hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Ewww - sounds like a tough spot to be in right now. :( Hope his hours pick back up and he can get a decent vehicle for a decent amount.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks, FEM!
As of right now he's thinking that he'll get a car, with a smaller payment, and keep that for a year until the finances stabilize and then get what he wants (a pickup). We'll see how that plan works out.
Just a bit worried and stressed at the moment.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks, FEM!
Yes, we do have a plan, it's just getting to the next step and through the unknown of finding a car that is tricky. Still looking, and hoping something will come through quickly. I don't want to be driving SH's truck any longer than I have to!

The weekend wasn't bad. It was a lighter weekend at the farm, I only ran about 18 deliveries total, and only got $5 in tips, and was only there for about 5 1/2 hours. But being able to come home was nice. I took a nap, and then the BF and I ran errands. Apparently one of the breakers had a problem while I was out, and so the BF tried to get a replacement, but it turns out it wasn't the right one. Someone had rigged the wrong one, which is probably why it wasn't working, and so he has to go look for the right one this week. Apparently this breaker has some of the basement lights and outlets on it, the office bedroom, part of our bedroom, 2 outlets in the guest room, and the attic lights on it. No wonder it had a problem...
We returned the breaker that wasn't right, and then ran down to take care of Cowboy and Coyote, and then headed over to a restaurant to meet NP and KN. I placed an order so it would be ready when we got there, and it turns out I called another location, not that location, so that took a while to get straightened out. Still waiting on the refund charge for the order, but hopefully that will come in soon or I'll have to call them back.
KN and I left for the barn on Sunday morning and I had my first lesson of the year. It was great to have her back, and she was reassuring about Storm's situation. She thinks that the lameness while we are trimming him is just lack of work, so that was a good thing. I'll still have him tested for Lyme, but hopefully that's not the issue right now. After my lesson I finished the morning chores, stopped by SR's to pick up my money, and then headed home. I ended up taking a nap on accident, I was tired from the morning and the fact that my allergies were flaring. Then the BF and I went back down to Cowboy and Coyote's and then we came home and I soaked in the tub before we made a salad and went to bed. I was really tired, and could have kept sleeping for quite a while longer!
Not much else is happening, other than being on the hunt for a car for the BF. I hope we can find him something soon because I don't want to keep driving SH's truck for long. He keeps it SPOTLESS and I'm afraid we won't be able to get it back that way!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Ehh, FEM, they don't HAVE to tip. They are technically charged a packing fee of $5, and a delivery fee of $5, so tipping isn't necessary.... BUT, for the people who are miles and miles from the farm, it would be nice. The one lady that did give me a tip is probably 15 miles from the farm, so that is appreciated. I mostly do the immediate local area, so it's not a big deal. But it is nice and very welcome when I receive it.
I don't enjoy it either, @Chic Rustler Especially when it comes under pressure of NEEDING to get it done. I think the BF is dragging his feet a bit, I don't blame him, but we've got to get something done soon.
We do have quite a few things that have to be taken care of in the afternoon, so that shoots today down for going car shopping. I'm going to talk to the BF about going on Wednesday. It's going to be hot as hades, which I'm not excited about, but we've got to get started on this. But I'd rather get the hay moved, and the grass mowed for Cowboy and Coyote this afternoon than tomorrow, since it's going to be cooler. I'm going to give Oliver a lesson as well, so that will get that done for the week, too. HR also texted me and they're going to go down to their beach house to get it opened up for the summer probably Wed or Thurs, so that will be a little extra funds, too, which makes me happy. Right now I can use all the money that I can bring in! GH said she expects that they'll be home in 10 days, so that will be a big relief on my time to have a break from taking care of Cowboy and Coyote. Hopefully they'll stay home for a couple months so that I get a pretty good break on my time and my gas!
Wednesday I'm going over to my sister-in-law's (well, the BF and I aren't married, but might as well be, and I treat her like a sister anyway!), and she's going to cut my hair and dye it for me. I need to get the gross damaged stuff off, which means hacking quite a bit, and then I'm going to dye the under part blue. We'll see how that turns out, LOL. I have only ever dyed my hair twice before, once I attempted frosted blue tips (way back when I had SHORT hair), which failed miserably because my friend didn't get all the bleach out, so the blue faded out to a weird aqua moss color. The other time I used henna and went red, which was kind of fun. So this time I'm going to do the under part blue, I'm not going to bleach it first (my hair already has enough problems!), so we'll see how the color works out. If I only do the lower part I won't have to worry about the growing out stuff, so that's going to be easier. Since I'm not in the office working my boss really can't say anything about the blue at this point. I'm also going to have her cut off a pretty good amount, it's so damaged from the shampoo that I was using, so I want to get rid of that. I can't really tell what products are working since the hair is pretty much damaged beyond repair at this point. I'm looking forward to being able to comb through it without feeling it breaking the whole way through.
Hopefully my next update includes a new car for the BF and a new hair cut for me!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Have fun doing your hair! I've often threatened to go bright green (to match my eyes of course, lol). But, call me chicken...


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
@hqueen13 My husband got me hooked on Paul Mitchel Tea Tree Shampoos that work really well. I use a shampoo and a conditioner (I use lavender mint), plus I use the leave in conditioner that really helps with the snarls. My hair is pretty long (1/2 way down my back), extremely thick, grey/blond and kinda rough textured. The combo of the three products lets me have easy to brush hair and since I never use styling product - I only have to wash it about every 4 to 5 days. It is a touch expensive, but since I only use it once or twice a week, it really doesn't cost any more than the crap from the store.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
BTW, I am too cheap to dye my hair, lol. So going grey naturally works for me. Being a natural blond is a big plus, 3 of my 4 sisters dye their hair - plus my mom, so I look like the old, grey mare when I am with my family.

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