Pneumonia must be going around this year. I just finished up a battle with it as well. I did not have it as bad as you though. I only had it in my right lung and did not have to be hospitalized. I got sick December 20th and just got back to normal around Jan 17th and every week I feel better. Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest.
Oh I feel for you too! Two years in a row I had walking pnuemonia. Luckily, though, I did not have to be hospitalized or anything either, but it did take me weeks to get better.
Oh my goodness, I'm sorry to hear you are so sick.
Bad enough to be sick but when they won't let you go HOME.
I'm glad you're getting the help you need, and I hope you feel better soon. And get back HOME soon. Maybe if you promise not to do ANY farm chores they'll let you out sooner!
In any case, try not to be TOO upset about it so you can concentrate on getting better. I hope you feel better quickly!!!