hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Where do they have it in PA? Is it at Harrisburg at the farm complex?

How bad has the weather gotten there? I know we got some sleet last night and maybe some snow!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
SS, what is BHM?
Deb, actually it's in seven Springs, which is west. It's only about 3:45 from us, which is better than Ashevilles 8 hours.
Got a bit done yesterday. I did some more cleaning and picking up, got some paperwork organized and put away. I washed the sheets, and got those hung to dry. Cleaned up the kitchen a bit.
AJ and I finally got the stall mats put in! T came over to help at just the right moment when we were ready to move the mats. I was glad to have her extra set of hands. We got the stall that needed 4 mats done and then had to take a break for lunch. I needed to go to the bank so we ran up to a cute cafe to eat and then I stopped in the bank. I dislike going to that one because they don't know me as well as they know me at the other branch so they frequently put the money in the wrong account.
We got back and T had to head out so AJ and I got the last mat put into the final stall. I was soooo happy to have that DONE! It was great to be able to check that off the list. There is a little more work that needs to be done, but I'll have to get the bfs help with that since it involves cutting. I want to get one corner fixed up a bit better than it is in one stall and then everything should be good.
I got a bit more done in the afternoon and then started reading the book that I got at the fair on herbal remedies.
When the bf got home He told me that it was too muddy to put out a bale for the horses so we had to use a small bale. He helped me get that it and then we turned out the horses again since AJ brought her three in for a while.
We ate dinner and then I finally got the call from my accountant that she had our taxes done. Whew! We headed over there and I got ready to go out the door and the fluffy black cat, Puff was stalking I'm front of our site, I looked down and she was covered in snow. The first thing out of my mouth was You have GOT to be KIDDING ME! it was snowing like crazy! I didn't get any good pictures because it was dark, but there was a little left this morning. Snow. On the 15th if April. Full moon, eclipse and tax day with snow. The world must be coming to an end! Or, as someone said this weekend.... it's global weirding.
This is what was left this morning.
The taxes was good news mostly. She basically got it down to a wash for us. So I owed, but the bf was getting about that amount back so it all works out. We owed her $200 for the trouble but considering that factoring in her fee we still came out owing over $800 LESS than what the bfs cousin had set us up with I was feeling very good about it. I'm looking forward to working with this lady in the future.
I don't know what trouble I'll get into today. The horses need to be fed and I'm supposed to go to the farm and plant, but I'm not sure if the weather is good to plant or not!


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Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I like that as well! I don't know if we got any snow, but we did get sleet!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Well I had posted. But my phone ate the post. Ugh.
I'm hitting that time of year when the days are getting longer and despite that there is somehow exponentially more stuff to get done. The bf isn't really very happy about that but there isn't much to do about it. Just gotta keep plugging away.
Between working on the farm, working around the barn and working in the office I've been swamped. We just did an upgrade to our office management system and it has been a disaster. At least its extra money. I have several projects that need to be done around here and I just can't get to them quick enough. My garden is getting to the point of needing to be worked on and I just haven't been able to get to it yet.
My laundry is backed up and the house is messy again and I've got to go to the grocery store. Ugh! Just not enough hours in the day!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I feel ya sister! I keep a running list on my phone of things I need to do and it seems like I add more things than I cross off.... Hang in there!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I've been concentrating more on the outside than the inside, so the house is getting pretty messy again. Once I get the last of that wood, I should be able to get back on schedule.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I hear that, Deb. Ugh. On to of that I have worked 29 hours between Friday, Monday and yesterday and forgot that there is a staff meeting this morning so I have to go back to the office for a few more hours this morning. Ugh. I'm not real pleased about that but it is what it is I guess.
I still haven't had time to get to the grocery store! That is driving me nuts! If I can get myself in gear I might go on the way home today, then go to the farm after that. I guess I have to think about it. The bad news is that idea is I would be going to a different store than usual which might take me longer. I guess I'll see how motivated I am this morning.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I know that right now, this is not something you can do, but I always try to keep 2 weeks worth of just-add-water or 'dump' meals on hand. Helps when I'm sick, or DH heads into layoff, and I've even brought some to family who are recovering from various things. I bought a book of recipe's (Dinner Is In The Jar), tested the on my guys, tweaked them as needed, then did up several. I put everything in a 2qt jar and vacuum seal it. I also try to make extra when I make bean soup, stew or vegetable soup, then can it up. The stew works great over noodles or potatoes for dinner, or by itself for lunch. I use leftover rice with the bean soup, to stretch it for a dinner. I know, how are you supposed to carve out time for that, right?!! Just an idea for the future, so you'll have one less thing to stress over ;)