JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
7 June 09

Not much going on today...was up at 6:30..and outside my 8. I know...lazy me! I just wanted some time to enjoy my coffee in peace. Hubby sleeps in on the weekends, when he can. So a good cup of coffee, ( or 2) then out to the animals. Feed...water..open coops..windows..and get everyone going for the day. Grabbed a piece of welded wire fencing and wire cutters, and headed to the barn. Needed to get a window covered so I can open it for a good breeze. Ever try to put window covers on while 2 sheep are climbing your legs and back, wanting attention. So, I had to stop, and pet them for a little bit. After they were satisfied....back to the window. Finally got it done and gathered all my tools...back to the shop. Grabbed the shovel, and started on that darned ditch again. Only about 75 feet left to finish covering with dirt...and disperse the extra dirt. Got about half done and went to the porch for a rest when I hear hubby stirring inside. So, I went in and sat with him for a few minutes...he drank 2 cups of coffee..and out we went. Finished the ditch.... :weee Now...come on rain!!! We gassed up the mowers and each jumped on one to get the mowing done. This is usually a 2 day job, but because he worked yesterday...we had one day to get it all done. 4 Hours later...sunburned...parched..we finished. Man we were flying through that grass!! Its so funny...when I mow around the sheep fence...they will run to the fence, and start munching the grass on the edge really fast. I guess they are thinking they have to eat it before I mow it..which I cant. Silly sheep. :rolleyes: They would chase me from side to side....trying to eat the grass. They have PLENTY grass in the fence...but like to poke thier heads through to get the grass on the other side. Guess they think " the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" :lol: I have actually had to mow inside the fence twice...it has grown so fast, they can't keep up! The grass was almost as tall as Sonny Boy.
After the mowing..we came inside and I started dinner. Pork steaks on the George Forman grill. yummy! Pulled out a jar of home pickled beets and home made applesauce to go with it. Yummy! We both ate like starving animals! :D Oh, and the 2 turkey hens came off the nest today...with 4 little babies. Looks like 2 blue slate, one black spanish, and the other..im not sure. They left 10 eggs in the nest..so I gathered them up, and popped them in the incubator. 3 have pipped already! The wee ones can fit through the fencing...so I had to get some metal roofing panels, and fasten it to thier fence...to keep them in. Walked through the garden today..the corn is coming up nicely...the cucumbers are coming in great...and the beets will soon have to be thinned. We pulled the picnic table out of the shop the other day, and placed it under the trees, near the garden. What a great place to sit..and just enjoy the shade. Tomorrow we are supposed to get rain in the early evening...so I need to get in the small garden, and get the taters covered..again! Still no blossoms..but growing great! Come on taters!! Im tired and sunburned..and I think I am headed to bed.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Wow, sounds like your day was busy and full. I know it is all alot of hard work but isn't it great when it comes time to just unwind in the evenings and to look at everything that was accomplished and feel good about it. :D Get some rest!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
You are so right homestead....when all is said and done...sittin in the shade..with a big glass of iced tea and just looking around at all that is DONE..is a "good thing" But tragically....it usually ends with me sitting there, thinking of all the things left to do the next day. :rolleyes: Did the usual feeding and watering this morning, then headed out, armed with the water hose to water this pitifull garden. I could hear the plants sigh! ;) So, I am standing there watering and it starts to rain...went and turned the hose off....started to wrap it up, and it stops raining...UGH! What a tease! It rained a whole 2 minutes. So, back to watering. It starts raining again...I dont care, im watering!! Hubby comes out and says... " Are you crazy? Its raining and you are watering?" LOL I tried to tell him it would stop raining if I turned the hose off...he just shook his head, and went back inside. It did stop raining in a minute or two. All is watered...its hot...sun/clouds mix....so I decided to go back out and mulch the potatos. I Didnt realise how hot I was getting...untill it was too late. I got light headed..sweating terrible, but shivering. My hands are shakeing...and I am DONE for the day, other than watering the animals later this evening. I came inside, closed the house, and on came the air. Im a little sick to my stomach...cold sweat...and needing lots of water. No more for me today outside. Guess this old body is telling me to take a break.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
If it makes you feel any better I would have stood there holding the hose as well.

That picnic table sounds like the perfect place to sit a build a jigsaw puzzle. I wish I was there. :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Hey Tanks....building a puzzle..haven't done that in years. Hubby and I used to do one a month...now, we just dont seem to have the time. I miss it! Maybe I will dig out the old card table, and a puzzle, and set it up...just MAKE time.
Here is my picnic table...we got it last fall, from Lowes. They built one for display, and every time they would get one done, someone would buy it...so this one, they cut the legs off one end..so no one would want it. I got it for 10.00 and put new legs on it!



Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
10 June 09

Had a slow day today....I just cant seem to get motivated. I feel worn down, and lazy. It took all I had to get out this morning and do the morning chores....feeding and watering.
It stormed early on...so made for a day just laying in my jammies. I ended up falling alseep in my chair! ( I almost never do that unless I am sick) Finally drug my bum up...and started dinner for Hubby...for work. Made a steak with carmelized onions...cheesy taters...green beans with bacon..and opened a jar of peaches. Packed his lunch, and got him off to work. After the rain stopped...I walked to the gardens...to do damage assesment. Everything looks OK, except something is eating my green beans..and potatos..and its NOT me! Posted on the Easy garden, found out I have "flea Beetles" UGH! Got out the DE and sprinkled over everything. Read on a sight that DE is the best controll for these little buggers. Sure hope it works!
My turkey hens came off the nest the other day...left 10 eggs there, onlyhatched 4. So, BRAVE ME...went in there and swiped the 10 eggs. One was a dud, the others went in the bator...so far...4 hatched..the others are coming right along. I will have 13 more turkeys to sell...UGH!
This evening I saw an add on Freecycle someone had free lumber..so I called. Turned out the motel was tearing out one of thier buildings..and was offering the lumber from it. So..I went out to take a looksie. WOW! LOTS of great lumber there..and all free. I Loaded what I could in my S10...and will go back tomorrow hopefully with the trailor! I got 8 2x12's that are 10 ft long! We can always use lumber here. Seems we are building, or repairing something every year.
Here is what I got today....

I sure hope we can go back and get more...wish I would have been there before they tore it down, would have loved to get some windows and doors!
Oh well....another day...another great find.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Oh, BIG time coveting on your free lumber, Justusnak!!! :drool What a find and a half! One can never have too much lumber on hand, IMO. :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
I agree on never haveing too much lumber. The workshop has a lean-to on it....half of the lean-to is for lawn mowers and the likes, the other half is stacked with lumber of almost every kind. Any time we have a "project" we check the lean-to, and usually have all we need. Something is always needing repaired around here..so any free lumber we can get..I go grab it up and fast! Hopeing to go back today, and get another load...before they put it all in the dumpsters! I saw 2 large pieces of glass next to the dumpsters....I am going to ask about those we well. They look to be about 3 ft x 5 ft smoke colored glass. 2 more pieces for my greenhouse...I will one day build! LOL ;)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
12 June 09

2 more turkeys hatched...thats a total of 6 out of the 9 she left in the nest.( there was 10 but one was not good) The other 3 are still moveing around in the incubator. The hen has 4...I hope I can get them from her in a week or so. She is SUPER protective, since I took the last ones. :rolleyes:
Worked in the small garden today...the potatos are really growing with all the rain. Onions are about egg sized....growing great! Cauliflour is just started to make heads...yum. My first try with it. Not sure on the cabbage...no heads yet. :/ I have the straw pushed up pretty well...keeping the leaves tight, hopeing they will start to head soon. Raddishes are about finished...im thinking to start another bunch. I just love raddishes! :p
I went back to the site where I got the wood the other day....there were 2 trucks, with large trailors, loading it all up. DARN! Oh well...I was lucky to get what I got. I decided while I was in town, to head to the Dollar Tree. I just love that little store...everything a dollar. I splurged on a few decorations for the 4th of July. Since Hubby is retired DAV, we really do it big! Our yard tends to look like America puked in our yard. Flags...red white and blue ribbons, and bows everywhere...Yeah...proud to be American. :cool:
I painted a new egg sign for out front. It looks pretty good if I do say so myself. :D Put the sign back out advertiseing turkeys for sale. Hope to get them sold before they get too big. I really dont have a place for them....other than thier brooder. Once they outgrow it...im in trouble! LOL
Did the evening chores....sat with the sheep for a little bit, and fly sprayed them. They were getting eaten alive! Poor things. On my way back to the house I passed the big garden..and stopped for a while to pull a few weeds from there as well. Tomorrow I am going to make a day of it. Me and my gardens, AFTER I get the laundry on the line. Will have to get that going early in the AM. I have a spot in the garden that didnt get planted...so I am thinking to plant Zinnias and Sunflowers in there. Hope I am not too late. I can't believe its already the middle of June! Todays temps were in the upper 60's most of the day...I think we FINALLY reaches mid 70's right before the sun started to set. Wierd weather for sure.
Well, time fo rmy shower..and bed...tomorrow is a busy day!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
That picnic table looks just perfect and such a good price. Great find on the wood. Sorry you could not get the glass you wanted.

Sounds like you have a serious bunch of turkeys on your hands. Have you sold them before? I can't remember.

Have a great day in the gardens tomorrow. Sounds like fun. :D