hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Yes, dogs. Freaking phone! Pain In my butt!
Came home yesterday with a tension headache that knocked me on my butt. I laid down and the bf bright home Dinner because i didn't have anything planned either. I got up and tried to eat but felt nausea so bad that i couldn't eat more than a few bites. He gave me ibuprofen and Arnica and made me peppermint tea and we went to bed and snuggled. About 9:30 I woke up again and felt better so i ate the rest of the sub he got for me. I woke up much better this morning. He takes such good care of me!
Gotta get going, it's going to be a long day!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yep, he sounds like a good one.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hey HQ, are you OK? You haven't posted for several days now.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yup. I'm Ok. Just stupid busy. And not really thrilled about it.
In a but shell I've on the farm a little more lately and on top of that there's been a lot of little things going on that have sucked up much time.
The new Windows are in we got all the doors put together and painted and installed. It took me a lot longer than i wanted but they look good and work well.
The not so good need of late is that the BFs brother, MK was in a motorcycle accident on the way to work two Mondays ago this week. He was in the ICU for just shy of a week And in regular care for several days and was just moved to a rehab facility this week. They removed a kidney and his spleen in surgery the day it happened and pinned up his leg to stabilize his knee, which he tore all the ligaments in. He broke his collar bone and two ribs and cracked a few vertebra. The good news is that he had no head trauma.
The accident wasn't his fault, a guy pulled out in front of him. That's the reason that Ii just don't trust bikes. It's not usually the bike driver that's the issue. It's everybody else on the road.
Another gal on the farm has been on vacation this week and so I've picked up extra hours which is good but it's really wearing me out. My parents are coming for a visit and they could be here as soon as the end of the week. I'm so not prepared for that! I'm looking forward to seeing them but I'm just not ready for that. I guess we'll see what happens.
Ended up with a sorting headache after i left the farm today. Had to lay down and nap for a while and sleep it off. It's mostly gone, but still there a little bit. We were supposed to go to a party for a co-worker of the BFs but i didn't go. He is on the way home but i think he'll be too late to go run the errands we were going to run. I have had to feed horses for my friends this week on top of being busy and that's part of why I'm so worn out i think. I did pick black berries and raspberries along their driveway before coming home today so that was a treat.
Otherwise things are rocking along.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'll be adding MK to my prayer list.

Good to hear from you. Glad that you're just super busy and that there's nothing wrong.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks, Deb, I appreciate it.
No, nothing is wrong other than there are not enough hours in the day!

Forgot to say that last week i got caught in a storm that had a little tornado in it that scared the crap out of me. I was feeding at my friends house was ahead of the storm. I had just put the horses in their stalls when the wind up and then began roaring, just like they say our sounds with the freight train. I ran for the house and got inside with the gal who lets their dogs out we hung out for probably 20 minutes. I didn't think it was actually a tornado because it was ahead of the storm. It wasn't until later that we were driving through the area and went past their house and found where it had hit. I don't think I've been that scared in a very long time.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Can't say I blame you. I would have been scared as well.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I realized after the fact that by the time I ran to the house it was already gone. So if it had actually hit where I was I wouldn't have been able to get anywhere safe, other than diving into the hay stall in the barn, which is probably the safest place, especially if I pulled a few bales down to create a little hole to crouch in. Just glad that it wasn't worse!!

I got a few things done this weekend, though nothing major. So it goes. We did get the fridge cleaned out, which was a big help, and I did manage to cook dinner last night. I made home made meat loaf (pretty good recipe, next time I'm going to put the onions, carrots and parsley into the blender... texture issues with the onions!), grilled okra (that is a no-go for the BF, sadly!), frozen corn that we needed to eat up and purple mashed potatoes! The potatoes were fun, they turned out a lovely shade of lavender when I was finished.

I started my fermented squash at the end of the week, and I'll taste it today to see how it is doing. I still have a cabbage recipe to start and a carrot recipe to start. Pretty soon I should be able to do my tomatoes, my sungold is running pretty good right now. I'm waiting on the others to get going, but we'll see how long that takes. Speaking of the garden. The okra is coming in good, a little bit at a time (when I can catch it before it gets too huge...), and the green beans are trying. The Limas are so close to being ready too. I'm still waiting on the tomatoes... they're HUGE on the vine, it will just be a matter of time before they get going. The Sungold is chugging along though, which is lovely! I'm going to have enough to ferment them soon, which is exciting!

I got some laundry done yesterday, which was a good thing. Other than that, not much happened.

I've been feeling really overwhelemed (hence not being on here almost at all) and have been covering for some of the folks that have been away on vacation last week and this week at the farm. It was only compounded by the fact that I was feeding my friend's horses for the past 2 weeks as well. I also realized that at the end of this week my riding instructor will be back in town, and she's now staying with me, plus my parents were trying to figure out what dates they wanted to visit. Thankfully their visit isn't until the second week of August, so that takes some of the pressure off. Now I just have to get everything organized before then and figure out what needs to be done and how to get everything done.

My dogs will be coming home some time soon, now I guess I have to schedule that around my parent's visit as well. I need to get the paddock fenced in with wire so that the dogs will have somewhere to go and then figure out how I am going to handle all their other stuff. They have a lot of stuff! I don't know where the crate is going to go, but I guess I'll have to figure it out somehow. I suggested to the BF that we make a table top for it and put it where the end table is next to the couch so that it won't take up any excess space, it will only take up the space that is already there. I guess we're going to have to see if that works out ok or not. I know the BF is not really looking forward to it, he doesn't like dogs at all.

Things are moving too fast, and I am just feeling like there is not enough time to get ahold of anything. My lesson is now on Saturday morning, so I don't even have Saturday to add an extra session in with my horse! I'm going to TRY to squeeze in a session one morning before I have to be at the farm, but that is going to meant that I will have to be up and out feeding really early... like probably by 7:15 in order to have enough time to spend a little time working him. My routine has gotten all thrown off lately, and that is kinda crazy!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I know that feeling! If I could have a few days that were longer than 24 hours, I might be able to get more caught up on stuff.

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