JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
19 April 09

Well, today is a wet, cold, nasty day. Perfect of you are a duck...but alas, I have no feathers, OR webbed feet. ( altho I am flat footed as a duck) :lol:
Yesterday was so beautifull...yet a wasted day..sorta. My sister bought a beautifull place down in KY. The home is a showcase home...the land...leaves a lot to be desired. Rolling wooded, HUGE Hawthorns and Cedars. She wanted us to come see, and give her our thoughts. Hmmm, I was nice! :D I kept telling her how nice the house was..and how much potential the land had. :p We spent the WHOLE day there....hence "wasted" as I would rather have been putting up MY fence. Oh well....family first, right? We walked her wooded area thats not even fit for goats! It is so steep of an incline...even her little city ****zu dog had trouble climbing it. My sister is happy, and thats all that matters. :)
Today...rain, cold...nothing getting done outside. Hopeing NEXT weekend we will get the fence up. Have to get it up soon, the grass is getting tall. ;) Supposed to get rain 3 days straight. YUK! I want MORE sunshine, on the weekends!! I know, not asking for much am I.? I think I will make a pot of chicken noodle soup, and call it a day.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
23 April 09

Its been a few days since I posted. The weather has been just plain YUK! Rain, cold, sleet...Ohhh the sinuses!! I have been just barely getting things done that needed done....my head has been throbbing. Every time I bend over, feels like my brains will leak out my ears!! :th
Today was better...sunshine MOST of the day...head clearing...so I busied myself hanging out wash. I just love seeing wash hang on the line. I put some spare ribs on for dinner..and made Macaroni salad. Easy peasy...love it. Then..headed outside. What a mess from the rain. We have about 30 tons of dirt/gravel left from last year..so I decided I need to finish the hog pen. Supposed to be getting piggies this weekend. Repaired the fence then started moveing dirt in. 15 wheelbarrows full. DH decided that in stead of helping me...he needed to mow....with the rideing mower!! UGH! Sitting on his butt, while I moved dirt. :somad An ex coworker stopped by and even commented that we needed to trade jobs! :lol: Didnt work.
Got the hog pen ready...chickens are mulling about in the yard...beautifull day!
On a sad note...I think my Doberman is on her last few days. She was trying to get upstairs this afternoon, and fell down the stairs. :( She has been laying around, just moaning...whining...I am going to take her in tomorrow, I think. :hit She is 11 yrs old..and just tired. I gave her some baby aspirin to help with her pain. Doesnt seem to be working tho. THIS is the worst part about owning pets. I just hope I have the courage to take her in. It was so hard taking in my Golden Retriever...he was my boy. When I lost him it was like loseing a best friend. He took part of my heart with him, for sure....and now my Sissy. :hit


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Pets are just like a good family member, they are just there and always a friend.

I guess I was about 13 y/o when Ladydog was put down. I held her close and stroked her for comfort, and soon she was asleep forever. She had whined about her hip pain many times, but remained a loyal pet.

My step dad couldn't kill her, neither could my mom.

Putting a pet down is always hard, but if your helping the pet, make sure you give it a good cuddle.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
25 April 09
Today the sun was shining...very warm 86 degrees, and WINDY!!
So, hubby and I set out to finish the sheep pasture. 5 hours later...we have a fence!!

Still need to "tweak" it a little, fencing on the gate...and STILL have to put up the divider wall. There is an old door on the south side...its been boarded up for some time. We are planning to take the door out, and put in a window. This way they will have the benefit of the warm winter sun..and a cool breeze in the summer.We plan to cover the window with welded wire because its on the road side, and out of our direct view from the house. As you can see, the barn sits very close to the road. :rolleyes: Not where I would have put it...but, its there.
After we finished the fence, we decided on dinner out. There is a nice little place in town...buffet....$9 each. I know..not very thrifty..but every once in a while...we deserve it! :lol: Tomorrow my grandson takes his first communion. We will spend most of the day in town. I am so proud of my grandson...and my son and dil. Hopeing to get home in time to finish the barn, so we can get the sheep over here.
OK, im whooped. I think its time to hit the sheets.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
27 April 09

Yesterday was another beautifull day! Mid 80's, and a little windy. OK, actually, VERY windy! LOL 30 mph gusts. No matter to me, I like the warm.
Spent most of the early morning working in the barn. Just finishing up a few details. Came in about 11 am....got a quick shower...and headed to town. Grandson took first communion yesterday. :hit Our baby boy grandson is growing up. ( which means I am getting OLDER!) :/ Went to son and DIL home afterwards for a nice get together. Had lunch...and visited for a few hours...then came home...out of the "monkey suits" Back into the jean shorts and tanks. ;) Took 2 loads of dirt over to the barn. There is a low area along the fence. Got most of the divider wall done....cleaned the small pool out for the ducks. Oh, they are so darned funny to watch! At first they were afraid of the "new thing" in thier yard. Then finally...2 of the babies got in...while the other 3 ran in circles around it, trying to figure out HOW to get in. :gig We put a small flat cynder block as a step up, finally the others got in. They were so happy! Doing flips...splashing..I just love watching them play....but, other things needed done. So...back to work. Got the waterhose and filled the water barrells....while DH mowed...again! 7 pm....done for the day. Time to sit on the front porch...and just listen to the animals putting themselves to bed. Ahhhhh, this is the life. I am truley blessed.
I got an E Mail from my friend that is giving me 2 Ewes. One of them passed away. :( Eleanore went off feed...and just layed down and let go. She was an older gal...at least she didn't suffer. My friend said it looked as if she just layed down, and went to sleep. RIP Eleanore. In a way I am glad it happened before she got over here, I would have been devestated!
Monday morning...the sun is shining..and...Oh jeesh! its almost 8 am already!! I need to get outside. :rolleyes: Hubby said " this time of the year, he looks forward to the weekdays, so he can go to work, and get some rest" HAHA! Silly man!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
I am sorry to hear about Eleanore. I agree with you though... better to hear about it from your friend than to take possession and lose her right away.

Will you try to get another ewe to keep the remaining one company?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Oh yes, I will be getting another Ewe...Poor little April would be lost....she definately needs company. Then, in a few months...when he is weaned, I will be getting Sunshine...my little ram. ( I didnt name him) :/

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