hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like you're going to be busy today!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Well I got most things done on Friday. Sufficient enough anyway. The bf was a half hour later getting home and traffic was terrible. Worth the drive, traffic and stopping for dinner we didn't get to the beach house until almost 8.
Got everything unloaded and pretty much crashed.
Saturday was gray and a bit rainy. We didn't get breakfast done until almost 10 and then finally aye lunch at 2. We decided to go wander some of the outlets for the afternoon and then get dinner and wandered one of the boardwalks. It was a really great time even if it was a little drizzly and gray. I found a jacket at the Columbia outlet but was not sure about it and didn't but it. I should have because when we stopped back by on the way or of town yesterday they only had my size in light gray which wasn't as pretty as the royal blue.
Sunday we got up and packed a bit then went to breakfast and then finished packing and got out of the house. Since our friends had their dog with them we just went to hang on the beach. Sadly it was cool and breezy, but still really sunny. I got a bit of wind burn so I'm not complaining. It was great to be on the beach and just relaxing for several hours.
We headed home and stopped to pick up the jacket and get lunch. We made it home just after 7 and got the car unloaded and then got into the shower. It was not so nice coming home to below 60 degrees!
We are already planning a mountain trip with them in s few weeks and I can't wait.
Today I need to get things put away and then get started on some of the unfinished projects around here.
No idea what to have for dinner since there hasn't been a grocery store trip in over a week.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Nothing like a quick get-away for a short break!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
At least you didn't get the pouring rain we got on Saturday! And, while we needed it, I would have preferred for it to have waited until nighttime!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yes, Deb, it rained stay for a while but not terrible. I forgot to ask my friends how the rain was here while we were gone.
Yesterday afternoon I spent most of the day getting the spreadsheets updated with the finances. I'm finally caught up! There are some things that aren't quite right but all in all its pretty good. I haven't been current in months so I'm glad that is done. I also was able to get some paperwork organized and put away. I'm getting better at it, its been a long learning curve.
Going to call the phone company today because I got my first bill now that I purchased my new phone and there is an activation fee I want told about on the bill. Not ok! I'm hoping maybe they will waive that if I complain enough. I guess we'll see.
So far this morning the dogs have been fed and it, I have a load of laundry in the wash and dinner is in the oven baking so that I will only have to reheat it tonight and save money on the power bill.
Not sure what I'm going to get done today, there is laundry to fold and vacuuming that should be done. The bathroom could use a scrub.
I need to run some errands but I want to get myself really well organized first.
The sheds could be cleaned out and I need to build my compost ring still. Of course while going on the shed the other day I discovered that there are wasps building a nest coming right in the hole in the roof and there was a giant spider on the ceiling too. Not my idea of fun!
Of course the horse should be worked to and I still need to work on my curtains.
Decisions decisions...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I'm so on a roll today. Two loads of laundry hanging to dry, the whole downstairs vacuumed, bathroom and kitchen mopped, dinner mostly cooked, bed made, caught up on some more of the financial tracking. Now I just have to try to figure out what else to do to keep me busy!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Come over and help me. I have more than enough to keep 2 people busy. :hide


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Lol me too Deb! We'll have to trade off!
So happy I finished the bedroom curtains yesterday! Well, just the shade not the valence. They look good. When the light is strong in the room they look more navy rather than purple, but they look good.
So yesterday I got 2 loads of clothes washed, the dry load from the day before folded, the bed made, dinner cooked in the morning, the dogs walked, saw a cormorant on my walk down by the pond which was awesome, and had dinner almost ready when the bf got home.
I now have to finish the valances for the bedroom and complete the curtains in the kitchen and bath, plus the valences for the bath, kitchen, and upstairs rooms. I haven't talked that project yet because I'm not sure how they are going to look since the regular rod isn't deep enough to allow the space for the Roman shade when it is pulled up. So I need the bfs help with that before I can finish stitching those, at least the bedroom ones. The others are simple gathered valences. The bedroom will have pleats and be a little fancier. I can't wait to get it finished though.
The cormorant on my walk was awesome. He was sitting on our little pier in the pond and was looking at me very quizzically. I am so happy to have seen him or her because I decided to walk down and around the entire pasture instead of the normal route. That put us going past the pond on the far side. I probably never would have seen it if I'd gone the other way. I was telling the bf about it at dinner because it sort of looked like a snake bird, but I didn't think we had them here. We decided it was definitely a cormorant, and I learned that the Latin origin of the name means Sea Crow. That made it even more special and connected a few more dots for me. Crows and cormorants are totems of mine and are really special to me.
Today I need to run some errands. I haven't left the house since we got back from the beach and is been rather nice. I have several places to go, I'm just not sure how is all going to work out. I need to find a reciept before I go and get several other things together. If better get moving I guess...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I haven't seen any cormorants lately. I used to see them all the time. Guess I'm not spending enough time around water.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I adore them. Fox, Heron, Crow and Cormorant are my biggest symbols. When I see them I always appreciate them, and appreciate the symbolism. I was delighted to find one in our pond, a little surprised that it was by itself, but delighted.
Yesterday was crazy, but I got all my errands run. I didn't really get much else done in the house. The BF came home early, he had a headache and didn't feel well, so I made dinner for myself from leftovers and then we started to have a conversation and ended up in a bit of an argument. Finally after several hours of annoying stressful noncommunication time, we got in bed and had a great conversation about it. What is it about lying in bed together with the lights off that makes conversation so much easier?
Tonight I have a pasture walk to go to, its going to be a tight schedule to get home from the office, get the dogs out, and then head back in the direction of my office again to get to the pasture walk. I'm hoping that the BF will get home in a good time to be able to go with me. If not, I guess we'll see what happens. Too much going on right now! Things have been crazy lately.

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