hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
Reaction score
yes it is, i just hope i never have to find out if it works...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I'm sure it would, though as medicinal as the plant is, I'd hate to waste the leaves on that lol
We had a fabulous drive home yesterday. We went to Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water house. It was absolutely amazing. The bf was captivated by the house. To have been built in the era that it was as quickly as it was was an amazing thing. I would go back in a heartbeat to see it again. We also found out that there was a pretty falls near there, but didn't manage to get there. It was 7:30 when we finally got home. We got most of the things unpacked. I have to do laundry today, and probably tomorrow too lol. I also need to vacuum the dog hair of the floor since that never got done before we left.
After staying in the drop dead gorgeous and immaculate house, the bf wants to declutter. I don't have a problem with this, though I'm not sure how easy that is going to be all things considered. He's as much of a hoarder as I am, and so it's going to be tricky for both of us to downsize or things.
We have a lot of winter prep that needs to happen pretty quickly and we are pretty busy for the next several weeks. We're going to have to sit down and talk about prioritizing the last to figure out what needs to come first. We need to rebuild our hay feeder, get the field tilled under, arrange for reseeding, rebuild the electric fence, build a pellet storage box for in the house, build a feed storage box for the barn, reorganize the sheds and get rid of a lot of crap..... and I'm sure there is more.
I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, but it's all got to get done. I don't think the bf is going to like the length of the list but unfortunately it's all got to be handled.
I'd better get to the wash and start cleaning up around here so maybe I cam get to some things outside.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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how is it that the cat and dog can leave so much of themselves around that you can easily sweep up a new puppy every other day. i have never figured that out. just take a deep breath and do a day at a time till you are ready for the snow to fly, you'll get it done


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I would love, love, love to see some of Frank Lloyd Wright's houses. Having a degree in Interior Design, I can't help being interested in houses. One of my favorite pastimes is to drive through neighborhoods at Christmas time, because people usually leave their living room windows uncovered to show off their tree- I like to look at the living room behind the tree. I know, I'm nosy... but at least I'm not as bad as the Hollywood star (don't remember which one) who used to break into people's houses and just walk around looking (she didn't steal anything, just looked).


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Britsea, I love to see what other people do with their houses too! You'd adore falling water because it is just so unique and amazing.
I got a fair amount washed yesterday, I guess I'll be folding it today. I have one more load to wash, and I think I'll be caught up. The sheets still need to be done, but I think I'll do those tomorrow. I still need to vacuum the bedroom, and I should do the upstairs, too, but we'll see if I get there. I might vacuum the kitchen again and remop the floor. The bf did it last night when one of the dogs peed on the floor, but he didn't do a very good job. It was really dirty though so I think it needs another mopping. I really should do the living room floor too but that's a bigger challenge.
I'm feeling a bit down and stressed right now trying to figure out how to keep the bills covered this month. Too many expenses going out at one time.
That's about all right now I guess.
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<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Still not feeling all that chipper. I'm just depressed and feeling down. This is just following last year's trend.
I really should call the little restaurant and see if they can use my help. The ego side of me says they would call but the practical side of me says that I should call and the emotional side of me is feeling fragile and doesn't want to deal with the possibility of rejection.
I got the kitchen mopped yesterday, the bedroom vacuumed and the clothes folded and the last load run through the wash. I'm afraid I'm going to have to call the repair man before I can do much more laundry though. The washer is making terrible noises if it isn't perfectly balanced. Just another expense we really don't have the money to handle right now. At least I can have him check the dryer and dish washer all in one trip to make it a bit more economical.
I also checked the electric wire yesterday and got it tightened up again. Some of the insulators had come loose and in a few places I had to add extra in. The wire also had too much play in it so I was able to tighten it up. I reran wrote where the horses had pulled it down months ago. If I'm feeling up to it I might try to bury the insulated wrote under the two gates so that we can finish going all the way around. I'm debating between working on that and trying to get the shed cleaned out as well as wash the hay feeder that we brought home. I need to move the feeder, so if I've got the bobcat I might as well put it to good use. I would tidy up the manure pile but since it rained last night I don't want to tear the ground up. On second thought I might better wait to do the run in shed too. Hmm... too many things to do and to much weather and not enough time!
We ended up running errands and eating dinner out last night. I didn't really want to cook and forgot to get meat out to thaw as well.
Otherwise my life is pretty boring.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I hear ya on the weather. It was dry all summer, and now we're getting a lot of rain. I hope it doesn't continue into the winter as a lot of snow!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yeah, I don't know what to expect! Wishing I had a windmill though!
Found out that the BF heard that the new "smart meters" can't run backwards. So if you have some kind of additional power supply on your house, oh well, you don't get a credit for running the meter backwards. How annoying.
I'm a little worried about the wet, too, because we're supposed to try to get the field tilled and then reseeded. If we can't get it done when the weather is just right its not going to work very well. I need to do some more calling around to figure out what is the best plan of action. Just something else on the to do list.
I got a LOT done yesterday. I headed out fairly early and fed Grace and Storm, and then worked Storm in the round pen. He was a bit up from the breeze, but settled a little, enough so that I could get him on the long lines and start working that way. He had a couple spooks, but I was able to stay (mostly) relaxed, so he calmed down pretty well. The wind was really howling when we finished, and I waited for a little bit of a break to take him out. He was a little worried, so we changed directions a lot, and I backed him up and moved forward several times. That settled him some, and he was more comfortable going back in the pasture, which made me happy.
After I finished that, I managed to find all the supplies I needed to run the electric wire under the two gates. I was pretty proud of myself for digging the trench, moving all the dang rocks out of the way, and then running the wire down the post, across my trench, and then up the other post and connecting it into the hot wire on the top board. I cut the insulation and cut the wires at just the right length, I was pretty pleased with myself.
I finished that up, and then came inside and ate lunch and did a little bit of work before I got on my telephone call for my Animal Communication class. That went ok, and then I did a little more cleaning and the BF came home soon after that.
S texted me late last night and asked if I wanted to work on Friday afternoon, so I'll be going over there. They must have something to do. Its extra money in my pocket though, so that's a good thing.
Its supposed to rain all weekend, so I just hope I can get my lesson in and get that fence rebuilt for the gal that I've been teaching. We NEED the money in the business right now. We have been hemming and hawing about what else to do this weekend, so we'll see what we can manage in between the rain. We've got a list of stuff to get at Home Depot and then we need to get the stove vent pipe cleaned so we can use the pellet stove again. I know the dogs will be happy about that!
I have errands to run tomorrow, and so we'll see how much I can get done. I should vaccum the house again, and probably do a few other chores, I guess we'll see what I can manage.
Pretty boring, I guess.

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