Introvert or Extrovert?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
FarmerJamie said:
Wannabefree said:
FarmerJamie said:
@wannabefree - some folks have a naturally higher default social energy level and that leads to a different......LOOK OVER THERE, SQUIRREL!!!!...... :p Seriously, though if someone isn't acting at that natural level of emotional energy for them, they seek out activity to get their energy level up.

What I'm trying to say, just being able to strike up a conversation with a stranger doesn't make you an extrovert - it's really about what level of social interaction level you have as a norm and how you act to adjust to that "preferred" level in a prolonged situation.

Sorry for the ramble. :)
Oh, I go bug the neighbors if I can't get out much. I PREFER a LOAD of social activity. DH sadly, does not so I leave him home :p He knows if he keeps me cooped up too long I might 'splode. :D
Like B-brooks, I AM SHOCKED at this revelation, my dear!!!! :lol:
:plbb to the both of yas!


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
FarmerJamie said:
savingdogs said:
Why would the therapist not be pleased? that you figured it out on your own?
I've taken that test several different ways but always come out ESFJ. That is why going deaf is hard for me. I'm not suited.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. Well, that and my asking how she could determine a solution to a problem when she never got my side of the situation.... :smack

:hugs to ya!
Hey you, yeah YOU! Quit being mean! Don't you know that woman has a yacht to pay for?!?! Let her do her job that you could do better in a fourth of the time with less "education" on the topic and pay your bill and be miserable like a good patient mister!

Yeah, bet she was mad. :lol:
Just a little, there's a ton more background that I won't post here. That chapter is closed, thankfully.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
I'm definitely an Introvert. I totally need to withdraw and recharge after dealing with people. I can enjoy a party or conference for a while, but then need to go hide in my room for a while before I'm ready to be fit company again. And it takes me forever to come down from the overstimulation of a group thing. I can feel myself buzzzzzzzzing for hours afterwards. Icky.

But, I like people. I'm not shy. I'm just ... need my alone time. REALLY need my alone time.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
I guess I could shock everyone and say I always thought I was extremely introverted.

Turns out that, like my shyness, paranoia and disgust are not introversion or shyness.

I am actually pretty extroverted. I like my "me" time. But the reason I don't like crowds is overstim and the reason I don't like new people is they don't come with a list of socially accepted things about which I can speak. I'll HAPPILY do my own version of chatting up ANYONE and have a grand time cuz people are neat even though most of them end up in the suck category and are scared of me and I want to cull them.

I am very very like my dad and he is extremely extroverted too. Actually my whole family is. Nature or nurture? LOL. I think my sister (who acts the most extroverted and correctly social) is the most shy. She actually gets freaked out talking in front of groups.

Once I found out that you are safer on stage than in the audience, I had no issues standing up there and talking. I had a therapist who explained if they were going to gun me down, they'd equally do it elsewhere and that if there was an emergency, it's better to be out of the crowd. Poof "shyness" gone!

What's the word for a feral dog who is willing to give everyone a chance to prove whether they are friend or food? Is there a term for that? There should be. That's more what I am.


eta: by the way.... Mayers Briggs is NOT designed for auties.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
Reaction score
Eastern Kansas
By time I got to the end of this thread I had lost all focus on what was going on, but enjoying the posts! I tend to see myself as more of an in the middle kind of guy. I'm incredibly social if I know the people around me, or if someone asks me a question relating to stuff I know alot about or can educate on. Also, if you trap me in a room full of strangers and they are all looking at me, chances are I'll start singleing people out and asking random questions like "Does it bother you that your wife makes more money than you do?" or "What is your stance on unwed teenage lesbian mothers in interracial relationships?" or "Do you think these pants make my head look big?" :D (i'd like to point out, I never claimed to be normal)
I can hold my own in social situations, and I can hold my own in dangerous situations, but then I need time to regroup, to ground and center my self. I hate confrontations, they make me physically ill. I hate going to Kings soopers (grocery store chain) or Walmart because the people make me want to go on a sykotic spree of some sort (i don't do well in social situations where the people are blindly buying stuff, not paying attention to where they are going, and are letting their children run amok [FYI, it is apparantly socially unacceptable to walk up to a parent with a child that is misbehaving and inform them that if they don't get a handle on their child, you will be more than happy to do it for them :D] )
I like having small groups of people over to the house, especially for game night :) I like going to other peoples houses if I know them well, but not if I don't. And, somehow I've managed to write a story :rolleyes: :hide

ETA: I love speaking in front of a group, or a crowd, or even an angry mob :) I love giving speeches, although I do better at winging it with minimal helper cards then I do with a prepared speech (which is probably why I wouldn't be a good politician, apparantly you have to have your own speech writers or something )