hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Wow, you are like that energizer bunny... you just keep going and going and going. I know you'll be so relieved when all of this is finally finished!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I will FEM, and I'm not going to know what to do with myself either!! LOL
I can't wait to get to the next phase either, it will just be something different! This packing thing is getting really old. I'm down to the odd stuff now that there either isn't enough to fill a box, won't fit in the box I have, or just plain doesn't fit in a box at all. Very frustrating!

Got all my phone calls done this morning. Left a message for the landlord, so hopefully he'll call me back today, I want to get things rolling with getting the a/c working again as quickly as possible. I'm surprised he didn't check it before, because now it is the hottest week of the year so far, and he'll have to deal with getting it fixed. Not good!

My unemployment phone call lasted all of 5 minutes. The company closed, so you're going to get unemployment. Why thank you! So now I just have to wait to get the card in the mail. E asked me if they were going to back date it to the date my position was terminated, and I realized I had forgotten to ask. I sure hope so. There is also a bigger chance that I'm going to get the money from vacation time that I was hoping I would get. At this point they owe me about 13 days, since they shorted me 3 days of pay due to "prorating" my vacation time, and then I had about 10 more days of time that I still had for the duration of the year. That will be a really fat check!! It might mean that I can go buy that beautiful grandfather clock that E fell in love with. We'll just have to see what happens. I hope that comes through really soon though. Then the next question is whether or not the clock is still there... Keep your fingers crossed!

Eating lunch, and then I have to keep packing. I have almost all of the small pictures off the walls and organized together so that I can put them in one box. I think I might put them in the same box with my good chess set, since I don't think that is going to take up much space. I still need to organize the linens and get them washed and packed, and then get my special stuff packed up like my really nice jewelry and my Essential Oils and stones that I have. So many odds and ends that must get organized and packed... this is definitely the difficult part!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Me too Britesea!! That would be a NICE boost of funds to get us going!

I've gotten 3 copy paper boxes, 1 medium box, and 2 small boxes packed. All of the small pictures are packed up in one of the copy paper boxes, nice and cushy!
Beyond that I have successfully made a mess in EVERY room of the house. I'm really not sure what progress is... LOL

I need to get myself organized for the upcoming week or I will miss doing something at the correct point in time.

Going to ride the horse. After the ride I can pack up all his tack and stuff with the exception of his fly mask, and halter, and maybe the whip to practice loading him more (don't think that's really going to happen realistically...)
I need to keep packing as well, and possibly make a run up there. I'm toying with driving the pickup truck for the rest of the week and leaving my truck up there. The cost of gas is keeping me undecided.

The other half will be working from home so his car can get fixed.
We will haul the queen mattress up to the new house after his car is dropped off.
Then I will need to clean the area under the bed so it isn't disgusting.
The new mattress will arrive that afternoon.
I will have to pick up the farm order at some point during the day, and possibly run a few errands to pick up more shipping blankets and ratchet straps.
I should run all of our dirty laundry so that can be packed clean as well.

I have to mind the CJC project, so I don't know that I will have very much time. They should wrap up early afternoon, but I still don't want to count on very much time/energy by this point.
I can pack clothes that afternoon though.

Not much packing stuff to be done today, either. H did say that we would probably haul the horses about midday as she has a lesson that morning. I'm just praying that we don't run too late because when we return I need to scrub out the back of the trailer (I was SO wishing to haul the horses AFTER we moved furniture in the trailer!) so that it will be clean for furniture on Saturday morning.
Friday after E gets off of work we are going to run a load up, and take the trailer on the Jeep with his 4wheeler and the bike (assuming we don't have some time to take the bike up earlier in the week), that way both of those are up there and out of the way. I'm just praying he gets off of work at a reasonable enough hour that we're not up too late trying to get that finished.

Saturday is THE day, so if it isn't done by then, its gonna get done later!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Yesterday evening did turn out to be productive. We finished up feeding pretty quickly, so E and I loaded up the truck, and he rode the bike and I followed him up to the farm and so we dropped off another load, and then left my truck and the bike and picked up A's truck so that it will be easier to haul things around in it. That expanded what we are going to have the time and ability to get done.

On to today's to do list!
I've been able to add a few things. H and I are going to ride about 10:00. Well, she's probably going to ride, I'm going to video. Once we're done riding, I can clean the horse up, and then get my tack packed up and ready to move tonight.
In addition, I need to pack up the few coats that are left in the closet, the stuffed animals, the lamps, the last few (I hope) kitchen things, and some of my special things, books and stones, plus the Emu egg (dear got that better not break!).
I need to make sure that the furniture pieces are cleared off that are going to need to move so that won't have to be done on Saturday morning (that can happen today and tomorrow, so I'm not super stressed about it)

This evening when E gets home, we'll finish loading the truck (if I haven't already) and then go over to E's house to get his safes and anything else he wants to bring now, and then go up to the house and unload it.

That should be a really productive day!

Now the question is do I go get my horse now because he's close to the gate, or leave him alone and wait for 10:00 and hope that he's still close by...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Still churnin' and burnin'

Hot as hades out there today... blech! I've been sweat and dried twice today, and will likely be at least once more, maybe twice before the day is over (and its already 4:00... ugh!)

Got a couple boxes of really important stuff packed this morning (mostly sentimental stuff, but still very important!) before I got ready to go ride. I was worried I'd have to take a hike to the back pasture to get him, but luckily I didn't, and they were all up in the front when I went out. Spent a bit of time fussing on him since H wasn't there yet, and so we were pretty much ready to ride when she got there. Since it was so hot I told her I wasn't really going to ride much so that she could work him a little more. She did a great job and said he felt great. He was even better than he was the last time for her, which was really nice. I have an entirely new admiration for her leg power, because she sure can hold him together, and I know how much leg strength I have, and it pales in comparison to her! Geesh!
She finished with him and asked if I wanted to get up on him and canter him since he was behaving so well. So I got my helmet and climbed aboard. And he did beautifully! I'm sure we looked like crap, but we did it, and he wasn't terrible. I had barely any leg left from just asking him to canter twice (I didn't have a whip either), but we did pretty darn good. He fell into the circle pretty badly, but the left is my weak side, and his strong side, and I didn't go to the right because that would have required more to hold him together even more despite the fact that the right is my strong side. He scrambles a lot more trying to find his gait on that side, so I didn't bother since I knew he was tired and I was pretty tired already. I got some video of her, and she managed to take a few pics of me, so I hope they turned out ok. I'm sure I look like a mess, but hey, we both lived and you've got to start somewhere. I was just thrilled that he didn't get emotional about it at all.
I got him untacked and hosed off to cool him down again and we headed up to explore the trailer. I hadn't opened it up yet, so I opened it when I got there while holding him, and he acted like a cat startled when I dropped the ramp on the side. He didn't move his feet, but he stretched backwards like a cat would when surprised by something. He was so tired that he didn't object to anything, and we were able to ask him to do a lot in the trailer. That solidified the decision that I would work him in the morning before we loaded him, probably in the round pen asking for canter and things so that he'll be a bit tired when we're ready to load. He did fine going forward far enough that I could raise the butt bar with H in front. He was also happy as a clam eating grass that she kept picking for him, so that made me feel good. I think he'll do just fine. I'll just have to make sure he's worked good before we leave so that he'll be too tired to be upset about anything.

I was wrapping up from all that about to eat, and A came by, and moved all her stuff up into the trailer. She invited me to lunch since we'd talked about that several weeks back and hadn't had the chance, so that was nice because I was pretty hungry by that time, and very thirsty. I finally got back to the barn after that and packed up all my tack and stuff. I have a lot of stuff! That's all either in the truck or waiting to be put into the truck once E gets home.

Now I'm trying to find the energy to pack something else before he gets home sometime soon.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It would be nice at times if Misty would tire like that! Guess that's what I get for having an Arabian! :lol:


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Um, yeah, dang Arabs! Its hot and he's a big guy so he gets a bit lethargic in weather like this.

Yesterday was NUTS. Got Storm worked and cantered him for the first time myself! H did nice with him and since he was so calm (thank you 90 degree weather, LOL) and it was really lovely! His canter is really nice. I have a couple pictures that I need to load when I get a minute, nothing great but it will be nice!

Finished that, and A stopped by, and ended up taking me to lunch, then I got the tack packed, and then I cooled off again and E came home, we loaded the truck and headed to his house to pick up the safes and a few things, then headed to the farm. While we were on the way his brother called and said his jeep had died and he was stranded in the city at work, and asked if we could bring his dad's truck and the car trailer so he didn't have to call a tow. I told E it was gonig to be a good 2 hrs before we could get to him to just make sure he knew. In the mean time he figured out some things, and so we finished unloading at the farm and then grabbed dinner and waited on standby just in case his brother didn't make it all the way home after he got his jeep restarted.
We didn't get home until 9:30, and got showers and were about to crash when a Derecho rolled through. Thankfully not as bad as the first one we lived through, but it always makes me worry. It was over so fast we didnt' think much of it until we got a knock on the door at 2:30 in the morning... the cops had a report that there were horses in the road, so we jumped into clothes as fast as we could and headed out the door. Found 3 of them in a safe place, and all the others were accounted for. Put them back into the pasture and discovered that a small tree had come down on the fence and brought all the boards down so they just walked out. Thankfully it was only 3 of them, and since that side of the pasture is along the road, someone must have seen them and called 911, which I'm grateful for. We closed the gate to the back part of the pasture where the break was, and left them for the night.

Today the other half and I got up and got the mattress up to the new house, and then I came home and cleaned to receive his new mattress, then I went out and met the farrier and found him half finished (he's such a great guy) and then I came back in hot, thirsty and hungry, and have been taking a break to get some food and rehydrate. I need to get back to packing... I'm down to today and tomorrow basically, and that's about it... Friday is going to be shot taking care of the horses, and getting the Jeep and ATV up to the farm in the evening.

Whew... gotta keep on truckin...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Chugging away.
Morning session with the kids crew went well. There are 5 girls, and they managed to get 1 tree planted, which is a pretty good job considering the amount of work for 5 city kids. They seem agreeable, if slightly slow, and are rather interested in the horses, which is nice. I get questions so fast that sometimes I don't even have time to answer them. It makes me happy though because I like sharing the horses. And if it opens the door for one girl to hopefully find a way to get closer to them, then I'm content.

Came back in the house and cooled off after lunch. Caught up with H on the phone, and managed to get a few more things done. I have a couple boxes packed up, but the only downer is that its raining now. So I don't know if we'll really be able to take much up to the farm. I was hoping to put stuff in the back of the truck, but that means the bed will be all wet and cardboard boxes don't do so well in wet truck beds. We do have the back seat, but it isn't that easy to pack it up, and there isn't that much space. I guess if it isn't raining tomorrow evening then we can put them in the truck before we take the Jeep and ATV up there, but I would rather not. I have all the clothes packed for the most part, and so that is good. The tops of furniture need to be cleaned off, and a few more things packed, and I think that will be it for right now. I'll continue to work on other things next week bit by bit. There is one more box that needs to be packed for the kitchen.

There is a darn fly in the house and its driving me and the dog crazy. Of course I'm sure I stink pretty good, which is why it keeps bothering me. The dog just wants to kill it every time it flies by.

I realized that I'm pretty concerned about the dogs getting tangled up in a fight with the barn cats at the new place. Bear barks pretty bad at the cats in the front yard here, so that doesn't bode well for the barn cats, especially with no fence. So I'm not really sure how I'm going to handle them once we move and there is no fence. They don't do super well on leashes either... The last thing I want is to have to take one or both of them and/or a cat to the vet from a fight. H loaned me an electric remote collar for the dog, so we'll see how they adapt to that as a form of reprimand. The clicker training works pretty well with them, too. But when they see another animal, they're going to get a bit crazy, so I'm not sure if they'll ever be able to just hang out with the cats around. I guess we'll wait and see what happens.

I should probably go find something else to pack...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Have you been getting the rains every evening? I'm not sure how many days now that we've had it. It's getting old.