hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Interesting on the cinnamon! I'll have to try it. I can't completely tell if it has fungus out not. Ugh!
Got quite a bit done this weekend despite having to attend family events. I got up Saturday and managed to get some laundry done and straightening in the house. The bf finally got home at 1 we got ready to go to a cousin's kiddos 1 year birthday. It Was ridiculous. I'm sorry but a 1 year old doesn't really need a birthday party to start with, let alone 2 picnic tables FULL of gifts, mostly toys. It was disgusting. We got there after most of the food was cooked on the grill and it had all been left sitting in the sun, the was cold and everything else that should have been cold was luke warm. We finally left to go home and get more stuff done. We did manage to get the beans strung up, I'll have to take another picture, I'm pleased with our contraption and i think it will work well. We ate dinner really late and feel into bed again.
We got up and enjoyed breakfast together and then swung over to Ss to get the pickup truck and headed north to get rain barrels. We stopped at TSC to get a new chain for the manure spreader and found proper nozzles for the we are making, err the bf is making, and then found the guys farm. I was a little irritated that he only had 3 instead of the 6 he told me he'd have, so now i have to drive back again later when he gets 3 more. I left the 3 fire the other 2 folks that work at the farm since we are so busy We don't really have the time to work on them right now anyway. That way i can get my money back and spend the $60 later.
Got home and we decided I would go run errands while the bf stayed home and worked on things. I headed out and grabbed a bite to eat then stored at the Sprint store see if they could help me with my phone. He gave me some suggestions to try and then i in kills because i had a $10 coupon. I spent more than i wanted but i got 6 different things for $38 and saved $148. I'd say it was a good deal! Headed to BJs and found it empty which made shopping easier and got gas and came home.
The bf had managed to get the spreader running and got the sprayer working as well. We relaxed for a bit before heading to Lowe's and target quickly then to his parents to have dinner with his dad. We had fun but got home easy too late. What else is new? I'm trying to get a few chores done and then i have to head out. It never seems to stop...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I've discovered since i did this update to my phone that the keyboard is acting a bit different. When it doesn't recognize a word instead of auto correct making it up It just leaves a blank that is double spaced. It is annoying because half the time i can't remember what the word should be.
Yesterday was hot on the farm. i washed eggs in the morning and we ate lunch. S shared a piece of his peanut butter cake was made for him for father's day and was omg so good. Then i went out and helped the guys prep for transplanting some stuff from another plot. We got that all ready and then went over there to dig up squash and melons because they weren't growing and were being eaten. We got a full load and headed back with a detour at the snowball stand first four a much needed break.
Got back and started planting again and the heat was really intense on top of black plastic. I had to stop and take a break. It felt like i was moving in slow motion.
We got everything planted and the two other guys had to leave, but it was still pretty early so S and i headed back for one more load. We pulled into the plot and three groundhogs scampered into the brush. Caught in the act. S want to bother with getting rid of them since it isn't his plot, we brought another load over.
We got most of them into the ground, but the rest will have to wait until today because more plastic has to be laid and S and i were not about to get into that.
We headed out back and relaxed by the pool, he swam while i stuck my feet in. I was really tempted at one point but i didn't. It might happen today and tomorrow though... i finally got home too late to cook what i had planned so we improvised and ended up eating really late. We had some really good conversations about several things catching up together so that was good.
This morning i noticed that there are suddenly flying ants in some of the Windows. Very strange. I have pulled the blinds down on all the Windows that get sun so hopefully i can keep it cool enough in here for the chinchillas. I don't want to turn on the a.c. yet!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Flying ants! Yikes! Many years ago, in another house, I thought I had flying ants. It turned out to be termites!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It's not unusual to see flying ants at certain times in the year. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have ants, just that the new queens are leaving the nest to go and make their own colony.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I used to see flying ants every spring in the house... Not so many now that we have a metal roof though.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Ugh.... how can i tell the difference between ants and termites?
Long hot day on the farm. I did get the horse worked this morning, thankfully the round pen was in the shade at that hour.
Today was CSA prep day and i was in the market getting stuff organized all day. It would have been hot in the sun but working in the garage next to all the coolers blowing hot air out was not fun either. We took a in the pool in the afternoon which was welcome. I got about half way in, which impressive for me with the water as cool as it was.
Home late again and dinner is almost done and I'm starving and exhausted.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Hmm.... i think it's ants. I hope so anyway considering the fact that the house is made of 100+ year old wood! I did finally break down and turn on the a.c. yesterday when i got home. I thought the bf would have wanted it but when he got home He said he was surprised! Lol really, ur shouldn't have been that warm for the chinchillas, so it needed to be done. I'm bummed because our power bill is going to go up again! I was hoping to make it until the new Windows were installed but oh well.
I have to run today and pick up my order of raw milk at lunch, and i think I'm going to hose the horse when i swing by to put everything in the freezer. I hope he is staying mostly cool, I start worrying in this weather. I need to clip him bad but i have to get a new blade. I think I'll order that tomorrow at the office when i have real internet.
Not much else is happening. It's hot and that's about it.

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