City Biddy
When an egg is freshly laid the white of the egg fills up almost the entire shell. After even a few days the egg starts to "dry out" a bit. Some of the moisture in the whites (albumen) begins to evaporate. The air cell at the end of the egg gets larger because as the moisture evaporates a void is left and that fills up with air. As the egg ages it continues to pull away from the shell somewhat.firem3 said:so why are fresh eggs so dang hard to peel anyway?
If you boil a fresh egg it immediately sinks to the bottom of the pan, since it is full and heavy. The shell is hard to remove since it is stuck tight against the egg membranes and the whites of the egg.
If you boil an old egg it will begin to stand on end. (A REALLY old egg will just float entirely! If your egg floats entirely I would not be eating it. Yuck.