My great deal chicks are strangely friendly. Two of them run right up and jump in my hand and the others - well, they don't run away screaming. I have never had friendly chicks before so it's weird. They must have gotten alot of attention from the feed store girls. Then there's one who likes to perch on the ledge of the box and just look around at stuff. She's funny. They are all feathered out and ready to go out as soon as the weather changes.
Gardening failures so far...I am pretty sure my asparagus finally died from being in the flood zone. And the blueberry bushes never did recover after being mowed down by rabbits right after I bought them. They tried, but last year's heat really took a toll on them. At least they were cheap so I only lost out on time and a few bucks. But darn, those 5 blueberries we did get were the best I've ever had
I'll try moving these crops to the front yard this year if I can find a good place where DH won't mow over them. He tends to think everything is weeds.
I have lost countless sunflowers. And my pretty hibiscus. He now (usually) asks before he weedwacks. He just gets into a groove sometimes and forgets. And that's why I have all the odd little plant cages popping up all over the yard
I'd like to see my neighbors eyes bug out when they see me putting orange paint on the yard Oh gosh, I might have to do it just for that reason alone...
I see snowflakes falling. I knew something was up when all the goats decided to stay in the barn...
My BIL came over and said "what is all that orange paint on the ground for" I said, "that's my new blackberry bushes and you had better not come near them!"
Now I just put a big pile of mulch around anything I don't want mowed down!
you're getting SNOW?!?!? good lord....will it ever end this year?