Jenlyn9483: Jen's Journal-- Countdown begins


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 7, 2009
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Im going to the ER around 1 today to get my head looked into. I've had an ongoing problem with dizziness and disorientation and the feeling that I'm going to black out for the past 3.5 years that has progressed and has landslided the past 6 months. I was trying to wait til after the wedding when I will have insurance to have it cked out but I can't cope with it any longer. Yesterday was a bad day. It used to just happen when I turn my head too far one way or the other or too far back, now it happens when I am sitting or laying and get up too fast. I don't know if it has to do with the Tourretts I was diagnosed with in 98 or the Epidural I had when I had my son 3 and a half years ago or the result of both. I hope nothing new is rearing it's ugly head. The thing that I fear is my mother carried a brain tumor around in the back of her head (non malignant) for 7 years and just had it removed in Sept 08. It was a big ordeal because of its location. The semptoms she had the last two years are the same as mine. Another reason I have been putting this off for so long is the fear that it might be something bad. Right now I have alot on my plate and only 2 and half months til my big wedding. I dont want anything to hinder me or get into my way. I hate going to the dr for anything. I hate MRI's, EEG, EKGs and all the like. In 98 when my neurologist diagnosed me with touretts he said that he wanted me to finish out the summer then come back in a month and he would put me on medication to cope with it for the rest of my life. He also said I would need to have an MRI an ck up every six months for the rest of my life. I never went back to see him or any neurologist since. When I was a baby I had SEVERE joundas and I had to be put in a tent with very bright lights for the first 6 weeks of my life. He said the Kinickteris is when the ultravoilet rays were disolving some of my neuro cells, sensors and connection in my brain. Apparantly the result was, I'm sensitive to heat. I get too hot easily, it causes me to be ill, pass out, whatever. I still have that but I cope with it. The other thing is it used to cause me to constantly stretch my muscles when I was hot or stressed. I grew out of that part. Now you have some background on my pre existing conditions. Im just very stressed about this right now and wanted to vent. Thanks for listening.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 7, 2009
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On a happier note, today I made another batch of spicy and regular kosher dill pickles and some Zucchini Pickles, for the first time. Can't wait to see how they turned out. I just did them the same as my kosher dills. Someone is sending me some from the BYC canning swap so I will have some to compare against and another potential recipe also. That was the last one of my zuchinni something has finally managed to kill off all my plants, so no more pickled zucchini unless I go buy some. I also got to sell some eggs and an extra NZ buck rabbit this morning. All and all pretty productive morning so far.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
I am sorry that you are feeling so stressed out. Sounds like you have your platefull though.
Those dizzy spells, disorientation and feelings of passing out can be caused by many things.
In my case it was low blood pressure and hypoglycemia. I ended up on medication for depression and my blood pressure increased slightly and I had fewer dizzy spells. The hypoglycemia is pretty easy to manage with diet. If you would like to read more about hypoglycemia here is the site on wikipedia
Many doctors don't look for this and this article has some very good information. I have actually passed out due to the hypoglycemia. But usually I get very unpleasant when I have waited too long to eat and I start getting the shakes a lot of times. It also affects my vision.
Hope you feel better and that the doctors (or you) figure out how to help you. :hugs


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 7, 2009
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Farmer Denise, Yes I do have hypoglycemia, I have been managing it for a long time. This seems to happen when I turn my head to far one way or the other. Like something is cutting off my blood pressure or something. I'm just about to leave to go to the hospital now. Thanks for the thoughts.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Jen honey, I hope everything turns out okay and you get some answers. I get dizzy spells too....worse since I started taking cymbalta for depression/fibromyalgia. We'll be thinking of you, let us know if there is anything we can do to help, vent away! :hugs


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 7, 2009
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Well I spent 6 hours in the ER and I found out they think I have Vertigo. The doctor I talked to said he had Vertigo but my symptoms were alot worse than his so he thinks I may have Meniere's Disease which Vertigo is a side effect of. Basically Vertigo is a side effect which has many different origins, some is temporary some is not. Meniere's is not temporary. They referred me to the Ear and throat specialist, I have to call them on monday to go there and do test to determine exactly what it is. The ER dr. I saw today said that the Joundas could also have been an originator of this as well. So we will see, Im not looking forward to it. Mom also had to take the meds they prescribed me for this and she said it made her sick and tired. GREAT! Thanks for listening, I will get an update up as soon as I know something new.