Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Wow Jay....Thank you so much for stepping in...to help those kids. So many people now days wont..for fear of retribution. Sounds like that man needed a "whiping,spanking" himself. Sounds like your kids are very proud of what you did, and they have a right to be. YOU are a man. A REAL man....standing up for whats right. ( you are ok tho, right?) :)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
I think calling the proper authorities would have been better.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Just some scratches, my hand is sore, and shoulder hurts. Debbie, I don't know how proud my kids are, I know its not something I encourage with them. I also know they were scared at the time seeing that. He never had a chance to land a punch, I blocked his and tagged him in his jaw and wrapped him up, drove him to the ground, pinned him down till he said he was done.

No doubt I started it, those were my intentions from the start. It was either a tongue lashing, or a fist to cuffs, either way it needed to be dealt with.

Aly- Because they were bbqing next to us, I should have made this more clear. The park rangers patrol every 30 minutes or so near the picnic area. He was unloading his gas grill on the service road where he wasn't supposed to be, the road the rangers use to drive up and down. A ranger drove up he told him he had to move his truck out and was very pleasant, than the ranger said he had a nice grill. When the ranger left, his mouth got all nasty, which was fine, that isn't any of my business. Perhaps I should have called the proper authorities, no doubt that is a solution, but were talking about little people here. Sometimes people jump in to help others with complete disregard for their own safety or never consider what the outcme might be. Like I said in my orginal post, I don't mind a fist to cuffs if its warranted, but I would only use this coarse of action if its needed. Something needed to be said to him, I said it, he didn't like it, so HE decided to put his hands on me. I guess he used his free will and threw a punch, a sloppy one mind you, and I reacted with the same amount force back (troopers words). You and I disagree on spanking, and you know thats okay Aly? I am sure you would of done something at the time as when I did, you may be okay with spanking, but I don't think you would allow abuse. What he was doing was abuse, not a controlled reaction to correct his children. To me, that within itself makes the difference, controlled or uncontrolled reaction. His was uncontrolled, there were children involved, and its not going to happen on my watch. If it meant I was arrested, went to jail, so be it. I knew that I might even be beaten up myself before I walked over there and opened my big mouth, its all relative to me. None of his guess/family came to assist him, perhaps they knew he needed a good thumping....

The trooper looked at the childern, and spoke with their mom. We were leaving and the matter was defused, no arrest were made, but the trooper reminded him "that if he had saw him hitting the children he wouold have been arrested, thats the law."

I spoke with my kids when we got home, the matter was put behind us, so we got out a board game.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
freemotion said:
Hedge rows......a friend is supposed to give me some shoots from her raspberries (she weeds them out and tosses them!!!! I just found out....now she will save them for me next time.) and I want to make a set-up like yours. What type of wire do you use, and do I need the type of tightener things you have? They look kinda scary!!!
I use standard electrical fence wire, I would suggest using them, but if you get the wire tight enough you should be okay. My uncle doesn't use them nor did my Grandpa, but they have a wire stretcher and I don't. They have miles of electrical fence and have to have a stretcher, where I couldn't see the added cost if I can buy these cheaper tightners.

Proper air flow is important says my uncle, and he gets huge harvest from his plants. Of course my grandpa replaced his post and T's 8-9 years ago along with the plants.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Jay , sorry to hear your family picnic was spoiled. Thank you though for standing up for the little ones. It's sets a good example and shows the offender and his family there are still people who care.

I like the hedge rows. I have a wild berry plant growing in my orchard. I can't get rid of it so I am thinking about trying to control it. Something along the lines that you have done just might work. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks for the great idea. Again!!!


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
I think the trooper, being within some of the laws should have reported it first thing. Even if it was the first time the guy did that, once is enough. If he does that in public who knows what he does to his family in private.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Honestly, what really bothers me is that you are ex-military, and you engaged a civilian...being ex-military aren't your hands considering deadly weapons? I do hope you realize that with your training, you could have easily killed the man, and then where would that have left your family?

The only person I have been engaged with would be my wife, that is a different adjective in military lingo, not as you have used it. In the military we use the adjective "engage" as an assualt on the enemy. "Engaged" if often used by pilots, and tankers, as well as Artillery folks. I didn't engage any one, he had a go at me, what a loser, and I gave him a "biff" "sock in the jaw" and you what, after I did that I press his sorry good for nothing face in the ground, I didn't continue to punch him, thats called control.

Honestly, what really bothers me is that you are ex-military
Why does it bother you? Please speak candid, this is my Journal, and I want to know why me being a Ranger bothers you? Have I not served you well enough? Have I not been trained well enough? Have I not given you enough?

I told a lie, forgive me for my short comings....

Aly, have you ever run your fingers through your kids hair? Did you find peace and love while doing it? I gave so that you could do it, but you don't.

Tonight, my dd cuddle with me while we watched tv, and we just hung out together. She lives care free because I made it that way.

It is the soldier,
not the President who gives us democracy.
It is the soldier,
not the Congress who takes care of us.
It is the soldier,
not the Reporter who has given us Freedom of Press.
It is the soldier,
not the Poet who has given us Freedom of Speech.
It is the soldier,
not the campus Organizer who has given us the
Freedom to Demonstrate.
It is the soldier,
who salutes the flag;
who serves beneath the flag,
and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
that allows the protester to burn the flag.

Lets keep it real, tell me how my training is bad? I didn't go into this without thinking because of my training, if I was some thug I could understand your point.

So what is your point?

Leave it to me to ask, where have I let you down?

Is it journal thing? I don't get it?

Please explain so we all can understand....

If you can't explain your position on this matter, than I will never/ever respect anything you have to offer to this community again.


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
Reaction score
Lochbuie, CO
Jay, I agree. Had you pulverized the man into pulp or caused serious bodily injury, there may have been a case but not with the actions you've described. Just because a person has been in the military is no reason to assume/presume that they have been trained in the more deadly forms of combat and will use it in simple "disagreements". I've known many military members throughout my years (air force brat) and even the most highly trained people showed considerable rastraint under duress. I wish the military had accepted me when I was younger (asthmatic) as I truly appreciate the self-discipline that is not only taught but expected.

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