hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I hear that. The weather was beautiful this weekend But I ended up a bit too tired to work storm. Maybe I can get to it tomorrow.
Had a good weekend for the most part. For a little more cleaned up in the house. For 3 loads of laundry at least washed, one more to fold. Got most of the parts for the rain barrels. These are going to be expensive freaking rain barrels, but they are going to do their job!
My allergies kicked my butt this weekend so that has not been fun. I had the windows open anyway.
Had a nice time with the bfs family for mothers day. She wanted to go out to lunch so that was nice.
I have a busy week coming up, going to be on the farm a lot and have quite a few things to do here as well. Hopefully I can get it all done....


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Spent way too much time chatting with my friend and not enough time really getting stuff done yesterday but that's alright.
I did manage to get my garden planned and got bird meeting up all the way around. The only thing that is left to be done is get the frame up for the beans to climb and get the front side protected so the water came wash through it. The latter must be done before friday storms. I'm going to talk to S about it today and see what he suggests. I need to find a different nozzel for the hose too because the client one is going to blast the plants away lol
Talked to my grandmother and grandfather a bit which was good. I had some questions to ask about the garden and planting so I made sure to do it right. I forgot one step but it will be ok, it'll just take longer for the okra to come up.
I have to head out again today in a hurry. Too many things to do. I'm feeling too rushed which is not fun at all.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hopefully you'll get everything done for Friday. We need the rain, but don't need it. There's still areas that are flooded from the last system, but everything needs a good watering.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Watering yes.... lots of rain, no! We're in the same boat, there are still places where the water is running from the previous storms. It just won't quit. I guess we'll see what happens.
I managed to get a bit done yesterday evening, but it was another failed dinner night. I left the farm, made a quick stop at the hardware store to grab some drain pipe, ran to take care of my friend's animals, headed down to the old farm to pick up my paycheck and get the grill cover my ex was giving me, and then had to run back to the farm to pick up the eggs I forgot to take with me, and then finally home. Once I got home I hooked up the drain pipe and was happy that it was JUST long enough to get the water from the gutter away from the garden. I'm praying that fixes the issues with the water draining through the garden. We'll see I guess. I drove down the hill and grabbed the bobcat so that when the BF got home we could put out a bale of hay. Drove that back up the hill and parked it, then grabbed a shovel and bucket to move some old mulch and fill in some of the gaps on the outside of the garden box to try to block the holes where the water was getting through. I guess we'll see what happens with that. I was just finishing up with that when the BF got home. He brought home dinner so we ate and then headed out to put out the bale. The weather had turned to liquid rain again and the horses were all acting goofy so that took a bit of work. We finally got that done and he drove the bobcat back down the hill and I put things away and shut all the gates.
I hadn't gotten a chance to talk to him yet about the beach trip we're supposed to take this weekend. I started thinking about it and realized that its going to take about $125.00 in gas for the trip, plus his mom doesn't want to cook while we are down there, which means about 7 meals eating out. We aren't going to be able to leave until late tomorrow evening, which means not getting there until 10, and then we'll have Saturday and have to drive back Sunday. It is cruise week at the beach, so its probably going to be packed, and I'm not all that interested in hanging out with big crowds, and I don't really want to feel rushed. I really want to just relax. When I noted that it was going to cost us close to $300.00 just to go to the beach for the weekend he seemed to want to rethink the idea. I'm so glad that his cousin has a house, but even with that its still a lot of money for us to put out just on one weekend. He said he would talk to his mom (though he was falling asleep through the whole conversation, so I'm not sure how much he actually heard of what I said...). He texted me today and said he talked to her, but didn't tell me what the outcome of the conversation was... I also realized the up side of us not going is that we can go to his parents house and clean out his room some more without being bothered about anything the entire time. That is a definate bonus. I'm ok either way, I guess, but we'll just have to see what his mom said. I can easily see her begging him to come and telling him she'll pay for things for us. I hate to be a free loader, but I appreciate her wanting to help us, too.
So right now I have no idea just how busy my day will be tomorrow. Some of it is going to depend on how much rain we get and the rest will depend on whether or not I actually have to pack or not.
Tonight I have to go back over and watch the farm store for an hour while S goes out on egg delivery. I think I'll try to get the rest of the herb bed weeded and then start working on the logo on the wall again. I plan to get that done tomorrow while its raining anyway, so a head start will help.
I have no idea how I'm going to get dinner organized but I guess we'll see. I hope that I can get some things fixed before I have to run over to the farm, but I guess we'll see how time goes. I have ground beef thawed, and I've got the ingredients for sheppards pie ready to go, its just a matter of cooking everything. We'll see how much energy I have...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That's one reason I don't like to go away-the cost. If only everything was free!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I know Deb! I'm still not entirely sure what we decided lol his mom offered to help pay for things but I hate feeling like I'm mooching off someone. If choose if he doesn't get home til 8 again tonight like last night I don't know that he'll feel like driving to the beach! I guess we'll see what happens.
It pouring here. There's water coming in under the old stove pipe that the landlord is removing and relaxing with a window so that makes me glad he's going to do that! One of the other old Windows is damp already as well so that makes me even more happy! The ceiling in the one room is leaking again in a different spot. Hopefully the maintenance guy can get the roof sealed again soon. These crazy rains are driving the water in, but that also tells me is getting in anyway.
Started taking some big doses of vitamin c yesterday to try to help my allergies so we'll see what happens. I think I'm slightly better this morning but it is very hard to tell what is environmental and what is helping. Course I just sneezed again as I typed that...
I guess I need to figure out if I have to pack today. I guess that is going to dictate how busy I am today!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I had water coming in my tack shed around the one window. I need hubby to replace that like he's promised!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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My favorite trip to the beach was many moons ago, after labor day - it was chilly and damp. It was just me and DS#1. I had saved up little by little from my meager earnings at the time and, because of off season discount, we got to stay in a really nice little cabin right on the water! There wasn't any other people staying there, so we got to walk around and explore in peace and quiet (we both needed heavy sweaters, but hey, NO BUGS!!) We had a great time! I just don't like big crowds.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Ss I agree on the crowd issue! I like to be warm so I like to enjoy the beach when it is hot but the crowds are annoying.
The rain stopped here early afternoon and it was lovely the rest of the day. I finished painting the logo on the wall which took way longer than I thought, then another gal the helps on the farm and I weeded a row of strawberries. There are tiny green berries on them! I can't wait!
I actually got home after the bf, he left work a half hour early but he already has 56 his for the week and was going to work more today. We did French bread pizzas in the oven to use up some sauce that I had. It was great to relax together in the evening, we almost never get to do that!
My garden seemed to survive pretty well. It looks like there is only one spot where the row washed out. I guess I'll have okra coming up in funny places! Otherwise everything else seems alright. I'm relieved! We didn't get near the rain they were threatening which is a good thing. S picked up a Sun sugar tomatoe for me so I'll have to add that to the garden today. It would be good if I could get some weeding done around here but I guess we'll see. I need to set up tomatoe supports and get my bean framework set up so they have somewhere to run.
Rally looking forward to a really nice relaxing weekend!

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