hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Well She ate dinner, which made me happy. I was turning her out again and noticed that the paddock was really slick. When I turned storm out I noticed that the pasture was much better during than the paddock. I decided to go ahead and turn her out into the pasture. It went well and spirit ended up protecting her from storm a bit so that helped keep her from getting run around to much. She will be happier out all the time, so the question now is will she eat breakfast.
Mostly a relaxed evening. Soaked in the tub for a while, ate leftovers for dinner again.
I have to be at the expo in the morning way too early. We've got to leave by 6. Ugh. Way too early!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Been there, done that. Kind of glad I'm not going w/the forecast. I've driven home in the snow from Harrisburg B4, and it's no fun!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hope you're able to get home from the Expo OK!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yes I did Deb, thanks! It was a mighty boring 2 days. I was seeking tickets in a little booth in a hallway and had nothing else to do and nobody around to talk to. It was very boring!
Coming home Saturday the highway was closed because of a freaking sinkhole! It took us forever to get to the exit where they dumped us off the highway. We stopped because T wants to use the bathroom and I looked up the map to see how we could get home easily. I did not want to follow their detour because I was not going to go right when home was too the left nor did I want to be stuck with the masses following that route. We found s pretty easy route and were home pretty quick much to our relief.
Sunday we got out of there pretty quick, the only challenge was it was already snowing in Harrisburg. It faded to alert and then rain as we got home. At least the highway was open this time so we didn't have to get off early.
I was a bit disappointed that I didn't even get any time to walk around at all. I was stuck in my both the whole time except for short bathroom breaks and a really brief lunch break on Sunday. I guess it is for the better because I didn't really have the money to spend anyway.
For a snow day with the bf yesterday though it was a bit of an up and down day. I'm glad I got to spend it with hmm though because I didn't get to spend any time with him over the weekend since I worked. The good news is that he got to work a little on Saturday so that just adds to his hours.
Gotta get going so I can get the chores done and head to the barn. I have to get quotes for instance today on the internet and work on my self care agreement. Looks like the gal with the 3 horses is coming in. That is a huge relief because she will be feeding some days of the week so I don't have to and that makes my life easier!
Now I have my work cut out for me!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I wouldn't have wanted to have been stuck in a booth all day either.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Yea - being booth-bound does NOT sound like fun - at all.

Congrats on getting the new boarder! Three more horses - that won't add to your work load...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yes being stuck in a booth sucks!
FEM, the beauty of this arrangement is that she is paying the self care price, but I have a deal with her that if she feeds the full care horses for a certain number of days in the week then I will feed her horses the other days of the week. This actually gives me a break so I know I don't have to be in the barn every single day. She probably won't feed twice a day but feeding Kahlua once is easier than twice! So I am very grateful this is working out for me. I hope that it turns out to be as good as I'm hoping. And I'd love to have a great meeting with the other two ladies and have one of them agree to bring their two horses in, then I would be full! That would be a huge relief on the budget. We might actually be able to dig our way out of this hole and move forward with life if I can keep the barn full.
I'm tired from working in the barn today, we need to put out a hay bale when the bf gets home and I think my truck battery died today while I was driving. So now we have more things to take care of when he gets home. Wheee...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Oh, I really hope that works out for you - sounds like it will be a good deal!

Hope the battery gets resurrected. :fl

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I wish someone would leave the farm and we'd get another boarder in that I could work that kind of arrangement with. It would make my life so much easier. If anyone does leave, RU has already decided that any new boarders will be 100% self care-unless the weather is so bad they can't get out.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yes, I hope it works out too. Deb, one of the things someone suggested I do in my agreement was charge for "emergency feedings" and charge enough that they will think twice about calling to have me do it. It seems like a smart thing to do.
Today was a goofy day. Traffic stunk on the way in to work but I still made it on time, in fact I beat KH getting there which says something. Then the power went out for no apparent reason for about 30 minutes. It was interesting watching the traffic light at the major intersection with no power.
Then I was attempting to organize the scheduler in our office management system and ended up switching all the color codes around for a bit. That took a bit of sorting out to fix but it was rather funny when it happened. The former boss stopped by today and brought brownies that were huge! I weighed one on the postage meter for Google's and it was 11.8 oz! There were 6 of us in the office so we each got half. I couldn't have eaten more than that anyway!
Got home and feed Kahlua. She ate some but not all of it. I emailed the former barn manager today and found out she has arthritis in her jaw as well which probably makes it hard to eat. I don't think that explains the crunching sounds I hear when she does eat though. I need to call her dentist and find out if he can tell me when she was last done.
I also got a call from her owner, DC, yesterday and I answered it since it is odd for a teacher to call in the middle of the afternoon and I had missed several calls before. She told me that her mom had passed away on Monday. It is sad but a relief for her because she really couldn't keep caring for her mouth the way she was. I'm glad it is over for her, though now she has to deal with the bills for the final arrangements. Apparently her mother didn't have any money for a funeral. I feel bad for her and am going to give her a meal this weekend when she is here. I think I have some soup in the freezer.
Came home tonight and got excited to keep working on the sweater I'm working on for the bfs cousins baby and got stuck. I tried to call mom but she is busy so I have to wait to talk to her which stinks because I want to keep working! I've got to hustle if I'm going to get it done before the shower.
Takes to S today about farm stuff and told him about an idea I had to sell dried herbs in addition to fresh, and he's fine with it. I think I'm going to ask if I can grow them at the farm rather than here because I'd appreciate the supervision to begin with. Last basil plant I had I killed so..... we agreed we wouldn't tell anybody that lol I need to do some research and see if I can come up with a plan. I'll probably post some questions I'm the growing forum to pick some of the smart brains here.
Just waiting for the bf to get home. I failed on planning dinner again tonight and the kitchen is still a mess. So it goes I guess.