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- #2,141
Almost Self-Reliant
So, My #3 son came in from Oklahoma...on Friday. He had to bring his son back to his x. My son decicded to stay through the weekend, they will be leaving tonight. He warned me before he came, that I " better have lots of jobs for him to do while they are here" I think I can manage that! LOL
We started Saturday.I made breakfast..hubby commented...." UH OH..this means work!" Haha...he knows me well.
We packed up the rest of the Christmas from the garage....and got the garage cleaned! I can SEE the floor!! WOOHOO! Took the tubs to the barn, where we proceeded to move all the christmas stuff to the top of the barn. This only took about 2 hours. Hubby and I were ready for a break...so we all headed to the house. Once we got inside...got coffee....J said..."whats next"? :/ I said..." I need to kill this coffee before we do ANYTHING" Once we warmed up...hubby took the guys to the shop, where they proceeded to clean the shop and rearrange things in there...while I made fried chicken, mashed taters, gravy, biscuits, and corn....for supper. They came in about 6:15...supper was almost ready. We "lazed" around the rest of the evening...and just visited.
This morning...Everyone was sleeping so I went to feed the animals. I was in the barn...feeding..when I hear movement upstairs. Thinking it might be a cat...I shrugged it off....then I hear something again..sounded like someone was dragging a crate across the upstairs floor.
I went outside and called my sons friends cell...trying to wake them up, and get the guys out to the barn. Finally he answered...I said...get J, and get to the barn...someone or someTHING is upstairs!!!!!! It was about 1.5 minutes, they were at the barn....the guys climbed up there and searched everything....nothing was up there!! Im telling you, not only did I hear it, but the sheep were looking up at the ceiling when I heard it..so I KNOW I am not crazy! All I can think of....the barn might be haunted! LOL So...we come inside, and I make breakfast. Hubby gets up...and again says..breakfast again? whats up? I tell them I wanted my hutch brought up from the garage, to the dining room. Hubby rolls his eyes...my son is all excited. He truly loves to do "odd jobs" I cleared out the small buffet and move it to the side. The guys go get the hutch....and get it upstairs for me. This hutch has been in my garage for a year or so. It was a gift from a friend.
After we get it finished my #2 son shows up with his family, and we all sit to visit for a while. I took the boys out to let them shoot off a few rounds with my 20 guage. They were pretty excited, and was able to kill a flowerpot.
After they leave, J asks me...so...what now? I said....can't we just sit and visit for a while? To which he replys..."mom, come on, lets go do SOMETHING" With a big sigh...we head out. I have him break the ice in the rain barrell..then we replaced the fencing on one of the coop doors....and came back inside. He was sitting there...getting antsy...asking what else needed done. I tried to explain to him we were finished as I was watching the weather. They were talking about how we are in for a good cold stretch...J looks at me and said...I know..we can load in some firewood...to the garage...so it will be ready. I looked at hubby...he looks at me... J says..come on mom!! So, hubby got up and they are out there moveing firewood. I am hideing out here on the computer! LOL I need to go finish cleaning the kitchen, and plan supper. This "kid" is wearing me out!! LOL
We started Saturday.I made breakfast..hubby commented...." UH OH..this means work!" Haha...he knows me well.
This morning...Everyone was sleeping so I went to feed the animals. I was in the barn...feeding..when I hear movement upstairs. Thinking it might be a cat...I shrugged it off....then I hear something again..sounded like someone was dragging a crate across the upstairs floor.

After we get it finished my #2 son shows up with his family, and we all sit to visit for a while. I took the boys out to let them shoot off a few rounds with my 20 guage. They were pretty excited, and was able to kill a flowerpot.
After they leave, J asks me...so...what now? I said....can't we just sit and visit for a while? To which he replys..."mom, come on, lets go do SOMETHING" With a big sigh...we head out. I have him break the ice in the rain barrell..then we replaced the fencing on one of the coop doors....and came back inside. He was sitting there...getting antsy...asking what else needed done. I tried to explain to him we were finished as I was watching the weather. They were talking about how we are in for a good cold stretch...J looks at me and said...I know..we can load in some firewood...to the garage...so it will be ready. I looked at hubby...he looks at me... J says..come on mom!! So, hubby got up and they are out there moveing firewood. I am hideing out here on the computer! LOL I need to go finish cleaning the kitchen, and plan supper. This "kid" is wearing me out!! LOL