JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
9 April 09
Yesterday I ran into town, and bought a 80 pound bag of mortar. Todays plan is to take that bag to the barn, and fill in the holes. We have an older barn, with concrete block bottom. The problem is...the mortar has come out in several places. A few spaces I can literally put my hand through to the outside. Not good..as the rain will get in there and deteriorate the block. So, im off to the barn, hopeing I can get it done before the rain thats to come in later this evening. I was able to get part of the divider wall up yesterday. :clap Hopeing for a productive day...if this old body will let me!! :p

Well....4 hrs of mortering ( is that a word? ) I am done....inside and out. Had to stop to cook dinner for DH, before he went to work. All the holes, and cracks are sealed in the cynderblock part of the barn. Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks fed...dogs and cats fed. Was able to get the front yard mowed before the storms move in. :( We sure dont need any more rain.
Oh...speaking of cats....my little Kiki...he is such a good mouser. I just have to brag on him. I was in the Banty Shanty..feeding and watering. Of course Kiki went with me. All of a sudden WHAM...Kiki has a snack. I Figured he would just torture it like always..nope, gulp, gulp...gone! :rolleyes: A few minutes later...WHAM..another mouse. Of course...he eats it as well. BLAH! At least he took that one outside. So, I was finishing up, and here comes Kiki, with a MOLE. Well, Half of a mole...just for me. :/ He loves his momma...but I had to decline. I just wasnt in the mood for mole. :lol: Silly cat. Well, I better make coffee....something about storms makes me want coffee!:D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
11 April 09

First...let me start out with...I love my dogs...I love my dogs..I love my dogs. Ok, now that I almost believe it..let me tell you about last night.
I went upstairs to get coffee...and saw that my hammer was on the counter so I decided I better put it away before it gets thrown to the side, and lost forever! My personal toolbox is in the spare room..grab the hammer, head down the hall..which is dark. Heck, I know my way down the hall..so why turn on a light, right? Well..I will tell you why! I have Pomeranians. A black one that follows me everywhere I go...small...black...cant see them in a dark hallway. So, headed down the hall...I trip over the now SCREECHING dog..fall into the wall...and WHAM..smack myself in the head with the hammer! I love my dogs...I love my dogs... :lol: So, anyone want a small cute loveable black Pom?? Oh, he is fine...he was just scared. I guess turning on a light is safer than wandering around in the dark, with small black dogs!
So, today we are going to attempt to finish the fence. I say attempt..because of course we are heading into this blind, never haveing built a fence like this before. :rolleyes: I just hope this works! Im headed to town before DH gets up, and getting the things we will need for the weekend. Topsoil,mulch,and Easter candy. Oh yes, we MUST have candy! LOL
Tomorrow I am putting in the potatos. I have 20 pounds of seed potatos to get planted. I am thinking its going to be an all day thing. No big Easter plans...Just DH and I for dinner. I really dont mind..considering I have planting to get done. Its about time for me to shower and get dressed, and head into town. Hope everyone has a WONDERFULLY BLESSED Easter!

So, I went into town for a few things..and while at Wal Mart, I noticed the Folgers coffee was on sale. $5.00! Yup I scarfed up 6cans for storage. Had a lady come by today, and bought 4 adult hens $10.each, and 11 -8 week olds..$5. each. and a 3 month old BR rooster, for $5. So, NOW I have the money for my gate! Oh, and Monday, she is coming back to buy the rabbit hutch. Another $50.00 Wheeee! LOVE selling extra stuff, cleaning the place up, and haveing the extra money to finish projects.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Good grief honey! Are you okay? Sounds like you need a night light! :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Lori, LOL Yeah, im ok....just a clutz! I think from now on, I will just "waste money" and turn on the light! LOL I wish there was a plug in that hallway, I would put in a nightlight. Oh well....guess I will see what other trouble I can get into. I was going to get the rest of the potatos in today, but we have severe storms moving in. Just what we DONT need, more rain! Going to go make coffee..and settle in with a good book.... i think.

So, the storms moved in, as predicted. Wow! it was scarey there for a bit. Tornado sirens going off...dark skys, rotation in the clouds. I stepped outside for a few minutes, to get some pics...here is one of the Tornado trying to form. Thankfully it never made it to the ground. This was right in front of my house...coming at me!

All is well...and I am SO THANKFULL!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
That is soooooo coool! Glad you didn't get it, but it looks fascinating....I've always wanted to see something like that! :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Well, Bee....I am glad you just saw pictures. I hope you NEVER get ti witness a tornado, up close. It sure is a scarey thing...knowing something so powerfull is coming at you, and you have NO CONTROLL. I saw a total of 4 tornados start...then dissipate. THe picture is of the biggest one. I think if it would have formed completely, it would have been nearly 3 miles wide. It was HUGE. And yes, there I was, taking pictures. :D


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
That picture is awesome! Glad to hear it passed you by. I hate being in tornados! We had many "warnings" when we lived in Texas. We were very thankful that in 15 years, we only had 1 do any damage to our place.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
16 April 09

Oh what a beautifull day!! The sun is shining....light breeze..Ahhhh.
So I ran to town...got some much needed top soil and garden compost. Now, I have a Chevy S10...who would have thought....20 bags would sag my little truck? Ohhhh, she was squatting something bad! I guess I Didnt account for the WET weight. LOL
So we crawled home...made it..and I parked her in the gravel near the garden. Whew! I decided it was a good day to open the Momma turkey's door to let her and the babies roam thier little yard. Well....had to put old pine shaveings in the run, it was sooo muddy. Then had to fix thier fence. All done..let them out in the sunshine! It was great to see them enjoy the sun for the first time....untill...my other turkey hen, who CANT have babies..saw them. She went NUTS! Throwing herself at the fence, wanting to get to the babies. It was sorta sad..she has built several nests, but cant lay eggs. Her little snood was getting really bloody, so I had to get the garden material, and hang it on the fence, so she can't see the babies and momma hen. Opened all the coops..let the main flock out to free range..and came inside to make dinner for DH. Got him packed for work, and out the door....then back outside. The neighbor girl asked if there were any "chores" she could help with to make a few dollars. I looked at those 20 bags of wet soil and compost, and said...SURE! :D She unloaded my truck...helped me plant the last of the potatoes...and mulch around the onion bed. I gave her $10. Not bad for an hrs work! I feel better, knowing my taters are in the ground, FINALLY! Now, if we can get some DRY weather, so I can get the rest planted....jeesh! Its almost 8pm..im sunburned..( and LOVEING IT ) but now I am cold! Time for a hot shower..and a cup of coffee...Oh, after I go to the barn, and measure for the boards for the divider wall. :rolleyes: I plan to cut them tomorrow, and get that done. I want my SHEEP! :)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Justy, visited my piglet today! She is cute and small....shy and sweet. I don't think sis has wormed them yet and I'm hoping she will, as they probably need it. She will be weaned in the middle of May and I will post pics when she comes home. I hope to get her right on a program of good graze, kelp meal supplements, some Basic H for de-worming and good, fresh water with ACV.

Sis is a sweetheart but she doesn't know a whole lot about keeping animals and her pens are too wet, too muddy, too dismal! But, I figure any pig that can come out of that and live, should be pretty hardy stock! ;) At least she feeds all the animals the best feed she can buy....and too much of it! All the animals are fat and sassy, for sure!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Oh Bee!! I cant WAITE to see pics of your little girl. Most people think...pigs = mud. Sad really. Pigs DONT like to be dirty....I just know your little one will thrive once she gets home. I can't waite to get a few of my own.... *sigh* CONGRATS on your baby. :D Oh, DO tell her to worm them SOON so they can hold the weight. I am so jealous...but happy for you!!