Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
the-metal-peddler said:
Ann, perhaps all the facts are gone, but my advice stands solid. You know, sometimes you have to stand up for what you are and believe in. I don't stand to far from what I believe in, as soldier called to duty to do his job, I did that. Perhaps some people are jealous, and need a way to feel important, not me, I already did that.

I decided not to wage this battle, ban me if you see fit.

That is all I have to say.
I have no intention of banning anyone - but you have to keep one thing in mind. Giving advice is fine, being cruel is quite another. There was no reason to call anyone dumb, and as Free mentioned, your reference to Aly's husband's hypothetical death did nothing to add anything to the conversation. Your choice of words was truly unkind. Think long and hard before you post words like that again and you won't have any problems here.

I'm certainly one to speak my mind when I want to, but I always post with the understanding that this is a flat medium, no emotions can be seen unless you use smileys (not always appropriate), and things are easily taken the wrong way. As I said, think and consider what you're posting, especially when you are delving into someone else's life and business (yes, I understand, they are laying them open to 'suggestions' by posting personal life info here).

As I've said in other areas, we need to stick together and be supportive. By the same token, people need to understand by posting real life situations here you're going to get opinions, we don't all live the same way - although I'd like to think we're all living life in a good way towards a common goal, that of living as self-sufficiently as possible.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Ok so.

J, Did you see the pisctures of my new dog? Cute huh?

I am thinking of puting up a rain chain. Do I need gutters on my house or can I just hang it off the roof?


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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This will be the only time I will speak regarding this matter with you, and it will be the last time I even acknowledge you, and I would appreciate the same consideration from you.

the-metal-peddler said:
With her husbands problems, the car accident, I think many of us were thinking that money she just got could be better spent on her husbands needs.
Because the car accident we were in took our only means of transportation away from us, spending the money on new transportation is exactly what my husband needs right now as I have several doctor appointments to get him to. So, technically, we are using the $ towards his needs, but thanks for your concerns.

Apparantly you haven't really spent much time reading on my husbands condition, and if you did, you would realize 1)he's not terminal, and 2) his prognosis is full recovery, with the goal of losing the diabled status and returning to the work force.

I had not at anytime asked you for advice, and asking someone to remember a loved one or friends in prayer is not saying you want pity or people to feel sorry for you.

I don't feel sorry for us! I feel we are far richer than most, and I don't measure our riches with the money that does or doesn't lines our pockets. There are many forms of wealth in this world, and not measured by dollars.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
I went to the mill yesterday to pick up some salt for my well system. John said he had seen the sign and how much he liked it. He also mention how many people in town liked it. ( with a pop of around 2200 word travels like high speed internet ).


I drove down to Alberts and took a photo to share.

When I went down to visit with Albert, his wife was turning wrenches on a big International tractor, he was off in the field on a service call. She stopped and thanked me for the sign and how nice it was. She went on to tell me that the tiller tractor belonged to Alberts dad, and he had bought it for him some years ago. With his health so bad, he only used it that year. Rick ( Alberts son ) started to tell me that the tiller has very little hours on it, and said Albert was very pleased with the trade. :celebrate

My tractor is geared a little to high for my box tiller, meaning, it works but the speed of the tractor is a little to fast to really till the soil really fine. Last year I had to rake the soil everywhere I planted, it was a lot of work. Having this tiller will allow me to till the soil finer as well as go between rows to keep the weeds down.

Albert tried to sell me the tiller last year, I even ran it in his garden as a test drive. But because I had opened my second business, money was to tight. So exchanging goods and services has worked out pretty good for both of us. The bonus is the pto auger he said he would lend me to get those holes dug. :clap

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