Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
:lol: Man, you go away for a few days and it is just amazing what you can miss out on!!! I'm glad that you got all the kinks worked out of your bread Jay! ;)


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
I have been working the soil to get my cold weather crops in the ground. But with the temps still falling into the 20s at night, even with hotkaps, I am going to hold off for a few more weeks.

Also I picked up eight more fruit trees which Steve is going to put in the ground tomorrow. His holding tank for his well has finally rusted through, I have one that I took out of my house and replaced it with a larger one. So he agreed to dig the holes in exchange for the holding tank and 20 dollars.

With the nice weather, I have been able to get most of my spring clean-up done. I have noticed that the ticks are already out and in full force. But I am going to buy some ginnys to cure that problem.

I finished and took Albert his new sign, he owns a tractor repair shop. He had a tiller that has a flip handle as well as a 36 inch cyckle (sp) bar that attaches to it. I also put in two large fire pit rings, how's that for bartering? He has to put a new battery on it, and a tune-up so I should have that in the next couple weeks.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
LOL..... Me to Lori.......

I think G will never touch another donut again, she might blame me, but at least I have a great loaf of bread.

:love G

It's gettinaclue's fault, she was the one that started it!!

When you are kneading your dough, knead until it feels like ummmmm, uuuhhhhh, sorry for this but this is the way it was explained to me and I don't know how to say it any better, but shall try to do it with tact- knead it until it feels like one of the girls. Ahem.
I was left to think all sorts, what? :hide


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Spotsylvania, Virginia
Oh you are FIRED! LOL.

To true about the donuts though. :sigh: I really loved them, but that will be one less thing I have to wean myself off of. I'm not gonna thank you though, you've traumatized me!!! (Are you in kahoots with my mother?)

I got absolutely nothing done today, except I delivered a loaf of bread to one of my neighbors. I took an 8 hour nap - not feeling well and now I can't sleep.

Wah wah wah, I've been a lazy blob. :p

Bring on tomorrow (technically today).


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Well, I just got fired from doughnut making, I guess that is a good thing.

I put up the gourd bird houses today, any suggestions? They are 12-15 feet above the ground, and 120 feet above the ground from the valley below. They are facing north on a southern slopped hill.



Looking to left, while putting up the bird houses, it was fine... Look to the right to the valley below, it made my leg shake on the ladder, a little.

I did go back up and hacked off that dead limb in the back ground.

Albert came by to thank me for his sign, that was nice, said he would have my tiller ready to pick up first thing next week. He said he had put it up today and it was really great. :thumbsup

I told him about the trees I was going to be putting in, he offered up a pto auger free of charge for a couple days when I pick up the tiller. I thought "that is great", and I knew right there and then the extra work I did to make his sign paided off. Bartering can be hard, meeting expectations and all.

A general rule to bartering is never to give too much or ask for too much. That's a fine line to find, sometimes you got to do a little extra and hope for the best. I didn't know he had a pto auger, and I am pleased that he is more than happy with his sign. I will go down tomorrow and take a pic.

Giving a little extra can have big rewards.

Sometimes giving a little extra effort can seem like hard work, and sometimes it might pay off. What if doesn't pay off? Than you didn't loose anything to begin with. The difference between doing a little extra and not doing it at all is the pay off. I always give a little extra, just fits me well. I agree, a hard lesson learned, sometimes it doesn't come back. But as always, sure is welcomed when it comes around.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
In RL, I know that helping some one is a two way street. Take it from a cops point of view, a domestic fight is the worse kind because relationships have been tightly woven and provide security. There is nothing different from that problem to perhaps another one placed on a public forum.

Somebody took a lot of time visiting my site, than decided to email me. I was livid by the email, insulted, and as many of you have spoken that shouldn't have happened. But it did, and I know who sent it. What I couldn't get my head around is why?

Like many webmasters, including nifty, I use a resource called stat counter. I did match up the emailer ISP to their email address, even from a hotmail account I can match your headers to your ISP. Here is a look at what I can see about people that email me and visit my sites. For security reasons I have mask some info. here are some screen shots.



These are stats taken today and represent only samples what the emailers stats would look like. I have those stats too, just like other people keeping record on this board.

On 21 Mar 09 I was emailed by Aly, it was friendly and my return email was nothing less than supportive. My advice to Aly and her RL situation still stands. Yes I did back track, but if you would read her post which are gone, you would see that my advice was solid so were others advise the same as mine.

She had already removed her post Free, look at what I said... Bee posted this...
Because you have now mod your postings, I don't think any of us can help you now.

I don't think Aly liked people that could see a better way to adviser her on how to spend the money she just came into. I also have done a lot of reading around here, hence the reason I know a lot about many of you. It's a public forum, and sometimes giving people prayers for problems is good, but so is supporting them in RL. With her husbands problems, the car accident, I think many of us were thinking that money she just got could be better spent on her husbands needs.


I even posted before on the thread..

miss_thenorth wrote:
Quail--tak this with a grain of salt if you wish, but...... If it were me, I would not spend anything until you got that 7 pass. van running. If it has been sitting for a couple of years, what you think needs to be done to get it running, will just be the beginning. There is ALWAYS more that need to be done to get it road ready. so spend what you need on that first.

Once that is up and running, look at a truck if that is what you want. (makes sense--farms and trucks go together). Then buy one of them and get that road ready. /whenever looking at an older vehicle, you know that money needs to be spent for the safety.

I would seriously hate to see you spend all the nmoney onew vehicles and then not have any money left over to get them on the road etc.

Also,--didn't you say you didn't drive much anyways? why would you need three vehicles if you don't drive?

Again, as I said--take with a grain of salt, but those are my thoughts.

Grain of salt?

I thought your approach was solid. A well planned, thought out idea to what can happen, and what might happen.

Let me tell you about the my first welder, not person, machine.

I had bid this job, knowing I needed a welding machine. Seemed good enough, so I purchased that mig welder. I lost the bid, but had already purchased the mig welder. That purchase put my books in the red, but I had a mig welder.

But the mig welder I bought wasn't going to pay the mortgage. I tried to explain to DW how I could now grow the business with this new mig welder. Less than a week later, I had to scrap perfect copper to make my mortage payment.

I could have made a lot more money selling products from the copper that I had to scrap. But I had a mig welder, one that I ate. It wouldn't have paid for itself for the next nine jobs, but it did on the tenth, a year later.

I don't know, being ss, I try every way in the world not to spend a dime.

I know by posting my response some one will say " you don't know what it's like to do without! " Yes I do, have a look at my journal, I wouldn't spend 4k on things I didn't have verses things I needed.

Hey, take my advice with a grain of salt.

I didn't single out Aly, I did bee on more than one occasion, just little hints at times posted here. But she posted what I said, and that is fine, without Alys comments, they seem rude, but they were supportive.

I already singled out the person that email me, just in little hints. If Aly is mad at me for my advice, it's just that, advice.

Free, G, Lori, getten, Ann.... I didn't come here for drama, I came here as me. My income bracket shouldn't matter, what I drive is for purpose, at no time have I ever belittled another poster. By my journal I have encouraged people to be wiser, seek out older folks advise, and perhaps listened more.

Free, I hate to disappoint you, but sometimes standing by the advice you give is a good thing.

G, thanks for laughs and the funnies. You are nothing less than a kind spirit, I howled laughing many times with you.

Lori, keep up the good work, Chad needs a strong wife so that you both can start your own business and kiss the phone company good-bye.

Getten, you brought so much humor to my life, I was laughing so hard at making love to the dough, I was in tears, my sides were hurting.

Ann, perhaps all the facts are gone, but my advice stands solid. You know, sometimes you have to stand up for what you are and believe in. I don't stand to far from what I believe in, as soldier called to duty to do his job, I did that. Perhaps some people are jealous, and need a way to feel important, not me, I already did that.

I decided not to wage this battle, ban me if you see fit.

That is all I have to say.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Peddler, I agree, standing by advice is a good thing.

But lacing that advice with calling someone dumb and making a strange reference to a family member's possible death is no longer good advice. It is an attack, and is uncalled for.

I use Freemotion because my family and friends will recognize me if they wander over here. It keeps me accountable, I am NOT anonymous.

Neither are you, since you gave so much info, with your business website and all. I, for one, have really enjoyed your posts. I don't understand how you can get so vicious, out of the clear blue. At least that is how it appears.

I don't agree with everyone's opinion, and when I ask for opinions on something, I have to expect ones that will not agree with me. However, I do expect people to be polite....disagree without being disagreeable.

And if I give my opinion, how dare I get snippy if someone doesn't take it.

I will never be critical of anyone for what they have materially. I know, as most do but may not be ready to admit, that if someone offered me more than my asking price for any of my services, I would jump at the chance. It happens and I take it, gladly. As my income goes up, so does my standard of living. So, for the record, I have never been critical of you or anyone for their standard of living, whether higher or lower than my own.

I just think you should be a bit more gracious, that is all. If someone pm's you, then it is private. Don't take it public. Answer it or ignore it. I'd ignore it, personally.....ok, maybe I'd answer it once, then I would not continue to engage the person. They obviously are having a really bad day, or have bigger problems then a potty mouth.

Let's all play nice now, ok? Give us some more great pictures of your cool projects, and let's just move on.

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