hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
That should have been fold... not flood. Ugh stupid phone.
Yes, that's true, Deb.
Well I had a busy day at work and then a busy day this morning at the office since I had to run in for a meeting since I was there all day yesterday.
I didn't get the sheets folded or work the horse on Tuesday. I did get the dogs walked though. I did manage to get the hay feeder moved and scrubbed down plus I got the run in shed cleaned out CP was here and able to help me, thankfully. We got it done in short order. I was pooped so I soaked in the tub and washed my hair in the shower afterwards. The bf and I fixed a roast beef, which took way longer than we thought, but it turned out pretty good.
Today I must finish the piece of artwork for my riding instructor. I called the shop where I'm going to take it to see if the framer will be in tomorrow morning when I run down to teach my friend. I've decided that is the focus of my afternoon and then tomorrow I'll do some chores and cleaning.
I need to get to it or I won't get finished!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Happy Samhain!
I did get the piece done yesterday, finally. It took longer than I wanted but that's ok, it is finished. Now I have to find out of I can see the framer today. I'm pleased with it.
I also worked storm for the first time in his haller. He did really really well. He was super heavy going to the left to start, but got lighter to the right, and maintained it when we reversed back to the left a second time. Mental note, start to the right!
Today is catch up day! I have to teach a lesson this morning then hopefully go to the framers since it is in the same area, then I'm coming home and am hopefully going to get the leaves out of the round pen and work storm, take some body photos, and then clean the house. I have a phone call to practice my animal communication stuff, so hopefully that goes well.
I hope I have enough time to get into the tub and relax, but we'll see.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Oops, meant to post a picture!


  • 20141030_195531.jpg
    101.4 KB · Views: 237

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Very nice.

Hope you had a chance to relax in the tub last night. I was falling asleep over my computer last night, so I went to bed.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Nope, didn't get there :-/
Didn't get near the things done that I wanted to but what else is new? I didn't get to the dishes or the vacuuming. Not sure if that's going to get done today or not.
I guess we'll see.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Saturday want super productive but the bf and I spent most of the day being close which is nice. I like spending days with him where we don't really have to be interrupted.
Sunday we got lots done!
We delivered the hay feeder that we took back from the other customer, so that was a relief. I think it was the fastest delivery ever. The wind was howling and had to make the wind chill below 40 if not 30 so we had some motivation to get it done. We were in and our in 30 minutes, with the whole thing built in 20. It definitely helped that all the screws were set so we didn't have to do any of that at all. Just zip them right in. We might do that for the next one we build because it was so much easier.
We left there and went to a huge old book store. It's an old bank barn that is 5 floors of books. It was awesome to roam around though the bf and I both agreed something was triggering or anxiety the longer we were there. Not sure what was up with that. I found 2 books and spent only 14.00. I probably could have found more but I we were both getting hungry and feeling strange.
We grabbed lunch on the way home and then dropped the truck back off to S and headed home. The bf was dragging his feet but I finally convinced him to get started on our hay feeder because the poor horses have nothing to eat. We got the entire bottom built, but not put together. The only thing left is to construct the roof which we are going to attempt to do tonight. We are hoping that we will be able to get it together and put in the pasture by Wednesday. We'll see how long it takes since it's getting dark so early now. The shop has lights but I am not interested in moving it into the pasture in the dark.
We researched hay spikes and can get them fairly cheaply from amazon so hopefully the bf will have that built soon so then I cam move the bales myself without worrying.
Today is catch up day. The house hasn't been vacuumed in 2 weeks and the clothes need washing but I have to get more washing soda before I really do that so I cam make more detergent. I need to go to the grocery store and make a few other apps along the way. I need to be back for another practice call at 2:30, and I also have to try to reach the framers again to make an appointment. Wheeee!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Well...... lol
I ran errands, which took a long time, and spent way too much money! Not pleased but hopefully it will be ok for now.
I stopped at the new dollar general over in a little town near us and picked up several things for the barn and house. Spent a little more than I wanted but oh well. The things are useful so that is good.
Got back to the house and did some laundry, and got that hung. I was supposed to have a phone call with a gal to practice my animal communication but she canceled. So I worked on some other homework for the course instead.
The bf got off of work early again so I quickly cleaned up the kitchen from the mess we made and then went down to the shop to finish the roof of the feeder. We only made one mistake and forgot one part, but it wasn't anything too disastrous. I cleaned up while the bf finished up and then I came back up to the house and made dinner.
We'll have to go vote when he gets home today and make one quick stop at home depot and then we can come home. I'm going to try to put together soup for dinner and get it done early so that all we will have to do is reheat it.
I'm hoping that all of that goes fast enough that we can get the feeder put together tonight. I'm not going to hold my breath, but it would be better if we can. If the bf gets home at 4 then that only gives us an hour until sundown to work outside. If we have top put it together and try to get it into the pasture in one evening I don't think we can do it before dark, and I don't want to be hauling that giant thing around in the dark!
So today I need to:
Make laundry detergent
Do more laundry
Make soup
Make buttermints (doesn't have to happen today but I can dream....)
Check on the eye bolts to make sure we have enough
Make bed
Go to the framers at 1
Stop at prigel on the way home
Feed the horses

Good to do today or tomorrow:
Work the horse
Clean the round pen (again)
Clear the garden out

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The buttermints sound yummy.

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