Food Guru
Yup, that gets me, too. Having been involved in the horse industry all of my adult life, I am amazed at how many people think it is fine to keep an animal that was made to move all day long and stick it in a 10x10 stall, or 12x12 if the horse is really fortunate, and the horse comes out for 30 minutes of exercise and goes right back into the stall....and not even every day. We don't want him to hurt himself running around, now, do we....or pull a shoe! Egads! I've had many horses come into my care that needed to learn to be outside. LEARN TO BE OUTSIDE!!!!Wifezilla said:It is a bit sad. I can't help but think of all the people who are appalled at the thought of battery hens, yet a quail, bunny or a horse never seeing the sunshine or felling grass on their feet is somehow OK.
I only need a couple of PVC pipes to make an arched cover tall enough so I can walk inside without bonking my head.

OK, now that that is out of my system.....I have a couple of animal houses that are head-bonking height....I figure I might eventually knock some sense into myself, so it is a good thing.