hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Well, there were a few others that told him not to do it, knowing that it COULD damage the vehicle. He's just not smart enough to stop and think that the BF wouldn't be back to pick up the jeep until at least a day later, and it would be sitting in the SUN... wrapped in SHRINK wrap... gee, what happens to SHRINK wrap when its heated?! The jeep has a soft top on it... something has to give.
I don't even care if he didn't think about that... he needs to think about how he's going to pay him back for it. Its funny until something gets damaged, and then you'd BETTER be willing to face the consequences of your fun and games. We'll see how the BF's work handles it. I think the guy should be sent home for a few days unpaid to think about his little jokes. He's 21 and a punk that has major entitlement issues as well as accountability problems. He's got some painful lessons to learn in life and I hope he learns them quick because he its only going to get worse over his life if he doesn't.

In the office today trying to plan out my next two days so I can get everything done. I have a lot of things to get done in and around the house. I'd like to get them done quickly, but we'll see.

The fun news is that I spotted some Mullein or Lamb's Ear on my way to work this morning on my street! I think I'm going to stop and dig it up tomorrow or Thursday and transplant. I'm not sure yet where I'll put it so that it doesn't get dug up as a weed, but we'll see. I guess I can put it along the front of the house, I think it will get enough sun there that it will be ok. I've GOT to get the daylilies into the ground before they die. I'm hoping I can do that tomorrow. I'm just going to stick them along the side of the round pen as a holder for now. Its a good place to put them because they won't be in the way and they should do well there, so hopefully I won't lose any of them. I can transplant them and spread them around next year. I'm just pleased to have them. That way there will be something blooming in high summer. I love day lilies anyway, so I was thrilled to get these from a freecycler. Someone else posted some Lamb's Ear on freecycle, but I haven't heard back from them, so I'm afraid that they've given them away already. At least if I can transplant the one on the street that will get me started.

Too many things to do... I have lots of errands to accomplish in the next two days. I need windshield washer fluid, I have to pick up more milk, I need to go by walgreens (again) for my prescription (they didn't have it ready when I stopped by the other day, very annoying!), I have to stop by Tuesday Morning to pick up king sheets for NG for the weekend (only $25.00!), I think I'll need to stop by the grocery store to get a few more things for the weekend, I need to swing by the tack shop and try to consign my saddle just to get it out of the house, I need to find a small bag of dog food somewhere for the dogs (I ordered more, but I don't think it will be here before I run out). I need to pack our stuff and clean up the house too. Plus I have to get all the junk from the hay feeders organized again since I brought it all up to the house.

Wheee, too much to do, and here I am stuck in the office unable to do any of it!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
What do you do w/the mullien? If you weren't so far away, I'd give you some.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Mullein is supposedly really really good for earaches. That's a problem we don't tend to suffer from so I don't know


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
@Lawana can tell you more, Deb, as she's the one that sent it to me. She said it's really great for respiratory issues and allergies. I'm so thrilled to have some now, at least it's a start. I don't know that I'll be able to harvest any this year off of it, but at least is something for next year.
So yesterday was strange, I realized my landlord, who lives on the same property, Past or house, the some of our stuff away that had been sitting out for a while. I know we have clutter, but why would you throw it away if you aren't sure of the purpose? I know that the sprayed boom that we built looks a bit redneck so that could be construed as junk. But he threw away 5 brand new step in 5' posts. WTH? Between the sprayer pays and the pays he put over $75, in the dumpster! Thankfully I saw him tale the sprayer, so I went and got that, and then I realized layer that the posts were missing. The bf found them buried a little deeper. We have no idea why he would have done that, but we are grateful to have found them. I'm uncomfortable saying something I guess because I don't want him to be embarrassed, but I don't know what else to do. The bf and I are wondering if the are having a party this weekend or something, the maintenance guy was weed whacking and getting things looking good. I'd or clef is a problem why didn't he just say something? It's more hurtful to me to have someone move my stuff without telling me than to do it and not day anything. I've been so overwhelmed this summer and it hasn't gotten any easier this fall with all the emotional turmoil we've been going through.
So now on top of getting ready to go, I'm going to try to get everything outside picked up and put away and the one bed on the side of the house weeded.
So I have just over 5 hours before the bf is home.
I need to:
Pack toiletries and towels
Pack kitchen and food items
Vacuum the house
Shower and shave
Feed the horse
Put stuff away outside
Weed the garden bed

There's probably something I'm forgetting, but at this point that's all I can remember...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I've had people move my stuff as well and it upsets me, so I know where you're coming from.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
Reaction score
i use mullien for respiratory problems. i am fortunate that it grows wild around here. i dry it and make tea. mullien and thyme are both my go to teas for respiratory issues.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We have it growing wild around here as well.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I think it grows wild almost everywhere. Its a pretty persistent plant. And so soft and fuzzy to boot! :)

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