hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
What's the cast iron truck SS? Oh so much to learn!
Had a sort of productive weekend. Saturday We delivered a hay feeder bright and early. Glass to get that off our plate. Now we just have to haul the one we made down to the folks south of here in a few weeks. That is assuming I can get enough grass to grow to support the horses. Ugh.
The bf got lots done this weekend. He got my garden box built and took care of getting another bale out for me and cleaned up in the shop down the hill. I spent most of Saturday in bed with a head ache probably from a combo of tension and pollen.
Sunday the pollen kicked my rear end hard. I had to go do barn chores down at the other barn, hopefully for the last time, and then dropped the check off for the hay that was delivered last week, and then headed home. I grabbed a snack and we headed out for a little date time. We stopped at an antique shop and I found a piece of horse brass with noahs arc on it, and paid too much for it but it was cute. Then we headed to our favorite winery, they were having a spring event, and got $5 off for being a case club member so it was $20 instead of $30 for the two of us to do a tasting including the glass and a really nice desert plate for each of us. We also got a brick oven pizza for lunch since they had the brick oven fired up. So yummy! We headed down the road and stored at another consignment so so I could show the bf the chair I saw while hanging out with my friend last week. Then we stopped at an organic grocery for a few things I needed.
We headed home and the bf decided to run down to his parents to see his brothers new motorcycle. He stopped by a farm store where a friend was working and got dinner and then headed home. While he was gone I managed to rake in the company into the garden and get that all neat, then in a whim I decided to work with storm which went well and made me happy. I crashed into bed for a little while to relax and then the bf came home and we talked for a bit before reds came over to eat dinner and hang for a bit. He left way too late for my taste in a Sunday and I felt like crap from my allergies so we crashed into bed.
I need to get a move on this morning and get the horses fed and then turned out on grass for an hour. Then it's off to the farm and hopefully I won't sneeze too much and can actually get some work done today.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Can you take anything for your allergies? I've been lucky that mine haven't been that bad this year.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Deb, I used to be in 5 medications and I finally gave up. On 5 meds my allergies weren't gone. It wasn't worth the chemicals. So I mostly just suffer and use whatever natural methods seem to work best. I'm working on fixing my adrenal health now, which should improve the allergies along the way. We'll see.
Yesterday at the farm wasn't too terrible with my allergies. I washed eggs to start with, and then wedded a bit and planted a few things before I painted another super for the hive. We had an obligatory margarita in honor of cinco de mayo before I left. I love my job.
I did get there later than I wanted because the horses gave me a fit going back into the paddock. Took me 30 minutes to drive 4 horses back into the sacrifice area again. Grace have me the most trouble, which didn't entirely surprise me. She tended to over react to my directions which made her run around a lot more than she should have. Storm was interesting to play with because I started really using my bubble to get him to go back in and it ended up working really well. I have to concentrate really hard when I do that, but it works. Hopefully they'll all start to get the routine soon enough.
AJ is feeding for me this morning since her house is a bit lame and she is going to have the very come out today. I'm relieved because now I have a little more time to work in getting the house cleaned up. I started the bedroom yesterday morning while the horses were grazing, I need to dust three more pieces of furniture, and then break out the vacuum and do the base boards and little things as well as go over the carpet really well. I do have to fold a load of clothes hanging up that is definitely dry now, oh and there is one I forgot about in the dryer too, oops.
I'd better get a bit done before I head to the farm again.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
How big an area were the horses in? That can be a real pain when they don't want to listen.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
The total pasture is about 6 1/2 acres. The front section is cut off for the sacrifice area, so it is a lot to deal with. The hardest part is getting them in because the opening is in the middle. They have a tendency to just run by it instead of going in. Yesterday want too bad. The girls came to help me, and they caught one of their horses who is more of a pain and then AJ stood Just on the other side of the gate while I pushed and they all went in pretty easily. Running but they went in.
Yesterday at the farm things went pretty good. I got there earlier since AJ took care of things in the morning for me and for started with eggs. I finished that and watered some stuff that was planned yesterday then cut the asparagus. I was walking back into the market when a lady pulled up. She came in and asked what veggies we had. I said um asparagus. She took the pound that I had and I tucked the extra two tenths of a pound back into the fridge to put with whatever is cut today. Glad I sold it but we can't keep that stuff I'm the market at all! I'm being super good and not eating any of it raw when I cut it either.
Last night the bf decided he'll eat asparagus. Lol he agreed he needs more green in his diet. Last night at dinner he also reminded me to get the fish oil capsules that we take. He has never reminded me before. I don't know what has gotten into him but it makes me happy!
I took a break for lunch after the asparagus and then got back to planting after lunch. I pretty much planted for about 4 hours. It was tough going because the plants were very dry and walked which meant the dirt was falling off the plant which made it that much harder. I ended up using the narrow end of a spoon to get them out of the trays.
S had to go pick up plants and he was able to stop and get barrels for me which made me happy. Now we can get rain barrels fixed up so I can catch some water!
We crashed last night. I had to get in the shower because I was sticky from getting sun burned while planting and then I passed out.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm about ready to pass out myself!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Wednesday was one of those crazy data and it seemed so for everyone I met. I don't know what was up but things were off. I ran around like crazy in the morning and then got to the farm late. It rained a bit which threw if the plans to go to the other plot and till then lay plastic. I ended up washing eggs and then painted another super for the bees. That makes 3 hive bodies and 3 supers to start with. Them I started on the logo on the wall which I am super excited about too. I hope I can work more on it today but he probably has other stuff to do today.
I need to get busy and get over there because I'm only starting until noon today then coming back here to ride with the girls. D is going to go with us to show us around. Its my first ride since I moved here and even though it isn't on storm it makes me happy. Hopefully I'll get time to work him this weekend too.
I'd better get moving I guess...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I rode today-but it wasn't on Misty. Still, it did feel good go be back on a horse and I really wished it had been on Misty! But, I want to work w/her a bit B4 I get on and the weather has not cooperated.

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