keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
keljonma said:
Henrietta23 said:
I have three GLW pullets that I'm not supposed to have. They were supposed to be a Sicilian Buttercup and two EEs. The person who ordered them didn't have them marked so she was guessing when she gave me my chicks. She got three right so I have one of my Buttercups and my two BOs. I've never had GLWs before but they were on my "someday" list. If they turn out as pretty as Jackie I'll be very happy! :cool:
We used to have a Buttercup - Ellen Wilson. She was a beautiful, friendly pullet. She died of Round Heart Disease, which is a heart attack. It is similar to sudden death, but she did not have the convulsions. I cried for days when she died.
:lol: I went to Woodrow Wilson High School! Love it! I'm sorry you lost her though. Never easy. :(


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Keljonma all of your ladies are gorgeous. I wish some of my birds looked half as good as yours.

Your southern view is beautiful. And yes it seem you are very organized and detail oriented.

I bet your cook book collection is amazing. I can just picture it. :ep


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Keljonma!
I was just in the Madison Goodwill store and was told that the Painesville Goodwill is closing. Goodwill is having trouble locally competing with the garage and yard sales, price wise and with lack of donations. I remarked about the economic climate should have their sales booming, but the employee said it has had the opposite effect. They think Madison is safe for now and will receive some of Painesville's contents.

Madison has two hot new restaurants on Main Street- Cornerstone Brewery and His Majesties on the Park. His Majesties is not a tea house but has a chef creating a more complex cuisine. I haven't been to either but there are virtually no parking spaces due to the popularity. They had valet parking for the brewery. I went on the Madison House and Garden Tour 2 weeks ago where I picked up a menu for His Majesties at one of the homes.

ETA for a wandering comma


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
Reaction score
His Majesties on the Park is still in the bank building.
Before Frank Ashton (Madison High art teacher)put his Frank's Place restaurant in it many years ago, it went up for sale @ 60k. DH really wanted to buy it, but even if we had -no one seems to be able to keep a business in it for long. When Frank had it the giant safe/vault was still in and they placed the bathroom in it.

I'm on vacation right now, if you can call it that! So much to do around here.

DH is using everyone's suggestions for more sodium. He is even trying the salt tablets that he was told not to. I can tell a bit of a difference. He was getting so irritable and wouldn't let me finish any conversational sentence that I had seriously considered asking the Clinic to do a psychiatric evaluation. When I read about hyponatremia symptoms in depth I saw irritability listed. That has disappeared in the last two days.
We had three falling episodes; one out of the bed and two in the bathroom. He is much steadier.
Cellcept causes diarrhea big time, which I think is a contributor. We have complained for a year about it, but he needs it so we have to work around it.

I was reading your thread about the church taking Mellingers' and calling the program "Goodness Grows". Did you know that is the patented name of a Speedwell/Veronica? I have some "Goodness Grows" which is a deep blue flower, but for my garden has a kind of weedy growing habit.

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