their website, which is more than I paid for the stuff. So assuming there is no problem, then I should be getting somewhere between $80 and $100 back. So in 3 months I'll have a nice check coming!
The weather is sort of beautiful here... we've had a lot of rain, but then some sun, and some wind, and it's been cooler after it was almost warm. :idunno Hard to tell what's happening. I want to spend time outside, but I don't want to be sneezing. So I'm staying in, and just have the door open but no windows open. At least it's pretty to look at out the window. I do need to get more bird seed and refill the feeders, because they're empty again. Hungry little buggars. I want to do better at keeping up with the feeders, I'm not always that good at it.
Nothing much else to report. I guess no real news is good news.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Good that you have that check to look forward to....and it sucks that it did such damage to your hair. I'm pony-tailing it these days. The top isn't quite long enough to reach the back so I actually have two pony tails. Envision the Pebbles Flintstone look, lol. (you're probably not old enough to remember the Flintstones)

Smart of you to wait on the weather before putting your garden in. Weather is crazy these days.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
i have peas up but i'm hoping they'll take the cold weather that is on the way. i don't put in any warm weather stuff for a few weeks yet at minimum. if the forecast looks ok... we'll see how it goes. :) good luck!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
LOL, FEM, the pebbles look is funny! Yeah, I've got to figure out how short to go so that I don't go TOO short so I can't pull it back out of my face. In the barn it is REALLY annoying to have hair in my face!
I wanted to clean the house today but I'm not finding much motivation yet. I suppose I'm going to have to chase it down. Today is the first Friday I've had "off" in a while. It feels good to not need to be anywhere now that I have the barn chores done. I do have to go back out for Cowboy and Coyote, and will probably end up in the rain, which I'm not thrilled about, but hopefully it won't be too bad. I should probably unpack the back of my car since SR needs me to do a delivery run tomorrow, but I'm not feeling motivated to do that, either. The bird feeder needs to be refilled also.
Plenty to do, and just no drive to do it at the moment. The BF should be off of work around 12 something, so I hope that he will bring some motivation home with him! (I'm not gonna hold my breath on that, though...)


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I love it, @Britesea That's too funny!!
Still haven't managed to clean the house. Rather irritated about that one, and now it's even harder than it was before to find the motivation to clean. It's SO dirty. :sick The basement is covered in cat litter and sawdust from the BF's projects that has gotten blown everywhere. Not real thrilled about that, but he's happy tinkering away.
The weekend was pretty good. I wasn't all that productive on Friday, but that's ok. Saturday I ran a delivery route for the farm. Got a $20 tip, which helped to add to the pay since it was a short day and the one delivery route is all I did. Looks like I might be running two routes this Saturday... I'm totally ok with that for the tips! Sunday I did my barn chores in the morning, and then napped after I got home. I didn't sleep great the night before, so the nap was nice. The BF made canoli shells, so we had canolis for dessert after dinner which was nice. After my nap I headed back down to the horses for the evening rounds, and called my mom on the way down. It was nice to chat with her for a bit. I stopped by a friend's house on the way home and we social distanced in her driveway. She was giving me some dried lavender so I can make the Lavender Cupcakes with Honey Cream Cheese Frosting recipe that I found. I also got to love on her 4 dogs, which was great. I don't get much puppy time right now, so that was a treat.
So the basement is still filthy, and the rest of the house isn't much better. And here we are in the next week already. The weather looks like it's finally getting a bit better, so I might try to get some things planted this week. We'll have to see how my allergies do with that idea, too. Of course, cleaning won't make my allergies happy while I'm doing it, either! But it needs to be done for sure.
I did go to the grocery store yesterday, and managed to score a big pack of chicken breasts and an 8 pack of pork chops, so that was a good thing. I'm starting to buy more further in advance than I used to just to make sure that I keep it because I don't know if it will be there when I go back. That's frustrating, but it is what it is. It's just taken a slightly different mental approach to shopping.
I got up this morning all ready to head down to Cowboy and Coyote early to get that done, and then I was going to work for the day and give Oliver a lesson this afternoon, but then I realized I need to stop down at the pickup point for the farm order that I placed for the raw meat pet food that I get. So there went those plans. I was also originally going to do meatloaf for dinner tonight, and I can't really do that if I have to go teach Oliver, so I figured that I'll swap Oliver's lesson to Thursday if his owners are ok with it, and that way I can work and make meatloaf and get all of that done.
I think the weather is going to hold tomorrow, so we are going to go down to Cowboy and Coyote's in the afternoon and get the manure cleaned up, and get a load of hay for the boys since they're almost out. It will be good to get all of that taken care of again.
Still resolving to try to get more done with my business. I'm still not consistent posting, which in turn irritates me, which isn't helpful. I need to work more on batching my content so that I don't have to stress about getting it done and it just flows out. That will save me time and stress. I *know* that. Now I just have to *do* it. Why is it that the doing is sometimes so much more challenging? I know a whole lot of stuff, but acting on it isn't easy.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
The weekend wasn't very exciting, which I guess is good. I drove over 100 miles delivering food on Saturday for the farm. There were more people out since the Governor eased restrictions here, which was annoying as crap! Driving down back roads where the speed limit is 50, doing only 35-40 because you've got slow people in front of you is ANNOYING! I probably would have been done 20 to 30 minutes earlier if it weren't for the slow drivers in my way. So it goes. No tips, either, which was also a bummer.
Sunday I laid low, which seems to be a trend. My allergies flared really bad in the barn, so I came home with my nose gushing and eyes itching. We ate lunch and then I took a nap, before getting up to do my evening chores, then we made dinner and I soaked in the tub before we crashed for the night.
This week looks like it shouldn't be too bad. This morning I had to be over at GH's to meet the verizon guy to install Fios for them. They are doing this whole no contact thing, and so the line is run outside of the house, and through a window, and then when all the restrictions get lifted they'll come back and do the inside install stuff. It's not pretty, but it works. He also had to run the temporary line down the driveway, all 1200 feet of it, and then he said they'll be back in a week or so in order to bury the line permanently. They'll have to get Miss Utility out there first, of course since their power is underground, too. The guy was really interested in seeing the horses, of course when I told him that the fence had electric on it, he was not so keen. Non-horse people are so cute.
I finished up there, and took the box with the stuff I am returning to deva curl to get my refund to the UPS store. It was PACKED. I could barely get into the parking lot. Yeah, not waiting on all that crap. I stopped by the office to drop off more supplies that I got from BJ's (gloves, masks, and hand sanitizer, we are having a hard time getting stuff from our usual sources), and then went to the UPS box that was a block or so away. It was so full the thingy wouldn't open. So I said screw it and came home. I decided on the way home that it would be better if I recorded exactly what was in the boxes for my own records, just so they don't try anything shady on me like saying I sent smaller bottles or something, so I guess it's good that I didn't send it off yet. I'll have to try to find another drop box, or wait until tomorrow and swing by it again.
I don't know what to do for dinner, but I'm toying with doing some errands and then getting dinner to bring home. I'll have to talk to the BF about it and see what he thinks, and see what time he gets home. The wind has kicked up here, and that's NEVER good for my allergies, so I don't know that I'm all that excited about going back out.

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