hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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ARGH - I woulda barfed, lol! I often take a glass of water outside with me. I try to use a covered travel mug whenever I can find one. But more often than not, I've left 'em at the office, lol. So, I put some 'press n' seal' over my glass and stick a straw in it. Not perfect (like when a fly lands on the straw) but at least keeps critters outta the water.

Sounds like your critter musta just been on the outside of the glass. Can you imagine a stink bug in your mouth? HURL!

Congrats on filling up the barn!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby had one on his mayo. I threw one outside today. W/the warmer weather they're all coming out of the cracks.

Thing I worry about getting into a beverage is a yellow jacket. I have no desire to get stung in the mouth!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yes it was just on the outside of the glass, I'm just so glad I didn't get it in my mouth! My mom and I were cooking steel cut oats which take forever and a stink bug for in them and ruined the whole pot! :he

Yesterday did not end as well as it began. I noticed when I took the sheets off the horses in the morning that Sam had blood on the back of his. I looked all over his hind end and couldn't find anything. I let D know and she let her friend NK know who actually owns Sam. I was just getting ready to leave to go get my computer work done and NK arrived so I walked out with her. I was right that there were no marks on Sam, despite a couple of serious of blood, and when I mentioned that Casper had been chasing him the day before, she suggested that maybe he broke a tooth getting it caught on Sam's blanket.
Casper is a pill about having his mouth messed with, but we are finally able to start getting a look, of course we had no halter which didn't help, but we were surprised to find that his front teeth no longer lines up. The top 4 we're pushed back behind the bottom row by more than an inch. His gun was very dark purple above his teeth, and he had faint swelling around his nose but not much. We went back to get halters and brought him and his buddy into the barn.
The vet finally arrived a few hours later and took xrays, them left to take them back to the office to be developed. She didn't say a word one way or another about what she thought about the situation which made all the of us there nervous.
I headed out to feed Kahlua and found D cleaning up the barn and gently asked what happened getting the worst and it was confirmed. All 4 if his front teeth were broken and pushed up and back. They could have removed him and left him with nothing, which he could have probably some ok with but there wasn't a good way to know. It took 3 big doses of sedative just to get the xrays, so having to deal with a wound in his mouth healing would have been almost impossible. He was a terrible patient and at 23 with epm and had lyme and a heart murmur he was not exactly a prime candidate to deal with that kind of issue.
They buried him that afternoon before the rains come today, so that is good. Poor Ez called and called for him in his hoarse whinny. Storm stood in the corner of the pasture as close as he could, which I appreciated.
The sunset was glorious and bittersweet knowing the rainbow bridge welcomed another.


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Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Oh wow...what a sad ending for Casper. I've always said that if there is a way for a horse to hurt himself - he'll find it.... :(


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Yes, FEM, you are right. They are so amazingly strong and fragile all in the same moment.

The morning was ok, but the afternoon has gone into the handbasket. I checked my account and discovered that I forgot about my health insurance this month and it overdrew my account, I have payment protection but that cost me $20.00 in the process and took away from the money I had saved for my riding lesson this month. I got home to find the stove out again. The pipe is clogged and the shop vac is full of ash so it's not vacuuming like it should and it is crazy windy here now and I really don't want to deal with it. This has all made me very grumpy and feeling like I want to fall apart. Not a great response but hey...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
So sorry that you had to go thru that. When the vet put him down, where was the rest of the herd? I've found that if they see what's going on, they seem to handle it better.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Are you guys going to be getting the snow on Monday?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
He was out of the way, Deb in the area they were going to bury him which makes sense.
Yes to snow 4-6" Sunday night! Maybe the bf will get a snow day.
Zomg so busy! I'm not going to have a moment to breathe this weekend after not having a moment to breath yesterday either!
I'll catch up at some point!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That's what I keep telling myself. So far, it hasn't happened.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Well happy at Patrick's day snow storm. Ugh. I'm having trouble coping with this weather. Its not making me happy.
Saturday was a very long day. We split up the stuff that needed to be done. I headed out to do animal chores while the bf went down to the shop and for organized to finish the hay feeder we needed to deliver. Everything took much longer than we wanted and we didn't get on the road until noon. A quick so for food and we headed north into the middle of nowhere PA. It was a rather boring ride and seemed to go on for ever.
We finally arrived and the lady was very sweet. She wanted us to put it together inside, but we weren't able to get it all the way together, she'll have to put the roof on later when she moves it again because the barn didn't have enough height. It saved us the trouble though!
We left and made a stop at a national historic site that was the location of an iron making community. The iron furnace was still there, complete with water wheel and it was just beautiful. I got some cool photos, but had to switch to the bfs phone because mine died. We stopped even though we were short on time because we knew we'd never get back there again! I'm very glad we did.
We hustled back down the road getting stuck behind some slow people on one lane roads with no place to pass. We managed to get home at a decent time and then took the truck back to Ds house and then we all road over to dinner at a restaurant nearby. The food was really good and we really enjoyed the conversation. They are such wonderful people, and have helped us so much. They paid for dinner, which was so kind of them, I wasnt surprised that the wouldn't let us pay. We still protested though.
We crashed into bed dragging the work we had to get some on Sunday. We woke up early and the bf headed out to do chores and let me start in bed a little longer before I got up and started to get ready for heading up to work with a friend on a project An hour away. Thankfully I checked my email and he had cancelled. I was so grateful even though it meant losing the money that he would have paid me. It freed up our day to be much better prepared for the meeting with the bfs cousin to organize our taxes for the year. The numbers were a mess since I hadn't been keeping up with it very well over the past several months. She helped to get me straight and have us a preliminary number on what we would owe for last year. Once I get the business stuff straight then she will run numbers and see if she can figure out the best way to organize everything so that we come out I'm the best position owing the least. We were disappointed to find out that the county we are in now has much higher taxes than where we were previously. I guess that explains why the roads are so good...
Today I got the chores done and have gotten the sheets in the wash and the need remade but have mostly otherwise stalled out. I'm feeling really overwhelmed with how things are going and trying to wrap my head around How things need to be reorganized to manage the business moving forward.
I did pay off one bill today so that was good. I wish I felt more relief, but reorganizing all of this has been really challenging to wrap my head around. I can't wait to have a lot of this debt behind us!
Write up this morning to about 4" if snow. Its been coming down lightly still most of the morning. I think that isn't helping my mood all that much. I'm feeling trapped in winter when I desperately want to move forward and onward and upward.


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