hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Life's been trucking along. We're at our two month anniversary of being here and I still don't think it has all the way sunk in.
I'm working quite a few hours each week at the organic farm down the road and that is going great. They were able to pay me a small amount hourly, plus giving me things here and there, which has been great. I'm learning quite a bit and looking forward to learning more. V has given me some recipes and I've been able to do a little more cooking which has been really good. E said he thinks its sexy when I cook for him, way to encourage the cook!
The horses are settling in, though the biggest change happened today, te gal that was self care got an opportunity to keep her horses much closer to her own home for a good price, so I'm down to just the 5. I'm trying to find another person to board, just to keep the income a bit higher, but so far I haven't had any luck. This all just happened in the past week, so its still pretty fresh. I'm a little relieved to have her out because now it frees me to do exactly what I want without worrying about her horses being in the mix. Its also giving my grass a break, which is good since its almost burned up!! I'm bummed that she is gone because she was reliable enough to be able to call in an emergency, and I probably ojld have gotten her to look after them if I needed someone to cover. I'd love to get someone else in here that wants to work off board as well, so we'll see what I find. I'm trying to be patient and trust the process.
Otherwise things are going well, just busy. I've applied for a few part time jobs to try to supplement, but we'll see what happens.I'm not very excited about that, but more money would be good.
So life goes on.

Please excuse any typos or errors.... typing on a phone that may or may not be very smart.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Well, I didn't get the job at the local feed store. S, from the farm, thinks they were crazy not to hire me. I don't know if I should be releved or disappointed. I think I'm a bit more relieved than disappointed. I've decided I'm going to get in touch with the alpaca farm down the street and see if they might need help of some sort. It seems that right now in my life I need to focus on working on skills that will serve me in the future and not just making money. The money is important, but somehow I have this gut feeling that if I'm not learning about the things that I want to know for my future, then I probably shouldn't be doing it. That frustrates E a little since he's very concerned with the bottom line, and rightly so as we are living far tighter than either of us are happy about right now. Hopefully things will shift in the future and we'll gain some breathing room. Losing B, my self care boarder was a bit of a blow. I'm not sure who I can get back in here but hopefully I can find someone. I'm not sure why, but I'm not aggressively pursuing anything right now, it just seems like the right thing to do.
Otherwise life is rocking along. I finally have a day mostly to myself and I'm not sure what I'm going to get done, but I need to get something done!! I have to teach my friend later today, and I think I'm going to go down to the other house for a few things real quick, but beyond that I'm not sure. I should work the horse, but I seem to be pretty unmotivated to do that too. I think I'm in a bit of a funk about things right now. And of course fall is coming on top of that.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Well i am crawling out from under rock. Life has busy and crazy rough coaster ride. My unemployment ran at beginning of month i out my boarders are leaving. By the grace of something the gal with the horses is paying me through March as long as I don't fill the stalls. That is literally all that is keeping us from going under right now.
The bf had his route switched and is now getting stuck working 13 hour days trying to get all his stops done. If the money were better it wouldn't be so bad.
The other bad news is that last weekend he tried to go get some lunch in the snow and slid out and messed up his jeep pretty bad.
Now that the bad news is out of the way... the positive is that the landlords soon offered us the use of his jeep until the bfs is fixed. I'm so grateful to him for noticing we were in a pinch and offering out of the blue.
Second bit of hopeful news is that my old company under new management is hiring for a front desk person at the office I'm this area. I emailed the new owner (former co-worker) and inquired. He didn't get my email but my friend who still works there checked with him and let v know that he might not want me on the desk but he Would be interested in hiring me part time to do what I used to do which is crunch numbers. That would be a huge help right now.
Last but if positive news is we built a hay feeder for the horses and posted it on craigslist just to see what would happen and we have gotten a really positive response. I also posted it on a local group on Facebook and have gotten more interest. We have a total of 4 we need to build right now, though we are still waiting on a few checks in the mail. This be a huge help to boost us forward and hopefully get us out of debt faster. We are really stuck until we can get out of debt.
Do are happening. Despite the good news I'm still struggling off and on with depression. I guess that is to be expected.
Please forgive typos and punctuation issues. Typing in my phone isn't easy but it's what I have until we can afford internet.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
And that's why I hate to text! It's so hard on a phone.

Are the hay feeders wooden or metal? I have an idea for making them out of metal, but I need to learn how to weld first. I have a feeling that if I could make some and list them, I could probably make some money that way.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Godo to see you back! So sorry for the bad luck, and hope that all the positive things work out in your favor!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yeah, it gets real old typing on the phone after a while, which is why I've Been mia. And why there are random caps and spaces where there shouldn't be. Its too difficult to edit sometimes.
They are wooden with a roof, @Denim Deb. We are able to sell then for under $1000 right now so it's a good deal, And way less than the amish with better features.
Thanks, @frustratedearthmother I hope so too. There lots if Good right now, its just tough to keep focusing on only It when the bad stuff keeps poping up. We're hanging in there, it could be way worse.
Oh! Another good thing, S drive his tractor down the road and helped me till a space for a garden next year. We added lovely horse manure and chicken litter to the soil and it looks great! I can't wait to get things in the ground for the first time. I'm going to start simple, tomatoes, and beans mostly. Things I want to can. I can get most everything else down the street so there isn't much need to worry about planning too much more. We put the garden right in front of the house, and we'll be able to run rain barrels easily from the house, and if needed the hose is right there too. I'm excited!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks Deb! There are bright spots amid gloom.
Today was a but gloomier than I hoped. The bf was back on his old route driving which was great, he only had 18 stops to make. However his partner was moving at double slow speed. He should have been finished by 3 and home by 4:30. He's not home yet but is at least on his way. He's clocked over 60 hours this week. Not Ok.
Then I ran down to my exs house to drop if my canner and all the stuff for making stock and locked the keys in the borrowed jeep. So my ex drive me all the way back up here so I could get the spare key from it's owner and then all the way back down again. I'm just grateful that he was home to make the drive, otherwise I would have Been pretty stuck for a while.
So I didn't get to soak in the run like I hoped, but it is what it is. I just Hope the bf gets home soon cause it's a pizza night.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
This weekend has not home as planned at all. Took way longer to Do the price checks on lumber than we thought so the bf didn't get back from Lowe's with everything until almost 3, then he had to return the truck to home depot. We got back and ate dinner before heading down to the shop to get started and see what we could get done. The trouble with the so is that there really isn't any electric in it. The only power is run over 300 get from JBs house via extension cord. We got all set up and the bf went to cut the first board and started the miter saw and all the lights dimmed. As soon as he finished the cut the lights came back up again. Not wanting to burn up the motor in his dad's saw, we decided to regroup in the morning. We lost our help but at least the two if us could keep working.
I woke up this morning and just wasnt feeling chipper. I was supposed to go down to my exs house to can chicken turkey stock since he had Ben cooking it for 24 hours for me. I totally lost my motivation and decided to Do it tomorrow instead. The lady from down the road called and Asked the bf when he was going to get the fence fixed and so he decided that should be done today. I was still feeling blah so he ran a bath fire me and sent me to soak before he headed to depot to get supplies. I was finished about when he got back so grabbed some tools and we went down the road. It didn't take us long to get that fixed up again. We hadn't eaten lunch yet so we headed down to run a few errands and grab a bite.
Is early but we have basically crashed on the couch and I don't expect much more to get done today.
Tomorrow I must can the stock and clean up the house. Tuesday I have to get the emissions checked in my truck. Beyond that I don't have a clue.
This eggnog is making me lazy so I think I'm calling it a night.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Yummmm...eggnog! I have't had any this year - I neeeeeeed some eggnog!

Hope you're feeling better tomorrow.

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