hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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What iron furnace did you stop at? I went to one in PA years ago, but can't remember the name of it off the top of my head. And, we got about 6" of lovely snow. :he


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Hopewell. It was a whole community that had been preserved and was really nice. I was very impressed. We didn't have much time to see the whole area but we walked around the furnace itself for a while.

Yesterday was alright. I got 2 loads of laundry washed and dried and got the bed remade. I managed to scrape together dinner out of the freezer so we didn't have to go to the store. I don't know what we'll do tonight.
I worked on the paperwork for the races and that sort of depressed me a bit. I emailed the bfs cousin with some questions and her answers really didn't help me feel any better or to resolve any of my questions. I went into a downward spiral after that. I was not feeling very great by the time the bf got home. He helped me feel better, well really he mostly just distracted me. But that was ok. I wish I had more confidence in knowing what everything meant and the impact that it has on things in the bigger picture but I don't and so I get frustrated easily when I feel like I'm having information thrown at me that is over my head but I'm expected to be able to understand it and make a decision right away.
Today I have to get the boarding license mailed and talk to them in the phone about a couple of things. I need to make one more phone call to an insurance company before I make my decision of who to go with as well. I certainly hope they don't have another snow day! I need to keep cleaning up in the house, folds The clothes from yesterday, run another load through the wash, and make the bed. I guess we'll see how much of that I can manage to get done or not.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Alright. Boarding license mailed yesterday. They should have it by now. I'll call on Friday to verify and see if I can get the inspection scheduled.
Today I got Kahluas get clipped with ASs help. She stopped by to drop off the boarding deposit check and help me hold Kahlua just in case she got silly. We went over some more details so that was good. For Kahluas feet clipped good again and then put all the stuff on them so hopefully this will begin to help.
Managed to not get wet while doing that so that was good.
Came back in and folded the two loads of clothes from yesterday. Started the dish washer and am trying to decide what else I am going to get done on this very gray afternoon. I want to work on our logo a little, I have a new idea I'm toying with and I need to attempt to draw it up and see if I can get it to work or if what's in my head is going to be stuck there.
I'd like to do more cleaning and picking up If I can, I'll have to let the dish washer sit open to finish drying before I can unload it and I need to wash a few dishes in the kitchen.
Otherwise it's a pretty lazy day!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Whee! I think I just designed our logo! T is going to stop by in a bit too pick up her coat and I'm going to show it to her to get her thoughts on how to set it up in two tone so that it can be embroidered or printed easily and then I'll send off a scan to a friend to help me get it into jpg format and go from there. Yippy!
I should go unload the dishwasher now and put the last of the riches in the sweater I'm making with the exception of the zipper I have to buy...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
So the BF and T both like the logo. Now I just have to figure out how to convert it into a black/white line drawing, and then figure out how to handle the black and white areas when it is applied to various things. I can't wait to use it! Once I get it converted to a line drawing with ink, I'll scan a copy and email it to a friend that can probably help me.
I got a decent amount of things done yesterday, and when T stopped by we toasted to her getting the grant they've been waiting on which will help pull them out of the hole and us filling the barn. CP stopped by yesterday evening while I happened to be feeding Kahlua and gave me her check for her deposit and first month's board. She wrote it for the whole amount, so I'll let her know that she can prorate the second month to half the month since she is coming in in the middle of the month. That's really only fair to her.
For a little while I think we'll have enough money to get some of these projects in the barn attacked and DONE. I'm STILL waiting on the stall mats that I ordered to arrive (hurry up!!!!), and the BF is going to make me a feed bin. I need to draw up some designs for him and explain the features that I really want to have in it. I guess we'll see how much is left over at that point and possibly work on some of the electric projects we wanted to do. Those are going to be more challenging!
We have one more hay feeder to build, I'd like to get that DONE this weekend as well. I need to get the net ordered, but I have to count up the supplies that I have on hand and see what I'll need to get and adjust accordingly. I guess I have to do that tomorrow. I really should have ordered the net a while ago, but oh well.
I'm feeling pretty good about things. The only real challenge that I have right now is that I need to get the financial situation organized. It is frustrating me a lot that we do not have that together yet, but it is what it is. I'm so ready to move forward with all of it and be confident and organized with what we have.
Sometime between now and when I head out of here I need to figure out what's for dinner. I will have to stop on the way home and pick up whatever we need. When I get home I've got to feed Kahlua again, and then see what else I can get done before the BF gets home. He HAS to go over tonight and check S's truck. We've been promising to do it for several evenings and haven't gotten to it for various reasons.
I have only a few more loose ends to tuck in on my knitting of the sweater, and then I need to pick up a zipper this weekend while we are out and about. I will be glad to have that completed. Then I can start the next one! Thank goodness its a quick project. It will go even faster now that I know (mostly) what the heck I'm doing...
Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful, and I intend to get some work done outside. I'm going to start the chore of cleaning out the run-in shed. It hasn't been done in MONTHS and is long overdue... Since I have the inspection for the boarding license coming up soon, I would like that to be cleaned out so that the inspector has one less thing they can complain about. Hopefully I can manage to get it finished before that is scheduled.
Now if only I didn't have to be stuck in an office today and I could actually go and get work done!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
For cleaning that out, a spading fork is probably your friend. That's what I used when I took over the one I'm using. The cleaning out actually went pretty quick once I figured out what I was doing. I broke it into sections, so I was able to see progress easily-which helped.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Well it's a good thing I didn't plan to sleep this morning... the geese are being obnoxious!
S texted last night and asked if I could help today so I'm going to go over there as soon as chores are done and work for a while. Then I'll come back home and work on the manure. Deb, Thanks for the suggestion. I do have two pitch forks in addition to the other usual things like grain shovels. Hopefully this goes fast because I don't want to be doing it for long!
I'd better get moving I guess...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
At this point in time, it might not be the best fertilizer. After all, if it's been in the run in and packed down, no weed seeds have had a chance to heat up and get killed. So you can end up w/a ton of weeds. (Ask me how I know. :\)


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Oh it will go in the pile and won't be used for a while. I have a lady coming for a pickup truck load tomorrow that is trading us for a snow blower that needs a bit of work. Yay free things! She's getting manure from the back of the pile and then once we get the shed cleaned we'll turn it in good so it can sit more, probably at least until fall, maybe even spring, I don't know when we'll need it.
I'm beat. Working on the farm this morning we got 2 box rows of cauliflower and broccoli planted, I think about 120 plants per box, then covered them with hoops and fabric to help ward off the cold. We'll see how it holds up I guess. I just realized its supposed to snow, I hope it doesn't cause it to collapse.
Came home again and headed a bit of lunch and then cleaned a little in case the girls came in the house, which they didn't but still, and then got started on the shed. For a decent amount of manure scraped up into piles when AS and AJ got there and started to help. We got a good amount done. I think tomorrow we'll grab the bobcat since we have to load manure anyway and that will make it quick to finish. I will be very glad to have that project finished. It is too long overdue.
Once T got here we all headed out to an auction that was about an hour and a half away. It was a nice drive through pretty country but it took forever. The actual auction didn't have much but there were some vendors that has a few decent things. I picked up a lunge whip for only $8 and a crop for 4.
The bf went out with friends tonight, and isn't home yet, I hope he gets home soon because I need to remember to talk to him about the schedule for the weekend, we need to decide when we'll load manure for the last and S could use help getting the onions in the ground before the next snow storm hits on Tuesday (can't believe I'm saying that on March 21st I'm MD!).
I'm crashing now. Maybe I won't forget to tell the bf those things...