hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I put the need linens in it since I don't have a linen closet in this house. So far everything fits perfectly. I need to rearrange a little bit I think it works nicely.
For a lot done this weekend. I managed to get the barn bathroom scrubbed which was no small chore. The bf got the other 2 rain barrels hooked up. I picked up the house and vacuumed a bit. Spent a lot of time with JS since she was in town doing body work on horses and people. She was kind enough to work on me and work on storm. He needed it more than I did, do I was glad she was here. A nongaited horse 4 beat cantering is not good!
I can't even remember everything else but we got a lot done. It was nice to have 3 days with the bf as well. I wish we had more of those!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
Love the trunk!
Sounds like you got a lot accomplished over the long weekend, which is always a nice feeling!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
It is a really great feeling SS!
Yesterday was good except I burned the crash or if my back in about 2 his in the sun. I wore a tank to trying to get more Sun so I wouldn't burn. I'm so glad I brought my t shirt because I wouldn't have been able to make it through the afternoon.
We picked strawberries and spring pass and then munched between the blueberry bushes and finally took a break for lunch. Then I sprayed for bugs in the broccoli cauliflower and cabbage plus the asparagus. The broccoli is getting close finally! I'm so excited! can't wait for cabbage so I can start fermenting either!
We covered the grass against the Japanese beetles and about them I started to rain so we called it quits. There is a pretty good chance of rain today as well so I guess we'll see what happens.
Oh the rain barrels are working..... one storm and they're full! Oops!


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<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yesterday, there were really scattered showers. Today it has rained almost all day. Yesterday was miserable, it was sticky and the sun was hot. I wasn't feeling so great, I guess I'm not completely adapted to the higher humidity and putting in the long hours at the farm. I need to make sure that I have the right things to take care of myself for lunch and to stay hydrated and stuff. I might need to make up some home made electrolyte drinks or something. We started weeding a 200' row of lettuce, thankfully three of us were working on it, which made it not so bad. We started in the shade, which was nice, and then ended up in the sun, and then the temp dropped and clouds rolled in and it got chilly!! By the time I left the farm about 7 it was 65 degrees!
I picked 5 lbs of strawberries, picked spring peas, spring onions (twice), cut asparagus, organized the other asparagus into pound bunches, washed eggs, weeded the lettuce, and I think I'm probably forgetting something, because I almost always do... It was a long day.
My riding instructor is in town this weekend, and I'm happy to have her back. She decided to implement a policy that adds a travel fee on if you aren't at the main barn where the lessons are happening. I was upset because my budget is really tight, and I don't really have a way to afford paying her the extra money on top of her already high lesson fee because she is from out of town and the cost includes airfare. I DO believe she's worth it, my budget is just a bit too tight for that. So it works out that N, who normally picks her up has a hard time getting off on Fridays to take care of her, so I'll be doing that instead and she'll waive the extra travel fee. Its a big relief because I was beginning to think I wasn't going to be able to handle the extra cost and was going to have to give up my lesson. Not cool!
Reason 5486 why I love my BF. I am going to need to get some fertilizer and get it onto my field to try to help control the weeds and encourage the grass to grow. We were looking into broadcast sprayers and can't find anything that is economical enough to afford it. So the BF starts looking at pumps, and spray nozzles because we have an extra barrel sitting around that we aren't using for a rain barrel. So he plans to take that and turn it into a 50 gallon broadcast sprayer that we'll put on the back of the landlord's gator to spray the pasture. He's so amazing to just be able to build something like that! I love him so much! I mentioned to the landlord that I got the soil sample results back and he said to just get him the info and he'll call the local Mill to have them set up a mix for us and get the pasture treated. I have no idea what they'll do this late in the season, but I don't want to put pesticides on my field! We'll see what happens, but if I provide the fertilizer, and then work to till it under in the fall and get the landlord to simply reseed it, then apply more fertilizer in the spring, I should be good to go. We'll see what happens anyway...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It helps having someone around who's handy.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Oh yes!
It rained all day so I'm glad I want scheduled to be at the farm because that would have been a non work day and less money. Breaks are good now and then but I don't get paid if there is a break!
I came home from work with a tension headache, probably from my chair/desk, I'm sure it's not ergonomic.
The bf arrived home with a huge bolt in his tire, so that was an additional stop on the todo list of errands. We grabbed a bite out and picked up another plug kit for him and then stopped by the grocery store for a few things since I have to take my riding instructor around today.
We came home and I crashed while he got the tire fixed. He helped me put kt tape in my runs which have been bothering me badly, despite the body work last weekend. It feels much better and hopefully will heal.
Gotta get ruling today so I can head to my friend's place to take care of her animals and then to the farm for a half day and then to the airport. Whee!