My mom and dad got together in '79 so around the same era. When I was born til I was 2 we lived in a one room houseboat on the big river. My parents and 5 kids all under the age of 12.
Beautiful day in the panhandle today. We will probably get an afternoon thunder storm tho. Bout to go see how many loads of clothes I can get dried on the line before any rain comes.
The baby bunnies are growing so fast they are so cute when they are little!
The pickles and relish were a big hit and it's becoming quickly apparant that I will need to make another batch this weekend, or two batches, as many as I can before cucs go out of season. The pickles are so easy..The relish on the other hand is more work, all that slicing and choping..
These pictures include the Sweet Pickle relish, Mrs. Wages Kosher dill spears and chips, Banana Butter, and Spiced Strawberry jam we made this weekend.
Oh Cane, my 4 month old RottXBulldog found a new bed buddie last night...but at 5 am they both migrated to my bed.
OK so yesterday I managed to move my silkies to a bigger pen since my flock is growing. I'm converting their old pen to another biddie grow out pen. Still need to put biddie wire over the door to complete that. Mowed all the grass next to road on the sides of my property. Helped my neice load the rest of her stuff into the truck to take to her new place. MAN IT"S HOT down here!! It was sooo hot yesterday..I;m sure will be just as hot today. It's hard to do anything for a short period of time without sweating profusely. I also managed to take my two pit-x girls to their favorite swiming place to play some water frisby. My son also loves this place. It's very kid and dog friendly so we like it. Hopefully it will be a little more overcast today and I can get more accomplished.
This morning I managed to put the finishing touches on the newly remolded biddie grow out pen and take the 10 or so fully feathered babies and my one lil turkey poult and put them in their new pen. That gave me the opportunity to bring some of my other babies from the inside "newborn" brooder outside to the "middle stage" pen as I call it. I also got all the animals taken care of before it got too hot to handle out there. Hope I can do some more things to my new silkie pen this evening when it cools. Like build a proper door.