Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
DH and I have a caseworker at the local jobs and family services. We had to go down to see her today and while there, we saw something quite startling.
This lady comes in dressed to the nines. Yes, I know we've had this talk before and people have strong opinions regarding welfare...but anyway...she had her hair done perfect, makeup, jewelry, and smelled wonderfully. (I am not on that side of the fence, but you can't help but notice when someone smells nice, esepcially when they sit right next to you.)
Her clothes were fancy, name brands, and sure made me feel dowdy in my farm jeans and t-shirt. I kept thinking, wow, I wish I could afford to buy the stuff she uses...meaning the good smelling shampoos, conditioners and obvious body scent she was wearing
She smelled that good!
My DH was upset because he was in the parking lot when she drove in and she came out of a 2009 Cadillac with 30 day tags on it.
C'mon! Sell that car if you need money! That's what we were thinking anyway. I mean, I would be embarrassed going in there asking for help driving a fancy car like that! It used to be that you couldn't have too new of a car and receive help, but now I guess the age of the car (or in this case newness) doesn't matter. I can't imagine what those payments would be like.
I know I shouldn't worry about what other people do. Sometimes it is hard, though, to sit there in my old farm clothes, which are all mostly handmedowns, and have to swallow my pride and get help when someone else comes in dressed to the nines with a fancy car, and they qualify for the same things I do.
I am ready for the day when I never have to walk foot in that office again. I remember the first time I went in there about 2 years ago, and they wanted to help me get work. I was all for it. Their idea of "helping me" was having me make their bulletin board down stairs with the jobs on it that were hiring. I was to hang up the job openings for other people to see. Again, dressed in my farm clothes.
I told the lady I was assigned, "Look, I found out about a job yesterday, I know I could get hired, just let me go put the ap in! I most likely would start this week."
She said she'd have to ask her supervisor. Her supervisor called me into her office and said, "There is no way we can let you leave. We can't let you go looking for a job in your dirty clothes."
I was never so humilated. I was hurt and angry and started to cry. She told me I need to stop crying because crying would get me no where and not help my situation.
I left there when they dismissed us for lunch and I didn't return for the afternoon. Instead, I drove myself over to the job I had told them about (telemarketing) and I started the next day. Oh and guess what? I was wearing my farm clothes when I got hired.
This lady comes in dressed to the nines. Yes, I know we've had this talk before and people have strong opinions regarding welfare...but anyway...she had her hair done perfect, makeup, jewelry, and smelled wonderfully. (I am not on that side of the fence, but you can't help but notice when someone smells nice, esepcially when they sit right next to you.)
Her clothes were fancy, name brands, and sure made me feel dowdy in my farm jeans and t-shirt. I kept thinking, wow, I wish I could afford to buy the stuff she uses...meaning the good smelling shampoos, conditioners and obvious body scent she was wearing

My DH was upset because he was in the parking lot when she drove in and she came out of a 2009 Cadillac with 30 day tags on it.

C'mon! Sell that car if you need money! That's what we were thinking anyway. I mean, I would be embarrassed going in there asking for help driving a fancy car like that! It used to be that you couldn't have too new of a car and receive help, but now I guess the age of the car (or in this case newness) doesn't matter. I can't imagine what those payments would be like.
I know I shouldn't worry about what other people do. Sometimes it is hard, though, to sit there in my old farm clothes, which are all mostly handmedowns, and have to swallow my pride and get help when someone else comes in dressed to the nines with a fancy car, and they qualify for the same things I do.
I am ready for the day when I never have to walk foot in that office again. I remember the first time I went in there about 2 years ago, and they wanted to help me get work. I was all for it. Their idea of "helping me" was having me make their bulletin board down stairs with the jobs on it that were hiring. I was to hang up the job openings for other people to see. Again, dressed in my farm clothes.
I told the lady I was assigned, "Look, I found out about a job yesterday, I know I could get hired, just let me go put the ap in! I most likely would start this week."
She said she'd have to ask her supervisor. Her supervisor called me into her office and said, "There is no way we can let you leave. We can't let you go looking for a job in your dirty clothes."
I was never so humilated. I was hurt and angry and started to cry. She told me I need to stop crying because crying would get me no where and not help my situation.
I left there when they dismissed us for lunch and I didn't return for the afternoon. Instead, I drove myself over to the job I had told them about (telemarketing) and I started the next day. Oh and guess what? I was wearing my farm clothes when I got hired.