JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I am sorry, but I was LOL'ing over the ditch episode! Had to read it outloud to my DH and he was laughing, too!

Sounds like something that would happen to us! :lol:


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I agree with Bee. I use a straight dutch clover between rows where I can. It is between my blackberry rows, between my black raspberry rows and around my fruit treesl I do not have a strong stand yet. Each year a seed a little more and have to mow a little less!

The dutch clover is short 6 inches or so, fixes nitrogen in the soil, attracts bees and stands mowing very, very well.

If I had my way the whole fence line would be red clover and alfalfa about two feet on each side. (Give those rabbits something to eat besides MY PEAS! :rant ) and the rest of the garden would be dutch clover between the rows as an under crop with my sweet corn, squash, and potatoes and buffalo grass and/or bluegrass where it is permanent sod like around the shed.

The garden I have now I sort of "inherited" when my elderly neighbor passed away. He had been gardening it "organically" for many years. Alas he was a tiller and a great mulcher with old carpet. He also had a passion for tying little NYLON strings around everything! This means I have a lot of evil weeds like ground ivy and honeysuckle vines from the neighbor's fence.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
TanksHill said:
I know you hate mud but I still think it looks amazing!!! :)
I know it was a lot of work. See, this is a new garden area. There was grass there so heavy, it bogged the mower down if we let it get too tall. I walked through there today, and the "paths" I made are actually beaten down pretty well....solid. Hopeing it wont be too bad, after the rain. Supposed to get rain this evening..so we will see.

Quail....We will laugh at it...one day! Right now my blistered hands wont let me even smile. :/ Then...this man I am married to ( for the time being) Actually suggested we dig a trench from the house, to the barn, and lay water pipes in...so I dont have to drag out 5 hoses to water the sheep. I know, I know...he is being thoughtfull...not wanting me to have to drag out all those hoses...blah blah blah....but dont you think he could have waited a few months to even SUGGEST it!?? :rolleyes: I just looked at him like he was crazy as a loon...I might have given him the bird...I cant remember if my fingers were working that well at the time. From the house to the barn....is about 400 ft. Might be longer...I dont know...but I DO know..I WILL NOT BE DIGGIN ANOTHER DITCH!!! :lol: Well, at least not any time soon. ;) He is off to my step dads....going to change out the mower blades..and sharpen the old ones. I am sure he will be gone for a few hours...so I think I will get a big old quart jar of iced tea..and head out to sit with my sheepies for a bit. Im POOPED!


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
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east central Ohio
Remember flat land helps hold water for your plants. My garden is on a good slop and all extra water runs off. Things dry out quick and I hate hauling water out there.

We are starting to hurt for rain. The storms keep going around us.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
I am laughing so hard, you are a great writer. I am sorry about your hands, though! :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
homesteadmomma said:
I am laughing so hard, you are a great writer. I am sorry about your hands, though! :)
Well, luckily we grow a new layer os skin a day...so...in a week, I will be just fine as frogs hair. ;) Well....a week after we FINISH it. Still have lots of dirt to move...but, I am doing a little at a time. No need to rush. Well, other than its a constant reminder of all the work we put into it. :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
4 June 09

Not a whole lot going on here lately.
Tuesday, I had a guy come by to pick up a few turkeys. I was outside "picking up" when the turkeys started thier "chirping warning call" So, thinking it was just the cats walking around, I went to investigate. Came around the corner of thier crate...to see THIS!! :barnie

Now, I am not usually bothered by a little garden snake...or even a small black snake....but this sucker is 6 ft long!!!!!!!! It took off across the chicken yards, and stretched all the way across 2 banty yards! I gave chase, thinking it might try to get in the turkey hut...where I have 2 hens setting eggs. Finally it went into the thicket. I just know, I am going to run across this sucker again...and will have to catch and release it somewhere else! I wont kill it..but I WILL relocate it! I have bantys..and it will snack on them if given a chance.
Started the day with a bottle for Sonny Boy. I just love our time together. He is now letting me scratch his neck and chest....after the bottle. this of course only happens while the girls are eating. Otherwise, they come running, and shove him away from me. :/ They are so jealous!
After feeding the sheep...I went to the coops. Wednesday I went to a friends to pick up my 2 Welsummer roosters she got for me, and my 5 chicks. Im excited to start a new breed. Fed and watered 9 pens of poultry....then decided it was time to get the babies out of the bathroom, and into the coop. So..strip down the "brooder" in the Banty Shanty...get it all cleaned and ready for the babies...and brought them outside. They were NOT happy with thier new digs. They just wanted to sit in the corner..and hide. :/ I have a hen that hatched a few babies...and was in a cage inside the coop. Took her babies, and threw them in with the other chicks. Then had to get the cage out of the coop, clean it..and get it stored. Oh, momma hen, is now trying to set another batch of eggs...I DONT THINK SO!! I threw her outside to "cool off" :lol: Decided it was time to move the ducks. They were in a section of the Banty Shanty..with thier own run...but the mess inside was just too much. So....I have a small area...about 15 x 30 where I grow out Turkeys. There are only 2 left in there now, and 2 roosters I cant find a home for...so the roosters and ducks swapped places. Not sure if anyone has tried to catch 5 ducks, in a muddy messy run...note to self..." empty the pool AFTER you catch the ducks!" Yup, I ended on my behind a few times...in the mud. :sick Got the ducks moved..the roosters moved..filled the ducks a few water tubs...and settled the roosters in with clean bedding, food and water. they went straight to thier roost! Stood up there so tall and started crowing. I guess they approved. :love After my "mud bath" I decided to go ahead and weed the small garden a bit. Onions are coming along just great! Radishes...well..not so great. Looked over to the potatos...and altho I am excited they are growing well...I had to cuss a little under my breath at just how fast they are growing. I can't seem to keep up with them, and keep them covered. Guess I will work on them again tomorrow. Came in, got my shower...and made supper. Chili. Yes, chili in June! LOL It was a little cool outside today...so it just sounded good. Packed hubbys lunchbox, and got him set off to work...straightened the house a bit, then decided to go play bingo. Didnt win....but felt good to get out for a few hours. I dont know why I do that to myself...9 pm, get home...gather eggs, close coops, fill waterers and feeders...feed the cats...let the dogs out..and put on a pot of coffee. Ahhhhhhh...rest!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
What a beaut!!! But watch your eggs! I bet you jumped out of your socks! :lol: They are a great snake to have around, but when you want your eggs and chicks to stick around they just gotta go. :(


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Beekissed said:
What a beaut!!! But watch your eggs! I bet you jumped out of your socks! :lol: They are a great snake to have around, but when you want your eggs and chicks to stick around they just gotta go. :(
Oh, I MORE than jumped out of my skin...I think I peed a little! :/ Scared the beejeebers outta me!! I haven't "seen" it in the coops...but..now I am thinking..I have 22 large breed hens, and get less than a dozen eggs a day...Hmmmm...sneaky snake has GOT to go!