hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I think we somehow got transplanted to Seattle when I wasn't looking. I'm so tired of wet pants legs, I swear, I think I'm gonna come in from the pasture with Scratches next! Geesh!!
The horses were goofy coming off the grass yesterday, but thankfully they cooperated and all went in even though they chose to be a little unconventional about it LOL
Still recovering from this lovely cold that the BF decided to share with me. Thankfully I got through my lesson on Saturday morning before it hit me.
Speaking of lesson, it was a good one. Storm got used for a lesson before mine, which since it's ground work is easy, but it helped make sure he was in the right frame of mind, and he did great for me. I even got to get on for a little bit, which is like a full body workout when you ride with my trainer.
The rest of the weekend was spent in bed. And I'd rather still be there, but it is what it is.
Got my website updated today and managed to link my cart and my scheduler all to my website. WAHOO for fanciness! I feel all professional now!!
Back to the grind. In the office, farrier this afternoon, then another meeting with my coach tomorrow morning, and then back in the office for a few hours. Fun times.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Ugh on the cold - they have a way of just draining ya. Hope you feel better soon and hope that Storm keeps up the good work!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Thanks yall!! We FINALLY got sunshine, and it was beautiful gorgeous window open weather for over a week. Now we've got 3 days of low 90's, and then I think it will moderate again after that for a bit longer. I really dislike running the a/c!

WHEW. Things have been crazy nutty here!!! I don't even know where to start.
Last weekend, JS was coming into town to do body work. I had to go get her from down close to DC, on a Friday afternoon. Traffic is TERRIBLE. Finally got her, and then we finally got lunch, and then she worked on a couple horses before we headed back to the farm. Got back to the farm and discovered that while they were attempting to rearrange the water lines, they hit our cable line, which is our high speed internet. I was in the middle of a business challenge and had a lot of work to complete while working around JS's schedule. :he I really should have known this was going to happen anyway because they always hit SOMETHING on the farm when the dig (apparently the record is still held by my landlord who hit his own house power line, the telephone line, and some water line all in the same day). Made an appointment to have verizon out to fix that on Sunday morning.
Later that evening we finished dinner, and I find out the BF forgot to stop by and care for Cowboy and Coyote on his way home from work. So away I go in the dark to make sure that the boys have water and enough hay to be taken care of. I planned to swing by in by the chicken coop to lock them up on the way home, but get a call when I'm about 10 minutes away from the BF. He's panicking and he and JS are both talking at the same time, and I finally managed to sort out that he has a moth in his ear. So I rush home, while checking my phone for all of the urgent care places in the area only to discover they all close at 9 or 10. It's 9:50. Of course it is. :barnie So JS tries to get it out for a while, and I text my boss and ask him for his advice, and he says if we can't get it out to go to the ER. I KNEW what to do (I've worked in an audiology office for 10 years for crying out loud!) I just didn't have the right tools, and the right tools are a totally requirement for digging in someone's ear. So off to the ER we go. We arrived at 10:50, and sat for over 2 1/2 hours before we were finally taken back. They were nice, but the first little intern nurse that came in wanted to stick a Q-Tip in his ear. The overseeing nurse that was with her and I was both like NOOOOOO! So they left, and then finally a doc came in, and of course he had to hunt down tools because the hospital doesn't exactly have fancy ear tools at the ready. He finally returned with pediatric forceps, which were the perfect size (the same size as the ones we have in the office, but we don't call them peds! They just fit into ears!). So he started trying to get to it, but it was hurting the BF's ear (of course he's been poked and prodded a lot by then), and so he went and got a squirt of lidocane to help numb his ear a little. When her returned, he was able to get it out between me holding the BF's ear open, and the doc working with an otoscope and the forceps. He pulled it out and handed it to the BF on the gauze pad that he used to dump the lidocane out of his ear. The BF says "That's IT!?" and I said "OMG it's HUGE!!" I know how small ears are, and the thing was HUGE for being all the way down inside his ear canal still flapping its wings and beating on his eardrum. I'm sure the BF thought it was tiny compared to how he felt. We finally got home just before 4am. I had to be up to get JS over to a farm by 9.

I got up, dropped her off, went to take care of Cowboy and Coyote, then came home, took care of a few horses here, and then dropped back into bed. Normally I would never leave her for the whole time she's working. I just don't like to do that. I drug myself out of bed at 1 (with the help of the BF, who got to stay in bed longer in the morning), and went back to get JS. We were teaching a workshop that afternoon, and I had already bumped the time back to 3:00 instead of 2. We needed that extra hour, and were still a little late. So it goes. Everybody totally understood, and are all friends, so it was all good. We had a GREAT time at the workshop, we did the intuitive blending workshop again which is one of my favorites. I really need to start investing in some of the exotic oils so that I can do it as well.

We finished and I was starving, so we decided to meet the BF at one of our go to local restaurants. It was a good decision, and on the way up we stopped to take care of Cowboy and Coyote so that was done for the evening. Then I got home and crashed. I was dead. Got up on Sunday, and did some of the chores, and waited for the verizon guy. He finally came about 11, and took care of everything and got us up and running again. He explained that if I asked him to have verizon arrange for a contractor to come bury the line again they'd have to charge us $500 or $600 to do it (for a mere 20' of cable to be buried), but if we took care of it ourselves, that he could just say it was a general repair and there'd be no charge. Yeah, I took that option.

After he left, I jumped on the internet and finished my business stuff in an hour. After we ate lunch the BF and I worked to get the line buried again, and DB came to help us finish up, which was nice. It was warm, but not too bad. The BF had to go to his parent's house for his brother's girlfriend's birthday dinner, but I stayed home with JS since I was so tired and needed the down time. JS made us dinner (which was fabulous) while I did the evening chores and then I was relaxing for a while before I was about to get ready for bed. My sister texted with a question about ear plugs, so I got on the phone with her. That turned into a 3 hour conversation, which was much needed as she and I ended up talking about the issues with mom and things that have been going on. She was a very helpful ear and tried to be understanding even though some of the issues are a bit beyond her awareness (she doesn't know anything about energy, or energy exchanges, so she was very surprised to hear how I was feeling about the way mom was behaving. And of course since mom is the only one she had talked to, it was surprising, and I was like of course because mom wouldn't tell you this is what she's doing and how she's behaving! She wants your consolation and woe is me!). It was a good thing, but I again dropped into bed exhausted.

Monday morning we had 2 more ladies coming to the house for body work, and then that was it. I took JS back to the airport, and then headed into the office for a few hours. It was a rare treat because the BF managed to make it into the area so he and I got lunch together and then he had my boss check his ear. It was fine, just some stuff on his ear drum which we decided was from the moth beating his wings against his ear drum for so long.

The rest of the week was fairly uneventful, and mostly full of rebalancing and getting things settled down again. This past weekend was busy. I dog sat the sweetest dog ever. I swear I didn't want to give her back. She was everything I would want in a dog. An awesome loyal companion. The BF and his dad were supposed to head down to their new beach house to do some work on the front yard with equipment the BF got from work. First the trailer didn't have brakes on it. There was water in the brake lines. Then they finally get the equipment up there about 5 hours later than planned and discover that there's a problem with the hydraulic line on the rockhound thing. The BF was furious, and they basically didn't get much of anything done just because nothing worked right. They FINALLY got home LATE Sunday night, much later than the BF wanted. He felt like his parents were mad at him, but I reassured him that most of that anger was just misdirected due to the situation and things that had not gone well leading up to it (like it not being disclosed that the property was leased to the construction crews prior to being sold them, and the construction debris was never cleared, so the rock and construction garbage is about 12" deep everywhere on the property...). I reminded the BF about the law of attraction and the fact that his parents are stuck in victim mode about everything.

My Sunday was nice, though, I spent it hanging out with Roxy, my loaner dog. I took her with me to work with DR who was doing Alexander Technique sessions for the day. Roxy was the best ambassador dog ever, and laid under the table and slept most of the time. I took her on a couple walks, and we really enjoyed the day. I got home and spent a little more time cleaning up and getting things put away and then made myself some chicken salad out of desperation to eat something for dinner and then did the adult thing to do and went to the grocery store for veggies and picked up some chicken. So it goes. The BF didn't get home until 9 that night, and was exhausted when he finally dropped into bed.

This week promises to be busy, but it should be full of more work on my biz stuff mostly, and some other stuff here and there.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Almost forgot. Friday I went to a horse rescue in the area and did a bunch of sessions with the horses there communicating with them. It was awesome, and I'm thrilled to have the connection to work with them. There were such fascinating stories, and we were able to really gain a lot of deeper insight into the animals and how they were feeling about their situations. I'm looking forward to working with them more.

I also connected with another friend who wants to collaborate and support each other, plus the owner of a little woo-woo shop is ok with me doing free essential oils workshops, and is going to connect me with a dog rescue in the area, too. Woot!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Wow....I mean WOW! Your life is even more hectic than mine, lol. But, I knew that!

Poor BF - I mean that had to be terrible having some critter flopping around inside your head! Horror movies are made of those situations! :barnie

Roxy sounds like a winner! Are you sure you can't just hold on to her? :hide


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
Wow indeed! You had a busy week and then the moth... I'm with FEM here. There would be a horror movie in the making if that happens to me lol

Your work with the rescue horses sound amazing. It must be incredibly rewarding!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yeah, I know, he was a real trooper in dealing with it!!
And yeah, it's warming up and we're swinging into summer, which means things kick into overdrive. Not that they weren't already, but yeah...

And now everyone decides to go out of town! SO much fun.......
So TW is out of town now, and that leaves her 18yo adopted daughter AJ home. It's kind of a complicated story, but AJ has only been with them for a really short amount of time. So TW is playing the momma bear to the fullest, which is adorable, but I have to check on AJ to make sure she's ok. The up side is that it means I only have to stop by once a day since AJ will take care of all the inside animals. But of course, my friends that own Cowboy and Coyote are out of town, anyway, so I have to drive right past there twice a day as it is. But it is a little less time than it would be otherwise.
So yeah, GH and SH are out of town, so I'm back at Cowboy and Coyote's again. They've been away more than home ever since they brought them back to their place. I really wish they had just figured their budget out and kept them with me. They would have been so much happier and it would have been so much less stressful for me. But whatever. This way the only cost is my time and gas. Otherwise I'd be buying feed, too.
So AJ is also in drivers ed, and needs to be taken and picked up this week. Oh, and KN is coming back in town for lessons. Oh, and there's a wedding for the BF's cousin that we would really rather not go to at all. Oh, yeah, and 3rd farm sitting client will be leaving Saturday morning, so add that to the to-do list.
Saturday is gonna look something like this: Wake up WAY earlier than I want, get over to HR's (thankfully she's a neighbor, so it's a really quick trip over), turn out ponies and muck disgusting stalls that probably haven't been mucked in a few days so that they are actually functional again for ponies and I can clean them quicker for the rest of the time they're gone, race back to the farm, try to feed everybody before Storm's first lesson at 8, try to eat a little breakfast and get ready for my lesson at 9. Meanwhile the BF will be heading down to take care of Cowboy and Coyote and then pick up AJ to have her at Driver's ed at 10:30. I'll finish my lesson and jump into the shower and start getting ready for the wedding. Eat something somewhere in between, hopefully not in nice clothes. Leave the house by 1:30 at the latest to go get AJ from Driver's ed. Drop her off, then go to the wedding by 2:30. Hopefully wedding will be SHORT and we can get out of there. Have clothes in the car to jump out of wedding attire, go take care of Cowboy and Coyote, stop by to see AJ and feed the horses there, jump back into wedding clothes again, and be at reception by 5 (who does that, schedules a wedding at 2:30 and then the reception not until 5??? For real?!). Eat at reception, drink something, because free alcohol, and then leave reception shortly after dinner. Go home, change out of wedding clothes again, and drive over to RH's to bring ponies in and drop their feed for the evening. FOR REAL. THAT'S NUTS. If only we could just get out of the wedding, but it's too late for that now. I'm NOT looking forward to it. Oh yeah, and btw, did I mention there is a pretty significant chance of rain on Saturday morning? At this point I kinda hope it just storms real good and then I wouldn't have to do my lesson outside at all, we could do an inside lesson working with the balance ball or something. Sometimes something's gotta give.
Sunday will be slightly easier. It will include all horse chores again, and then getting AJ back and forth to drivers ed again. Thank goodness all these farm chores come with money! That's a relief.

So I also filled the final stall that I had available. A lady called me out of the blue and said they bought a house that backs up to our street, and she and her daughter took a walk and found our farm and she was calling about getting a stall so that they can get a pony for the daughter. We discussed things, and so she's going to put a deposit down and then they'll start paying for the stall in August. So now I've got feelers out looking for a nice pony for the kiddo. The mom really wants to learn, and would eventually like to have a horse for herself, too, but right now they just want to start with one for the daughter. It's a relief to have that filled!!

Also finally connected with DF about doing oils classes and free animal communication readings at her shop and she's excited about it! So we're trying to put together plans to get that off the ground, hopefully sooner rather than later. We'll see how that goes though, with my dang schedule its a little insane! I can't wait, though, and I really want to get my business launched! I need to start transitioning away from all this stuff that is so much work and not much money to something that's a lot easier and brings in a lot more!

Not much else in other news... that's about all the insanity I can handle at this moment.
I'd love to catch up with yall but I just haven't had time to read much at all lately :(


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
:thHoly Cow - all I can say is "you're young - you can do it!" Hope your Saturday works out the way you have it planned, lol. Agree that it would be great if you could get outta the wedding. Are you sure you don't feel a headache coming on????