Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Thats ok, guineas typically aren't that friendly ayway, but some people.. like my granny have the friendliest guineas ever. :/
I think something is wrong with hers because I've never known a friendly guinea.


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
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Lochbuie, CO
I'm crossing my fingers for your taters. I might have the opposite problem. We just planted our taters yesterday. Today, was 95 degrees out! WTH? Where did spring go?


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
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In the woods with the critters
For the first time ever, I changed the title before I started my post.

Why? Because I have a point to make.

The point I am making is that I can do it when I want, same point goes how I run my businesses. None of my readers tell me what to post or how to post it, and I won't be disrespected by a employee that has a lot of mouth and no skill to back it up.

Often from day to day, I don't post, in the night when I have time I will. In the evenings when I post its on my own time.

Your reading the Journal of a company owner, several companies, but none the less the owner.

Its all good, let the slack go, and pretty big of him to insult me and what I do on my personal time. What he failed to notice that he is still working 40 hour weeks, and I am working 28 hours a week.

Please don't think I am being a (a) hole, as an employer, your problems in life are your own. I don't care, I am paying you to get a job done, and that is what I expect.

If you can't do the job, and get loud mouthed with me, I will fire you.....

End of rant, Thanks and forgive me for my short comings.


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Alot of people should be thankful that they actually have a job.
I've always been taught if your doing a job and getting paid not to give any lip, some people were unfortunatly never taught that..
Just have to knock those people back in line :p


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
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Lochbuie, CO
Peddler - For that guy complaining to you, send him out to my neck of the woods. I live in a "starter" community. There is a foreclosure on almost every block and my property value went from $140,000 to $80,000 in one year. It might give that fellow "inspiration" that his job may not be so bad after all.


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Peddler - first let me say I do not own a business. Not everyone is cut out to own their own business so my hat is off to you for being brave enough to venture into that territory.

Now - Who does that guy think he is? I work for a wonderful boss who surfs the net daily, buys everything from apple juice makers to pez dispensers to off shore fishing boats online. As far as I am concerned as long as he stops playing long enough to sign the checks on Friday and as long as they don't bounce he can do what he wants to. Shop online, take a nap, go fishing, post on a forum or just sit back with his feet propped up watching the rest of us work. We are requested to do some really strange things too. Take the dog to the vet, wash his car, run to his parents house and take out the garbage, clean out his gutters, whatever. Who cares. It all pays the same and.....why do we think we are here if not to work for HIM? I work at a sheetmetal shop. Small business. Sometimes when its hot and humid and the guys get tired tempers get short but most of the time things run pretty smooth and they don't complain much. Part of my job is to walk out into the shop on days like that and remind them the checks don't bounce. LOL

I never really understood why people will accept a job and paycheck from someone, then complain about it, or think they could run it better. DUH....if you think you can do it better - then by all means get out there, start your own business and run it as you see fit. Until then, go back to work and keep your mouth shut.

Off my soap box now.

Those taters will probably come back. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
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In the woods with the critters
The guy came to me 14 months ago, unskilled, needing a job. So I put him to work under one of my Craftsmen, it would be dumb for me to put him on a job that required skill and "how to skills". He started at $10 an hour, now is making $12 an hour, thats $4100 a year more.

I just gave him a raise 2 months ago, he hasn't shown that he has moved forward with his skills. Because we work in a small shop, when one team member starts belly aching about their finances, it brings everyones moral down. Who wants to come to work and listen to some one elses problems everyday?

My number one guy makes just short of $24 an hour, he is highly skilled and produces quality work just short of my own. He is dependable, honest and trustworthy. My pay scale, or what you make an hour is based on your skills, overall production, and quality.

Yesterday a few things were brought to my attention, I felt they needed to be addressed. I often run around and pick up supplies for the shop, often I tell this guy to get the supplies I bought out of my truck. I had purchased some plants from Lowes, he had seen them and went back into the shop and made some comments to the other workers.

I know your going to tell me I should have nipped it in the bud last year, after he made point to complain that I took off the first day of hunting season. Than he had something to say the first day of trout season when I left early.

My point of view is this; I am the owner/boss, what I do with my time is my business. Your a paid employee, your here to do a job, get your job done, don't worry about what I am personally doing. If you want to have the same privileges as I do, quite working for me, put everything you own on the line and go out and start your own business.

The coversation quickly got out of hand, I almost never raise my voice, I am very respected and have good relations with all my employees. But I needed to get control of his attitude, I addressed him once, he got louder. The second time I shouted, pointed my finger and told him to shut his mouth and think about what he was doing. He shut his mouth, shook his head and said "whatever". :somad

As the boss, I have to display control, I didn't feed into his comment, but boy did I want to get BOTH feet in his backside and give him a lashing. Right away in a calm voice I started to address the issues. One employee mentioned to me she was tired of hearing his potty mouth, I started with that and moved one to another issue, cleared that up, than went onto what he was saying about me. He didn't make any comment afterwards.

I hope his attitude is better today, if not I am going to fire him today.:smack

I am not a fire type boss, I invest a lot of money in my employees with training. But this is my company, I put everything on the line, and because most businesses in the first five years. I guess I must be doing something right, not only has my business stayed in the green, I also started another business.

Am I being a bonehead? In order to keep from firing him, how would you handle this????


Power Conserver
Jul 16, 2008
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Jay, I LOVE your way of thinking of handling the business and at home with a happy wife and family!

Not too many bosses are like that. I tell that to hubby at times, at this day and age, you are so lucky to have a job and hang on to it until something comes along better.

Negative attitudes or blaming others will not go very far and it would be most likely you would be fired for every job that you had or did. That would be your first red flag when you hire someone with a bad attitude.

I hate "pottymouths" and every word they say its like aaargggggggggh! Enough is enough! I know they want to impress people with their "sparkling" language but a bit too much is bad. Now, I dont mind cussing now and then in simple terms but when you cross a line to degrade someone, then, it's bad for you, your company and your other employees that are working with the offender.

Kids nowadays expect jobs to be handed to them like a silver plate rather than take the time to write up resumes, scouting out jobs, research online about the workplace you are interested in joining and how to be a "team member" that the employer would think you are a valuable employee for his business. I wish my nephew would get off his lazy darn butt and look for a job rather than mooching off from his parents. Whats bad, he got his bio father's bad genes. He is 19 years old, graduated from HS last year and got nothing in his life or what goals he wants to look for except for a 20 dollar an hour job waiting for him! :rolleyes:

Now, with your farm, didn't you think you bit off more than you can chew and didn't realize how much $$$$$ it takes to invest in bringing up the farm in its highlight of its foundation? No money can replace that love you and your family have of the farm and thumbs up to you to bring it back where it needed to be functioning to SS and beautify the grounds. I love the pond you had with the bridge. We used to have a farm with a large pond, Morton horse barn, wooded land out back and raised all the animals we had fun with and ate them as well LOL. That is one of my goals to go back on the farm again and relish it! It may not be now but with that thought you and your wife had, that is the way to go to acheive to the goal that my hubby and I share while we are living in the city.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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the-metal-peddler said:
Aug 10th let me see.... Looks good!!!!

Yes please do a b-line to Albuquerque New Mexico and pick Bugs Bunny up for DD to keep as a pet.

On your way through CO. just outside the springs theres a place call Buckskin Joes, they sell dirt there from a local river by the hundred pound bags, I will take 5 bags. I always wanted to pan for gold, I tried my hand at it a few times. :pop

I think one other basket will make it okay, I am sure they all will at a later time in the season.

So whos coming on the 11th of August, if we're going to do this, might as well have a Shin-Dig. The south taught me a few things about wild women, booze, partys, and crawfish. :hide LOL....

FC- There I was sitting on the dock nursing a bruised nipple, the center of laughter and everyone was picking on me. :hit
Oh my, when my wife had her mole bitten, I showed concern, but inside I was laughing. Than that came out when I said HAHA told ya!!! :gig :lol::lol:

About the taters, thems not just any taters. ( Insert Forrest Gump voice here ) Theres taters for roasting, taters for baking, taters for mashing, and just some general taters. It was my attempt of Forrest Gumps shrimps with...............

Right, I have work to do...
you have me laughing hard on this one


I know though, hard work, that bad things happen too.

being a real income farm we cut seasons and HOPE......LOL....so many times we lose!!!!! Mother Nature many, farmer " us ", none.


(Well, when things happen to us women it is worse! You guys must just suck it up and smile..HA HA HA HA)

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