hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
No kidding. Ugh.
I left the office a half hour late tested after meeting with this potential IT guy, which i guess is a good sign. We did come up with a solution for my computer, so that was good. There is plenty of work to do to get the computers back under control though so we'll see what they are willing to do to take care of that.
I felt like crap by the time i got home last night. I almost didn't go to the BFs house for his dad's birthday. It was nice through my stomach want happy. I don't know if it was the refried beans or the cranberry juice ice been drinking so much of trying to get rid of this low grade UTI that had been hanging around for over a week. That's mostly my fault but still.
This morning i must get the guest bed remade and vacuum as well as pick up the bathroom. This is the last guaranteed I'll have before the body worker is here tomorrow. I have to go get her at 8:30 and it's about an hour drive to get there. And the BF can't go with me sadly. He'll be busy delivering a hay feeder. Money is a good thing!
I guess i need to get off my duff and get a few things done.
Why do i always fall apart right before my body worker is here? My foot is killing me!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
If you can get hold of some, try corn silk for the UTI... or even the white roots of couch grass have benefits for UTI's


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Thanks for the suggestions, Britsea. My bodyworker suggested something called Azo that you can get at the drug store. I bought some, and started that this morning. We'll see how it does. It turns your pee BRIGHT orange, which is creepy if you ask me, not that yall needed to know that....

The weekend was BUSY. But what else is new? Picked up JS from the other gal on Saturday morning and then ran around like chickens with our heads cut off for a while. She had 2 appointments down at the old barn, so I was able to get in there and get things cleaned out. Of course, it got moved right up to my house and into my shed in a pile, so its not really like I actually accomplished anything. It was raining so it isn't like any of it could have been organized easily.
Got her back to the house and grabbed lunch along the way. The BF had cleaned up the house after he got done shoving things into the shed, and he did a great job. Got JS started on her appointments and then the BF went down to get the hay feeder that needed to be delivered loaded up. That was more of a struggle than we wanted it to be. The bobcat wouldn't fit on with the roof on the back, so the roof had to go onto the back of the pickup truck and get strapped down. Then the AS was having her little open house when the BF brought the truck and trailer up to the house to pick up the bobcat, and the horses were none too pleased about that. We FINALLY headed out after 4:00 which was WAYYYY later than we wanted to. Traffic was HORRIBLE as we headed down the road, I think there was a game in the city, but I never really did figure that out. We finally go there and got started. Everything went together pretty smoothly until the roof. It was a struggle to get it on top of the feeder and then the posts and frame didn't line up quite right so we had to leave the forks of the bobcat supporting it while the BF screwed the roof on. Down to the last two bolts and they both sheared off as he was trying to get them on. I had to go get two more for him, and he was finally able to get it in. I started trying to get the net set up and found out that my not so smart self had not ordered enough length of rope to actually fit all the way around the inside of the feeder. ARGH!! So now I have to mail the net back to her once I get a longer rope set up. I felt so bad that we were so late and then things didn't work out like they were supposed to, we knocked $50.00 off what they owed because we just didn't feel good about the way things happened. Not a good situation for making money!
We FINALLY got home after 9, and then unloaded everything and I grabbed my truck so we could return the pickup truck to DB. Not how I like to borrow things either! We tried to find something for dinner, and ended up just eating a few pringles that were in the cabinet. Not exactly the best dinner ever.
Got up Saturday morning and JS worked on me. It was such a huge relief to have her put me back together. I actually had a bit of an emotional release on the table, I haven't ever done that before. I could tell that I needed more, but it just wasn't going to happen. I couldn't figure out why I was such a mess in such a strange way and I finally realized that I must have been wrenched more than I thought the first time Storm spooked when I was picking his back feet. I suspect that between him jerking and me jumping up to spin around and deal with him I tweaked something pretty bad. Since then I've just been getting worse and worse. She was able to straighten me out and taped up my back and side with KT Tape which made it feel better. Ultimately it will take some time for the muscles to heal since things were so bad.
Sunday went by in a blur, we had appointments to get her to in the morning and then we headed down south where we met the next gal that was taking her. I got home about 2:00 and still hadn't eaten lunch. The BF was mowing, so I walked the dogs for a few minutes and then went and laid down.
We ended up talking when he came back in the house and I cried some more, which was much needed, and then we fell asleep for a little while. We finally got up and went and got dinner about 6:00, and made a stop at the drug store and the grocery store and hopefully have enough to eat for the week. We took care of a few things and finally crashed into bed about 8:30.
This week is going to be another busy one, I just don't know when I'll get a break. I'm in the office today, working on a rigged up system of computers because they freaked out about putting me on the old office manager's computer, even though I won't mess with anything. :rolleyes: We should be getting set up with a new IT person, so hopefully that will go well and we can move forward quickly.
The rest of the week I'll be on the farm, hopefully I'll have enough time in the mornings to be able to handle getting some things done, and maybe squeezing in a session with Storm. We'll see how it goes, I have my lesson this weekend first thing in the morning on Saturday, so I'd really like to have another session with him before she's here. Hopefully I can at least stay caught up in the house, and make a little progress on organizing things before she gets here.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hope things calm down for you soon.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks y'all.
The BF is at the baseball game tonight courtesy of the company and the fact that my ex was the one organizing the outing (they work for the same company in different departments, and yes, it's all good) so i stayed home tonight and cleaned. I didn't intend to but I ended up getting into the kitchen pantry cabinet. I noticed little moths in it recently which i think came from the fact that the bf brought a blanket from his parents house that had them in it. Grr. Anyway I just made myself sick because i just had to throw out the grits that my mom just brought me from nc because i had 2 bags and thought the older bag was clean and dumped them together into a jar only to as i was porting the second bag on top the it must have been the older bag and it had buggies in it. :sick I'm so disgusted with the bugs and myself for being stupid enough to dump them together. I know better with things that are questionable. I looked at them in the bag and they seemed fine. I guess not. I don't have the heart to tell my mom either and now I won't have grits again for a while. Probably Christmas when I can convince mom to send me more without being odd that I need more so soon.
Got quite a few things cleaned out of the cabinet. I'm rather annoyed at how much i had to throw away. I also found some jars of jellies that had been given to me years ago and so Ii dumped them. None of them were horribly rank thankfully but they definitely weren't good anymore. Oops. All those jars are in the dishwasher to get thoroughly cleaned!
Got the downstairs vacuumed with the exception of the bedroom. It took a while since it hasn't been done since Saturday. I guess it really needs to be done twice a week now. Of course the dogs really need to be brushed daily and that would help.
Speaking of dogs, my smaller dog has been crying out when he goes to get up. It started when i came home today. I opened the door and heard him yelping, and he got up a bit stiff but ok. I have him a thorough rub down and checked his feet and couldn't find anything that really made him yelp. Hes done it a few times but not enough for me to figure out what is wrong. I'm a bit worried about him now. Yesterday the poor dog was having the worst sneezing fit I've ever seen. He must have gotten into something while I was working in the garden. His fit rivaled mine when I have a bad reaction to something! He was sneezing so hard that it was prolonged and he was shaking his head back and forth all during one sneeze! I felt terrible for him. That seemed to stop but now he's yelping when he moves.
Just realized i forgot to put the drops in his ears.
Speaking of garden, I went awol in the garden and ripped out a huge wheelbarrow of weeds and managed to get my potatoes in the ground. I hope its not too late at this point. I guess we'll see.
I'm pooped and I'm going to crash and how that the bf and the ex coming in from the game late doesn't make the dogs go nuts and wake me up.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks WBF. Anybody have any ideas about getting rid of them naturally? I keep finding them in odd places and that makes me reluctant to put stuff away.
Had a really productive weekend last weekend and this weekend. Last weekend we got the hay stacked and loaded in the hay barn on the coolest day of the weekend. The temps soared after Saturday and it would have been miserable. We went to the baseball game on Sunday which was a lot of fun. Monday we were able to get some things accomplished, despite the heat.
This weekend I had to work at the farm for the last day on Saturday. It was very bittersweet, I'll miss the money but I won't miss the lack of time. I'm finally going to be able to catch up on a ton of stuff I have to do. Saturday afternoon the bf and I ran some errands and cleaned a few things up.
Yesterday I went to teach a lesson to a gal that I know and came home to find that the bf had finished mowing and also got the original washing machine or of the house and put the exs washing machine in the house and set up the little shed outside with the original washer. I now have a animal hair very dirty washing machine outside and a mice house washing machine inside. Wahoo! We hooked it up and were able to run a load of towels that we used to dry the dogs after I gave them a bath in the wash stall. It worked! The bf also organized all my gardening tools and put up a shelf for me in the shed wroth the washer so I can still have access to all my tools easily. He's so awesome.
Since I made the peach pie last week that leaked all over the bottom of the oven I hadn't used the oven since then because I didn't want everything to Taye burned so we tore apart the oven yesterday and cleaned it. We bought some heavy duty dawn stuff and the bf put it in a spray bottle and he cleaned the grill grates and then we cleaned the oven. I ended up liberally sprinkling the oven with baking soda and spreading it with water to make it pasty them let it sit. I came back a while later and used a scotch Brite sponge and scrubbed it off. It still took elbow grease but that worked pretty well. I think the oven is cleaner than it was when we moved in.
I was really glad to get that done.
The bf and I ended up getting Chinese since the oven wasnt finished, and so when we finished dinner and cleaning the oven we got into the shower and then decided we'd both worked hard so we would trade massages since the table was still set up upstairs. It was really lovely and made both of us feel really good. I think that will have to become a weekly tradition!
We crashed into bed and I could tell I was actually feeling sick by then. It started coming on in the afternoon and by the evening I couldn't deny it. Now I just have to figure out how to get better quick so I'll feel good for this weekend again.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
so sorry you're feeling sick. Is it a summer cold?

Something I learned years ago- if you have a pie runneth over onto your stove, dump a bunch of salt over the still gooey mess- before it is fully burned hard. The mess will puff up and become airy and light, and when the oven cools you can wipe it up with a damp sponge.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I'll have to remember that for next time, Britsea! Unfortunately I didn't realize this one had run over and into the bottom of the stove until it was too late. The baking soda worked better than I thought it might, so that was a good thing!
On cup number 4 of tea with honey and lemon today. Whee....

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