I'm just flabbergasted! Just need to get this off my chest, that's all


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
DH and I have a caseworker at the local jobs and family services. We had to go down to see her today and while there, we saw something quite startling.

This lady comes in dressed to the nines. Yes, I know we've had this talk before and people have strong opinions regarding welfare...but anyway...she had her hair done perfect, makeup, jewelry, and smelled wonderfully. (I am not on that side of the fence, but you can't help but notice when someone smells nice, esepcially when they sit right next to you.)

Her clothes were fancy, name brands, and sure made me feel dowdy in my farm jeans and t-shirt. I kept thinking, wow, I wish I could afford to buy the stuff she uses...meaning the good smelling shampoos, conditioners and obvious body scent she was wearing :p She smelled that good!

My DH was upset because he was in the parking lot when she drove in and she came out of a 2009 Cadillac with 30 day tags on it. :th

C'mon! Sell that car if you need money! That's what we were thinking anyway. I mean, I would be embarrassed going in there asking for help driving a fancy car like that! It used to be that you couldn't have too new of a car and receive help, but now I guess the age of the car (or in this case newness) doesn't matter. I can't imagine what those payments would be like.

I know I shouldn't worry about what other people do. Sometimes it is hard, though, to sit there in my old farm clothes, which are all mostly handmedowns, and have to swallow my pride and get help when someone else comes in dressed to the nines with a fancy car, and they qualify for the same things I do.

I am ready for the day when I never have to walk foot in that office again. I remember the first time I went in there about 2 years ago, and they wanted to help me get work. I was all for it. Their idea of "helping me" was having me make their bulletin board down stairs with the jobs on it that were hiring. I was to hang up the job openings for other people to see. Again, dressed in my farm clothes.

I told the lady I was assigned, "Look, I found out about a job yesterday, I know I could get hired, just let me go put the ap in! I most likely would start this week."

She said she'd have to ask her supervisor. Her supervisor called me into her office and said, "There is no way we can let you leave. We can't let you go looking for a job in your dirty clothes."

I was never so humilated. I was hurt and angry and started to cry. She told me I need to stop crying because crying would get me no where and not help my situation.

I left there when they dismissed us for lunch and I didn't return for the afternoon. Instead, I drove myself over to the job I had told them about (telemarketing) and I started the next day. Oh and guess what? I was wearing my farm clothes when I got hired.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Spotsylvania, Virginia

Sounds like somebody needed a little slapping around. SMACK

Okay. I feel better.

That woman should be ashamed to show her face in public.

I have never met you, hardly know you, and that by just your screen name but dang it!

I'M PROUD OF YOU for getting that job!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
gettinaclue said:

Sounds like somebody needed a little slapping around. SMACK

Okay. I feel better.

That woman should be ashamed to show her face in public.

I have never met you, hardly know you, and that by just your screen name but dang it!

I'M PROUD OF YOU for getting that job!
Ok, I feel the need to clear something here, lol, thank you for the compliment, but I no longer have that job, I worked it while it lasted, but it wasn't a permenant job.

Now I am taking care of a disabled husband and earning as much as I can from my home. Still trying to do all we can here with as little assistance as possible, though.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Lake Champlain Islands
:ya BRAVO Quail!!!! I am so pleased that you didn't let that arogant woman keep you down. I bet you wanted to :smack slap her after you got over the shock at her cruel comment. I know I would have Congratulations and good luck :thumbsup


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Spotsylvania, Virginia
The determination and grit you showed - permanent job or not- impresses me.

There are not many people that would do that. They would turn tail and run after someone had said something like to them.

You did good. Real good.


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
Reaction score
I know what you mean when you saw that lady. I went with my friend to job and family services and saw a load of people dressed to kill. Suits, heels, you name it. Turns out they were there for the resume and interview classes. Usually people just laid off are advised to take those classes to update themselves. I ended up taking the whole free series this winter myself and glad I did.
Anyways, I don't know about the lady you saw but it could be she just bought the car and found herself laid off. They do qualify for certain types of assistance here in Ohio.
And if it makes you feel any better she might have been turned down!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Aly, it has always puzzled me down through the years when I've seen what you have and am left wondering. And, in some cases, knowing full well that someone is "playing the system"....whole families for generations, in fact. Its frustrating and, in the back of my mind I've wondered, "How in the heck do they DO it???"

I've had to avail myself of the welfare system a time or two when a job was paying too low or even while laid off and its amazing how much proof one has to supply, how old one's vehicle had to be(or none at all), how desparate one had to become before they would help....and then to see what you saw striding in the door!

She may have been there for a job interview to the office itself, who knows? She may be one who is playing the system, I don't know. But when you are poor and they, with all their checks and balances, are determined to keep you that way(get a job, won't earn a paycheck for 3 weeks, drop your assistance immediately anyway!), and you see someone living off the fat, well, it hurts down deep in the pit of your stomach....especially when you have kids. :(


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
That woman had to be there for some reason other than financial assistance. There is no way she would have qualified unless the car she was driving was borrowed. The good clothes, well I know that I can find some really nice name brand stuff at the second hand stores around here, so who knows. The perfume...one good bottle of perfume will last you years, you use so little of it.
IF she was there for assistance there had to be good reason, don't judge her for being well put together. Back in the day when I was raising two kids on assitance many people told me that I was too well dressed to be collecting as well. All my clothes came from ritzy folk my mom used to clean for...and my clothes still come from those sources! They have always given me thier hand me downs...and I love it! So there may be things you don't see...