Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
FarmerJamie said:
:hide I have a mustache :hide
We noticed. Of course, you can just pull it off if you decide you don't want it, then put it back on if you don't like how you look w/out it. :plbb


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Denim Deb said:
FarmerJamie said:
:hide I have a mustache :hide
We noticed. Of course, you can just pull it off if you decide you don't want it, then put it back on if you don't like how you look w/out it. :plbb
:lol: :lol: :lol:


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
FarmerJamie said:
Wannabefree said:
FarmerJamie said:
You have to understand, where I grew up in eastern/SE Ohio, which football team you supported determined your ability to get past some dads to date their daughters.

I remember during the Cowboys/Steelers SuperBowl (forgot the number), I rooted for a Steeler touchdown because one of my friends was cocky when it came to the Cowboys and I wanted him to be quiet at school. I got whacked on the back of the head by my dad who said we root for whoever is playing against the Steelers....

yeah, we're used to it here... :hide
So...who won Jamie?
Super Bowl X, Pittsburgh won, 21-17

Cleveland is in Cuyahoga County. In the Native American Erie language, Cuyahoga doesn't mean "crooked river" as we are taught in schools, it means "no championship"
Being from Mansfield, we love them, but we call them the Cleveland Clowns.......

And no facial hair in this house. The Wife has stated that if I started "cultivating on my face what grows wild on my arse", it would result in a divorce.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
Hubby used to have a beard - thick, bristly, and RED. He shaved it off one time and I didn't even notice until we were on the dance floor that night.
I promptly slapped him and left him standing there. I loved that beard. :love

'Mornin" MP.. How 'ya doin'?


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Dang, it's getting scary around here. I'm not getting on the foot ball band wagon. I live in San Diego after all. It's embarrassing. :hide But my dh and son like the Pack. :clap

Beard, no beard. I like my dh with and without facial hair. But its the two week period in the beginning that I can do without. I could get injured with all that poky stuff. :D

Oh, Good morning Jay! :frow



Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Good morning Karen and Gina!!!

I sport a goatee even though I refused to shave until the game in support of Brett. The wife stated yesterday that was enough, and was all she could handle. No touchie-touchie ;) or fun stuff until I shave!!! So I shaved last night... :) Women have untold powers....:bow

The Church Lady PART 1

I go to a rock and roll hippy church... We have a live band that play modern rock christian hymns as well as some old ones.. Come as you are/want... I dress proper, and know only a few hymns each service (tradition ones), I fake sing the ones I don't know. Young men come dressed with bandannas around their heads, some come dressed in home or away t-shirts in support of the steelers, some dress like me, and some come dressed with fuzzy balls on their sweaters... But church is about fellowship and worshiping God isn't it?

So ok, than there is "the church lady".... Feared by most, not knowing where she might sit, never greets anyone... Each week, upon close examination, they are different... They???? The bags, ties, ropes, scarfs and other odd accessories that wrap around her rather large body in true bag lady style.

Wait...... You don't get the picture yet... She waits till the service starts and begins to undress the layers, and the bags she has decided to bring come off... Placed around her in a tribal style as if they are protecting her from wild game attacks.... She doesn't smell though, so that is good.

Now for the delivery.... I would fail my friends and readers/lurkers, if I brought you this far without the true focus of my rant...

Armed with.... I say that in true band banging style as if it were street slang for a wanna be band groupie. Armed with her tambourine, she holds and swings it like a base ball bat or steel pipe.. She holds it like a street fighter ready to attack... Than the off beats begin and I loose my rhythm so does everybody around me... My sweet voice no longer can dance on the ear drums of the people around me.

I have a country singer/folk singer type of voice, I have sung in public a many time... I practice and train my voice evrytime I take a shower or drive... So its in constant training...

My Pastor, Dave, preaches 5 services, two on saturday... Casual traditional and Gods country which involves country music. Sundays, a early morning traditional with Communion, (my service) Crossfire a modern service with live band, and last, the traditional service with the choir. Having 5 services and many bible study groups, Pastor Dave has to keep the message the same for all groups.

So it takes careful planning and focus... So TCL decides not to nod if she agrees with the messages... Instead rattles her tambourine which distracts the Pastor from delivering his message and draws folks focus away from the message.. Not to mention that the lead singers wife is the bands tambourine lady.. She is a little feisty by nature, and at 50 y/o she is pretty set in her ways. you can draw any idea you want about how she feels about TCL....

Now my service has standing room only every week, at least 1200 people pack in the strip mall converted into a church place.. Its a great to meet and greet with folks.... So you know I am not the only person annoyed by TCL.... Sure, I am a live let live kinda guy, each their own, you know, be free and kind and spread the joy.... But you gotta watch that joy your spreading, it might not be the same joy some one else sees as joy.. LOL....

So anyway, I know this rant isn't done in a christian way of heart, but I do have my short comings, so I am having one of those short coming moments right now... :) Fear not my dedicated reader, I am not alone in my rant as you are about to read..... Look for The Church Lady PART 2